Botany Question Bank pdf | Botany Multiple Choice Questions

Botany Question Bank pdf | Botany Multiple Choice Questions: We are going to cover Botany MCQs (Botany Question Bank pdf | Botany Multiple Choice Questions). Main Purpose to cover the Botany is to help those students who can’t buy mock tests for regular exams and for competitive examinations. these Botany questions are asked in many exams like IIT JAM, NEST, ICAR AIEEA, AIIMS Entrance Exam, JEST, TIFR GS, JNUEE, BioInformatics National Certification (BINC), Indian Statistical Institute Admission Test, INAT Test, GATE Science, NEET, UGC NET, GATE Life Sciences, GATE Biotechnology, UPSC, PPSC, Ph.D and many more.

Botany and Zoology Chapters MCQs for NEET | Botany Science

1. Principles of Taxonomy

2. Classification of Living World

3. Structure of Bacterial Cell and Bacteriophage

4. Fungi and Lichens

5. Cryptogams

6. Phanerogams

7. Morphology and Vegetative Organs (Root, Stem and Leaf)

8. Morphology of Reproductive Organs (Plants)

9. Tissue

10. Histological Organisation of Root and Shoot Apex

11. Internal Structure of Root, Stem and Leaf

12. Secondary Growth in Root and Stem of Dicot (Sunflower)

13. Wood Anatomy

14. Development of Male Gametophytes

15. Development of Female Gametophyte

16. Pollination

17. Fertilisation and Development of an Embryo

18. Structure, Development and Types of Endosperm

19. Structure of Dicot and Monocot Seed

20. Ultrastructure of Cell and Chromosome

21. Cell Cycle, Cell Division and Cell Signalling

22. Basis of Genetics and Mendelian Law of Inheritance

23. Chromosomes and their Behaviour

24. Sex Determination, Mutation and Chromosomal Aberration

25. Gene Expression

26. Regulation of Gene Expression

27. Evolution

28. Plant-Water Relation and Transpiration

29. Mineral Nutrition and Transport of Water and Organic Solute

30. Photosynthesis and Respiration

31. Plant Growth and Development

32. Role of Microbes in Human Welfare (Part I)

33. Microbes in Healthcare and Medicine

34. Control Methods of Plant Disease

35. Introduction to Ecology and Environment

36. Biogeochemical Cycles

37. Organism, Population and their Community

38. Biodiversity

39. Environmental Pollution and Global Warming

40. Biotechnology

41. Basic Concepts of Plant Breeding

42. Hybridisation and Heterosis

43. Plant Resource Utilisation

44. Analytical Techniques in Plant Science

45. Biostatistics

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