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Agriculture MCQ online test | Agriculture Class 10 MCQ
Land Measurement MCQs
1. One Acre is equal to how many hectares?
a. 0.405 hectares
b. 0.305 hectares
c. 0.505 hectares
d. 0.605 hectares
Ans. a
2. One Register ton is equal to:
a. 100 cubic feet
b. 300 cubic feet
c. 200 cubic feet
d. 400 cubic feet
Ans. a
3. One Acre is equal to how many Bigha?
a. 4 Bigha
b. 2 Bigha
c. 3 Bigha
d. 8 Bigha
Ans. a
4. One Acre is equal to how many Square Yards?
a. 4840 Square Yards
b. 4440 Square Yards
c. 4540 Square Yards
d. 4640 Square Yards
Ans. a
5. One Acre is equal to how many Biswa?
a. 16 Biswa
b. 12 Biswa
c. 14 Biswa
d. 18 Biswa
Ans. a
6. 100 square cm constitute 1 square decimeter. How many square decimeters constitute 1 square metre?
a. 100 sq. decimeter
b. 200 sq. decimeter
c. 300 sq. decimeter
d. 400 sq. decimeter
Ans. a
7. 1 metre consists of:
a. 100 cm
b. 1000 millimetres
c. 10 decimetres
d. All of these
Ans. d
8. What figure in decametres shows 10 metres?
a. 1 decametres
b. 2 decametres
c. 3 decametres
d. 4 decametres
Ans. a
9. 1 square mile is equal to how many hectares?
a. 259 hectares
b. 269 hectares
c. 279 hectares
d. 289 hectares
Ans. a
10. 1 mile is equal to:
a. 1760 feet
b. 1560 feet
c. 1660 feet
d. 1860 feet
Ans. a
11. 1 sq. foot is equal to:
a. 144 sq. inches
b. 244 sq. inches
c. 444 sq. inches
d. 344 sq. inches
Ans. a
12. How many square metres are there in 1 hectare?
a. 1000
b. 2000
c. 3000
d. 4000
Ans. a
13. 100 hectares are equal to:
a. 1 sq. kilometer
2. 3 sq. kilometer
3. 2 sq. kilometer
d. 4 sq. kilometer
Ans. a
14. How many cubic millimeters constitute 1 cubic centimeter?
a. 1000
b. 2000
c. 3000
d. 4000
Ans. a
15. What is constitutes by 1000 cubic centimeters?
a. 1 cu. Decimeter
b. 2 cu. Decimeter
c. 3 cu. Decimeter
4. 5 cu. Decimeter
Ans. a
16. 1000 cubic decimetres constitute 1 cubic metre. How many metres are there in 1 cu. decametre?
a. 1000
b. 2000
c. 3000
d. 4000
Ans. a
17. How many angstroms are there in 1 nanometre?
a. 10
b. 12
c. 11
d. 13
Ans. a
18. How many yards are there in 1 sq. rood, polo or perch?
a. 304 1/2
b. 50472
c. 404 1/2
d. 604 1/2
Ans. a
19. 40 sq. roods make:
a. 1 rood
b. 3 rood
c. 2 rood
d. 4 rood
Ans. a
20. 1 foot consists of 12 inche
a. 3
b. 6
c. 4
d. 5
21. Sarsahi is a unit of:
a. Area
b. Volume
c. Length
d. Land Revenue
Ans. a
22. Field Map is basically a surveyed paper map at different scales depending upon village area, normally at a scale of 1″ =
a. 4 Karam
b.44 Karam
c. 45 Karam
d. 46 Karam
Ans. a
23. Mention the metres in 1 Kilometre?
a. 4 roods
b. 1 roods
c. 3 roods
d. 2 roods
Ans. a
24. Mention the metres in 1 Kilometre?
b. 5000
c. 2000
d. 4000
25. How many furlongs make 1 mile?
a. 8
b. 7
c. 6
Ans. a
26. 1 fathom consists of 6 feet. How many fathoms make 1 cable length?
a. 100 fathoms
b. 200 fathoms
c. 300 fathoms
d. 400 fathoms
Ans. a
27. How many feet constitute 1 nautical mile?
a. 6080
b. 5080
c. 4080
d. 7080
Ans. a
28. 4840 sq. yards constitute 1 acre. How many acres make 1 sq. mile?
a.64 acres
b. 54 acres
c. 74 acres
d. None of these
Ans. a
29. How many cubic inches are there in 1 cubic foot ?
a. 1728 cubic inches
b. 1628 cubic inches
c. 1528 cubic inches
d. 1228 cubic inches
Ans. a
30. 1 rood, pole or perch consist constitute 1 chain ?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
Ans. a
31. How many chains consitute of 1 furlong ?
a. 10 chains
b. 11 chains
c. 13 chains
d. 15 chains
Ans. a
32. What is Karam ?
a. Unit of length
b. Unit of volume
c. Unit of width
d. Unit of height
Ans. a
33. What is vemacular word which is used for acre ?
a. karam
b. kila
c. bigha
d. sarsahi
Ans. a
34. 27 cubic feet make 1 cubic yard. How many cubic feet barrel ?
a. 3.8 cubic feet
b. 5.8 cubic feet
c. 4.8 cubic feet
d. 2.8 cubic feet
Ans. a
35. 1 karam is equal to how many
a. 5.5 feet
b. 2.5 feet
c. 3.5 feet
d. 4.5 feet
Ans. a
36. 11 marla is equal to how many sq. karams ?
a. 9 sq. karams
b. 1 sq. karams
c. 29 sq. karams
d. 39 sq. karams
Ans. a
37. 40 marlas is equal to how many
a. 2 kanaal
b. 1 kanaal
c. 3 kanaal
d. 4 kanaal
Ans. a
38. 1 keela is equal to how many kanaals ?
a. 8 kanaals
b. 5 kanaals
c. 6 kanaals
d. 9 kanaals
Ans. a
39. 1 marabba is equal to how many ?
a.15 keelas
b. 20 keelas
c. 25 keelas
d. 28 keelas
Ans. a
40. 1 hectare is equal to how many acres ?
a.4.47 acres
b. 3.47 acres
c. 5.47 acres
d. 2.47 acres
Ans. a
41. What is Bisa ?
a. One-twentieth of a bigha
b. One-twentieth of a ghumao
c. One-twentieth of a kanal
d. One-twentieth of a keela
Ans. a
42. What is Biswansi ?
a. One-twentieth of a biswa
b. Bachh
c. Bach and One-tenth of a biswa
d. None of these
Ans. a
43. 1 Bigha is equal to how many Square yards ?
a. 1008 Square Yards
b. 1208 Square Yards
c. 1308 Square Yards
d. 1408 Square Yards
Ans. a
44. 12 Biswas is equal to how many Kanaals ?
a. 1 kanaal
b. 2 kanaals
c. 3 kanaals
d. 4 kanaals
Ans. a
45. 1 acre is equal to how many kanaals ?
a. 8 kanaals
b. 6 kanaals
c. 10 kanaals
d.16 kanaals
Ans. a
46. 1 Bigha is equal to how many Biswas ?
a. 20 Biswas
b. 10 Biswas
c. 40 Biswas
d. 30 Biswas
Ans. a
47. 1 Biswa is equal to how many Square Yards ?
a. 50 Square Yards
b. 20 Square Yards
c. 30 Square Yards
d. 40 Square Yards
Ans. a
48. 1 acre is equal to how many Marlas ?
a. 160 Marlas
b. 180 Marlas
c. 150 Marlas
d. 140 Marlas
Ans. a
49. 1 Kanal is equal to how many Marlas ?
a. 20 Marlas
b. 40 Marlas
c. 25 Marlas
d. 60 Marlas
Ans. a
1.The biennial crop is:
a. Paddy
b. Sugarbeet
c. Tobacco
d. Castor
Ans. b
2. Which variety of groundnut is spreading in nature :
a. T – 64
b. Kaushal
c. Amber
d. Chitra
Ans. c
3. Avarodhi variety of chickpea is resistant against disease of :
a. Rust
b. Blight
c. Wilt
d. Powdary mildew
Ans. c
4. UPAS 120 is a short duration variety of :
a. Gram
b. Wheat
c. Arhar
d. Soybean
Ans. c
5. Which paddy variety is specially recommended for usar soils :
a. Lakara
b. Madhukar
c. Mahsuri
d. Swarna
Ans. a
6. Which one is the scented variety of rice :
a. CSR – 10
b. N – 12
c. CSR – 13
d. T – 22A
Ans. b
7. The cash crop is :
a. Lentil
b. Paddy
c. Sugarcane
d. Mustard
Ans. c
8. The stimulant crop is :
a. Maize
b. Potato
c. Tobacco
d. Til
Ans. c
9. The cereal crop is :
a. Linseed
b. Wheat
c. Castor
d. Cowpea
Ans. b
10. The legume crop treated as oilseed crop is :
a. Chickpea
b. Groundnut
c. Til
d. Lathyrus
Ans. b
11. Which one is late sown variety of wheat :
a. UP 2003
b. HD 2329
c. K 9107
d. K 7903
Ans. d
12. The most suitable vaariety for late sown gram is :
a. Bahar
b. Amar
c. UPAS 120
d. Laxmi
Ans. b
13. The most suitable variety for late sown gram is :
a. K 850
b. KPG 59
c. KWR 108
d. Sadabahar
Ans. b
14. The scientific name of field pea is:
a. Pisum sativum var. arvense
b. Pisum sativum var. hortense
c. Pisum sativum var. leguminosarum
d. Pisum sativum var. esculentum
Ans. d
15. The scientific name of vegetable pea is:
a. Pisum sativum var. arvense
b. Pisum sativum var. hortense
c. Pisum sativum var. leguminosarum
d. Pisum sativum var. esculentum
Ans. b
16. The type of germination in field pea is called:
a. Hypogeal
b. Epigeal
c. Hypo- epigeal
d. Epi- hypogeal
Ans. a
17. Arhar (pigeonpea) commonly known as:
a. Red gram
b. Black gram
c. Bengal gram
d. Horse gram
Ans. a
18. The first most important Indian pulse crop is:
a. Chickpea
b. Pigeonpea
c. Cow pea
d. Field pea
Ans. a
19. The second most important Indian pulse crop is:
a. Chickpea
b. Pigeonpea
c. Cow pea
d. Field pea
Ans. b
20. The temporary roots in maize root system are:
a. Seminal roots
b. Aerial roots
c. Crown roots
d. Coronal roots
Ans. a
21. The pH range for successful cultivation of maize was started from:
a. 6.5-8.5
b. 7.5-8.5
c. 7.5-9.5
d. 5.5-7.5
Ans. d
22. The type of germination in mungbean is known as:
a. Epigeal
b. Hypogeal
c. Hypo-epigeal
d. Epi-hypogeal
Ans. a
23. The pH range suitable for soybean cultivation is:
a. 5.0-6.0
b. 7.0-8.5
c. 5.5-6.5
d. 6.0-7.5
Ans. d
24. Kayan sona is a:
a. Tall wheat
b. Triple gene dwarf
c. Single gene dwarf
d. Double gene dwarf
Ans. c
25. PBW 343 is the variety of:
a. Rice
b. Wheat
c. Barley
d. Oat
Ans. b
26. Jawahar is the variety of maize:
a. Composite
b. Open pollinated
c. Hybrid
d. Desi
Ans. a
27. Himalayan-123 is the variety of maize:
a. Composite
b. Open pollinated
c. Hybrid
d. Desi
Ans. c
28. Recently released hybrid sorghum variety for saline soil is:
a. CSH 29
b. CSH 19
c. CSH 9
d. CSH 1
Ans. a
29. Which of the following is a cash crop?
a. Potato
b. Tobacco
c. Cotton
d. All of these
Ans. d
30. Morden is the variety of:
a. Sunflower
b. Rapeseed and mustard
c. Castor
d. Linseed
Ans. a
31. Sunflower crop is grown in all seasons because of:
a. Determinate growth habit
b. Photosensitivity
c. Photo insensitivity
d. None of these
Ans. c
32. Which variety is released to oilseeds?
a. Janak
b. Varuna
c. Ganga-5
d. CSH 4
Ans. b
33. Which variety of the following is related to fibre crop?
a. Nalanda Sanni
b. Sonali
c. Mahalaxmi
d. All of these
Ans. d
34. Which of the following is commonly used to green manuring?
a. Potato
b. Dhaincha
c. Green gram
d. Both b and c
Ans. d
35. The root emerging from a sugarcane sett are known as:
a. Sett roots
b. Shoot roots
c. Primary roots
d. Secondary roots
Ans. a
36. The inflorescence of sugarcane is called a:
a. Spike
b. Arrow
c. Tassel
d. Panicle
Ans. b
37. Sugarcane is a:
a. Vegetable crop
b. Forge crop
c. Tuber crop
d. Sugar crop
Ans. d
38. Sugarbeet is a:
a. Annual plant
b. Biennial plant
c. Perennial plant
d. None of these
Ans. a
39. The sucrose found in sugar beet:
a. Stem
b. Leaves
c. Roots
d. Inflorescence
Ans. d
40. Sugarbeet is grown during:
a. Rabi
b. Kharif
c. Zaid
d. Rabi and Kharif
Ans. a
41. Sunflower is sown in:
a. Rabi season
b. Kharif season
c. Zaid season
d. All the seasons
Ans. d
42. During Kharif season sunflower takes days to mature:
a. 80-90
b. 90-100
c. 100-110
d. 100-150
Ans. a
43. The optimum pH range for sunflower is:
a. 5.5-7.5
b. 6.5-8.5
c. 7.5-9.5
d. 7.0-9.0
Ans. b
44. The best pH range for jute cultivation is:
a. 5.0-6.5
b. 6.0-7.0
c. 7.0-8.5
d. 8.0-9.5
Ans. b
45. Normally tobacco crop is grown in which season:
a. Rabi
b. Kharif
c. Summer
d. Spring
Ans. a
46. In Karnataka tobacco crop is grown in which season:
a. Rabi
b. Kharif
c. Summer
d. Spring
Ans. b
47. Autumn rice in W.B. is known as:
a. Asu
b. Mun
c. Boro
d. Aman
Ans. a
48. Spring rice in W.B. is known as:
a. Asu
b. Mun
c. Boro
d. Aman
Ans. d
49. Kharif rice in W.B. is known as:
a. Asu
b. Mun
c. Boro
d. Aman
Ans. c
50. Aromatic grasses belong to the family of:
a. Gramineae
b. Poaceae
c. Leguminoceae
d. Tiliaceae
Ans. b
51. Which species of sugarcane is referred as noble cane?
a. Saccharum harberi
b. Saccharum officinarum
c. Saccharum spontanium
d. Saccharum sinense
Ans. b
52. Which crop is grown in utera cultivation:
a. Gram
b. Lentil
c. Pea
d. Sorghum
Ans. b
53. Which crop is not suitable for green manuring?
a. Berseen
b. Moong
c. Sanai
d. Dhainc
Ans. a
54. Varuna is a variety of:
a. Indian mustard
b. Rape seed
c. Black sarson
d. Brown sarson
Ans. a
55. Kiran is a variety of:
a. Brassica juncia
b. Brassica napus
c. Brassica carinata
d. Brassica compestris
Ans. c
MCQ on Agriculture class 10 online test| Agriculture mcq class 10
56. Horse gram is also known as:
a. Chickpea
b. Pigeonpea
c. Mungbean
d. Sword bean
Ans. a
57. Arkel is a variety of:
a. Groundnut
b. Arhar
c. Pea
d. Toria
Ans. c
58. The crop grown in all the three seasons under UP conditions is:
a. Paddy
b. Wheat
c. Sunflower
d. Groundnut
Ans. c
59. The crop sown in the month of July is called:
a. Summer season crop
b. Kharif season crop
c. Rabi season crop
d. Spring season crop
Ans. b
60. Which of the following crop fixes nitrogen?
a. Alfalfa
b. Red clover
c. Cowpea
d. All of these
Ans. d
61. Which crop is not fixes nitrogen?
a. Alfalfa
b. Red clover
c. Cowpea
d. Rajmas
Ans. d
62. Pulses fit well in cropping system as they are:
a. Short duration crops
b. Disease-resistant crops
c. Long duration crops
d. Moisture stress resistant crops
Ans. a
63. Sugarcane is a:
a. Cash crop
b. Trap crop
c. Cover crop
d. None of these
Ans. a
class 10 agriculture mcq online test | Agriculture class 10 mcq pdf
64. Which one is not the variety of American cotton?
a. Sujata
b. Digvijaya
c. Laxmi
d. Mahalaxmi
Ans. b
65. Which one is the species of American cotton?
a. Gossypium hirsutum
b. Gossypium borbadence
c. Both of these
d. None of these
Ans. c
66. Brassica compestris is known as:
a. Sarson
b. Toria
c. Mustard
d. Taramira
Ans. a
67. The botanical name of mustard is:
a. Brassica compestris
b. Brassica napus
c. Brassica juncea
d. None of these
Ans. c
68. Kranti is the variety of:
a. Mustard
b. Sarson
c. Toria
d. Taramira
Ans. a
69. The word Fuzz refers to:
a. Course fibre
b. Fine fibre
c. Jute fibre
d. Sanai fibre
Ans. b
70. Major constitute is of cotton fibre:
a. Fat
b. Lignin
c. Cellulose
d. Protein
Ans. c
71. Nicotine content in chewing tobacco is:
a. 1-2%
b. 3-4%
c. 5-6%
d. 8-9%
Ans. d
Agriculture class 10 mcq online test | Agriculture class 10 mcq with answers
72. Nicotine content in cigarette tobacco is:
a. 1-2%
b. 3-4%
c. 5-6%
d. 8-9%
Ans. a
73. Nicotine content in cigar tobacco is:
a. 1-2%
b. 3-4%
c. 5-6%
d. 6-7%
Ans. d
74. Nicotine content in burley tobacco is:
a. 1-2%
b. 3-4%
c. 5-6%
d. 8-9%
Ans. b
75. Nicotine content in bidi tobacco is:
a. 1-2%
b. 3-4%
c. 5-6%
d. 8-9%
Ans. c
76. Which is as inset trap crop:
a. Paddy
b. Arhar
c. Bhindi
d. Potato
Ans. c
77. First dwarf variety of rice developed in India is:
a. Jaya
b. Prasad
c. PD-4
d. None of these
Ans. a
78. Aroma in scented rice is due to the presence of:
a. 1 Acetyle- 1 pyralin
b. 2 Acetyle- 1 pyralin
c. 1 Acetyle- 2 pyralin
d. 2 Acetyle- 2 pyralin
Ans. b
79. Recently released Basmati variety of rice is:
a. Vasumati
b. Pusa- suganda-2
c. Pusa- suganda-3
d. All the above
Ans. d
80. In North India, maize crop is mainly sown in:
a. Kharif
b. Rabi
c. Spring
d. Rabi and Kharif
Ans. a
81. Which one is the vegetable type variety of soybean?
a. Willomel
b. Green soya
c. Imperical
d. All of these
Ans. a
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82. Pungency of mustard oil is caused by presence of:
a. Amino acid
b. Erucic acid
c. Glucosinolates
d. None of these
Ans. c
83. Which one is a multicut variety of sorghum?
a. UP Chari-1
b. Pant Chari-3
c. MP Chari
d. Pusa Chari-
Ans. c
84. Which one is the dual purpose variety of sorghum?
a. CSV- 15
b. Pant Chari-5
c. CSH-13 R
d. All the above
Ans. d
85. Crude protein content in Hybrid Napier grass is:
a. 5.2%
b. 10.2%
c. 14.2%
d. 18.3%
Ans. b
86. Hybrid napier is a cross of:
a. Sorghum X Bajra
b. Bajra X Napier
c. Napier X Sudan grass
d. Napier X Sorghuum
Ans. b
87. Napier grass is multiples through:
a. Seed
b. Stem
c. Root
d. Both b and c
Ans. d
88. Pennisetum pedicellatum is a botanical name of:
a. Napier grass
b. Dinanath grass
c. Sudan grass
d. Phulva grass
Ans. c
89. Which one is the blast resistant variety of rice?
a. Pant Dhan 4
b. Govind
c. Jaya
d. All of these
Ans. d
90. Which one is not the scented variety of rice?
a. T – 3
b. Basmati – 1
c. N – 12
d. T – 23
Ans. d
class 10th agriculture mcq | mcq on agriculture with answers
91. Will resistant variety of gram is:
a. JG – 315
b. VG – 244
c. Pusa – 212
d. All of these
Ans. a
92. Which one is not the late maturing variety of gram?
a. Radhey
b. Pant G 114
c. Avrodhi
d. Pusa 372
Ans. c
93. Which crop is grown in Rabi season?
a. Okra
b. Pea
c. Potato
d. Both b and c
Ans. d
94. Which of the following is not a kabuli gram variety?
a. L – 550
b. Pusa 267
c. Pragati
d. All of these
Ans. d
95. Which of the following is not a late maturing kabuli gram variety?
a. L – 550
b. Pusa 267
c. Phule G0517
d. All of these
Ans. c
96. Which of the following is a gram variety lodging tolerant is?
a. Pusa 256
b. Sadbhavna
c. DCP 92-3
d. All of these
Ans. c
97. Which of the following is not a pea variety?
a. Shikha
b. Sapna
c. Swati
d. Mallika
Ans. d
agriculture class 10 1 mark questions | agriculture mcq pdf | agriculture multiple choice questions and answers
98. Which of the following is a lentil variety?
a. Mallika
b. K – 75
c. Priya
d. All of these
Ans. d
99. Which of the following variet of pea is suitable for mountain agriculture?
a. VL Matar 3
b. VL Ageti Matar 7
c. Vivek Matar
d. All of these
Ans. d
100. Which one is not a spreading type variety of groundnut?
a. Jyoti
b. Jawahar 2
c. T-32
d. None of these
Ans. d
101. Kadiri-3 is the variety of:
a. Groundnut
b. Pea
c. Lentil
d. Sesamum
Ans. a
102. Pragati is a varity of:
a. Pigeonpea
b. Gram
c. Pea
d. Lentil
Ans. b
103. Day neutal crop is:
a. Rice
b. Wheat
c. Sunflower
d. All of these
Ans. c
104. Which one of the bunching type variety of ground nut?
a. T-25
b. T-28
c. T-33
d. T-99
Ans. c
105. Which one is the first dwarf variety of rice in India?
a. IR-8
b. Balu
c. Jaya
d. Ratna
Ans. c
106. Specific leaf weight is equal to:
a. Leaf weight/ leaf area
b. Leaf weight/ plant weight
c. Plant weight/ leaf weight
d. None of these
Ans. b
107. Which one is the single cut variety of oat?
a. Kent
b. OS-6
c. OS-7
d. None of these
Ans. d
108. What is the economic part of poppy?
a. Root
b. Stem
c. Capsule
d. Leaves
Ans. c
109. The recommended variety of pigeonpea wheat cropping system is:
a. T7
b. T17
c. Bahar
d. UPAS 120
Ans. d
110. Parodovic is the variety of:
a. Soyabean
b. Sunflower
c. Sugarcane
d. Sesame
Ans. b
Basic agriculture mcqs book pdf | agriculture multiple choice questions and answers pdf
111. Wheat variety suitable for rainfed areas is:
a. HD 2329
b. HD 2285
c. Lok 1
d. PBW 343
Ans. c
112. ICPL 187 is a variety of:
a. Chickpea
b. Pigeonpea
c. Cowpea
d. Lentil
Ans. b
113. Gauri, Sweta and Versha are newly released varieties of:
a. Rice
b. Hybrid rice
c. Maize
d. Sorghum
Ans. a
114. Pusa RH 10, HRI-120, PHV 71 and APHR are newly released hybrid varieties of:
a. Rice
b. Hybrid rice
c. Maize
d. Sorghum
Ans. a
115. Pusa hybrid-1, Shaktiman-1 and Shaktiman-2 varieties of maize are rich in:
a. Protein
b. Fat
c. Carbohydrates
d. Starch
Ans. a
116. Kanchan (NLS 4) is a prominent variet of tobacco for:
a. Northern light soil
b. Southern light soil
c. Black soil
d. All of these
Ans. a
117. Hema and Gauthami are prominent varieties of tobacco for:
a. Northern light soil
b. Southern light soil
c. Black soil
d. All of these
Ans. c
118. Anand 119 (A-119) is a prominent variety is:
a. Bidi
b. Flue cured variety
c. Cigar
d. Chewing
Ans. a
119. Gujarat tobacco 9 (GT9) is a prominent variety is:
a. Bidi
b. Flue cured variety
c. Cigar
d. Chewing
Ans. a
120. Manasi is recently released chewing tobacco variety of:
a. Motihari
b. Jati
c. Both of these
d. None of these
Ans. b
121. Torsa is recently released chewing tobacco variety of:
a. Motihari
b. Jati
c. Both of these
d. None of these
Ans. a
122. Dharla is a chewing tobacco variety of:
a. Hemti (Late type)
b. Bitri (Early type)
c. Both of these
d. None of these
Ans. a
123. Vijay, Amber, Sona and Kisan is composite varieties of:
a. Wheat
b. Maize
c. Rice
d. Jowar
Ans. b
124. Salt tolerant barley varieties are:
a. Amber
b. Jyoti
c. Azad
d. All of these
Ans. d
125. 6 rows tolerant barley varieties are:
a. C 138
b. PL 56
c. C 164
d. All of these
Ans. d
126. Which barley varieties are most suited for malt purposes:
a. Amber
b. Jyoti
c. Azad
d. All of these
Ans. a
127. Huskless barley varieties are:
a. Karan-19
b. Ratna
c. Amber
d. All of these
Ans. a
128. Dual purpose and high yielding varieties of Bajra is:
a. PCB 164
b. BJ 104
c. BK 560
d. HB 68
Ans. a
129. Indaf-1, Indaf-5 and sharda are important varieties of:
a. Finger millet (Ragi)
b. Proso millet (cheena)
c. Bernyard millet (Sawan)
d. Kodon millet (Kodon)
Ans. a
130. CO1, MS 4872, MS 4884 and Bhavna are important varieties of:
a. Finger millet (Ragi)
b. Proso millet (cheena)
c. Bernyard millet (Sawan)
d. Kodon millet (Kodon)
Ans. b
131. ISC 700, ISC 701, Pratap Kangni 1 and Nischal are important varieties of:
a. Finger millet (Ragi)
b. Proso millet (cheena)
c. Foxtail millet (Kukum)
d. Kodon millet (Kodon)
Ans. c
132. UP 319 is a variety of:
a. Paddy
b. Wheat
c. Jowar
d. Bajra
Ans. b
133. Niwas 1, Dindori73, Pali and JK 76 are important varieties of:
a. Finger millet (Ragi)
b. Proso millet (cheena)
c. Bernyard millet (Sawan)
d. Kodon millet (Kodon)
Ans. d
134. Anurag, Chandan, IPM 149 and IPM 151 are important varieties of:
a. a. Finger millet (Ragi)
b. Proso millet (cheena)
c. Bernyard millet (Sawan)
d. Kodon millet (Kodon)
Ans. c
135. Bragg, Lee, Clark 63 and improved pelicone are important varieties of:
a. Soyabean
b. Wheat
c. Sunflower
d. Sefflower
Ans. a
136. Shilajeet, Ankur, Alankar and Gaurav are important varieties of:
a. Soyabean
b. Wheat
c. Sunflower
d. Sefflower
Ans. a
137. Sonali, Sabujsona, Shyamli, Reshma, Padma and Baldev are important varieties of which jute species:
a. Corchorus antichorous
b. Corchorus acutangulus
c. Corchorus capsularis
d. Corchorus olitoris
Ans. c
138. Which one is barley variety:
a. Sonalika
b. Naveen
c. Azad
d. Sona
Ans. c
139. Basudev, Naveen, Mahadev, Savitri and Rabti are important varieties of which jute species:
a. Corchorus antichorous
b. Corchorus acutangulus
c. Corchorus capsularis
d. Corchorus olitoris
Ans. d
140. Which one is a oat variety:
a. Sonalika
b. Naveen
c. Azad
d. Kent
Ans. d
141. Which of the following variety are related to oilseeds?
a.CSH 4
b. Janak
c. Ganga 5
d. Varuna
Ans. d
142. Rajkoo is a variety of:
a. Paddy
b. Wheat
c. Jowar
d. Bajra
Ans. d
143. Which wheat variety is suitable for sodic soil:
a. K-68
b. K 8027
c. HP 1102
d. Raj 3077
Ans. d
144. Chickpea variety is suitable for sodic soil is:
a. Karnal Chana
b. DCP 92-3
c. KWR 108
d. JG 315
Ans. a
145. Which variety of arhar is suitable for double cropping system:
a. Bahar
b. Type 7
c. Type 17
d. UPAS 120
Ans. d
146. Chandra, TMV 3, Type 28 and C 501 are important varieties of groundnut are:
a. Spreading Type
b. Bunch type
c. Semi spreading type
d. None of these
Ans. a
147. TMV1, TMV2, TMV9, Jyoti and Kuber are important varieties of groundnut are:
a. Spreading Type
b. Bunch type
c. Semi spreading type
d. None of these
Ans. b
148. Sangam, Bhawani and Shivani are important varieties of:
a. Toria
b. Yellow sarson
c. Brown sarson
d. Rai or raya
Ans. a
149. K88, Pusa Karishma and Pusa Bahar are important varieties of:
a. Toria
b. Yellow sarson
c. Brown sarson
d. None of these
Ans. b
150. Pusa Kalyani, Sulpha, BS 70 and BSH1 are important varieties of:
a. Toria
b. Yellow sarson
c. Brown sarson
d. None of these
Ans. c
151. Sita, Varuna, Rohini, Vardan, Shekhar, Prakash, Pusa Jai Kisan and Vaibhav are important varieties of:
a. Toria
b. Yellow sarson
c. Brown sarson
d. Rai or Raya
Ans. d
152. Japani rape, Chinese rape, FS 9002 and FS 908 are important varieties of:
a. Toria
b. Yellow sarson
c. Brown sarson
d. Rai or Raya
Ans. c
153. Pusa aghani and NRCDR 02 are important varieties of rai for:
a. Normal sowing
b. Early sowing
c. Late sowing
d. None of these
Ans. b
154. DRSF 108, UPS 2, UPS 5 and Tara are important varieties of:
a. Sunflower
b. Safflower
c. Maize
d. Sorghum
Ans. a
155. KBSH1, Jwala mukhi, Sungene 85, Pro sun09 are important varieties of sunflower of:
a. Hybrid
b. Deshi
c. Composite
d. None of these
Ans. a
156. Chambal, Sweta, Shubhra, Neelam are important varieties of:
a. Linseed
b. Lentil
c. Mustard
d. Sunflower
Ans. a
157. Gaurav, Jeevan, Nagarkot and Parvati are important dual purpose varieties of:
a. Linseed
b. Lentil
c. Mustard
d. Sunflower
Ans. a
158. Aruna, Bhagya, Soubhagya, Jyoti and Gauch 1 are important dual propose varieties of:
a. Linseed
b. Lentil
c. Mustard
d. Castor
Ans. d
159. Chandana, Prachi, Gauri, Pratap and Madhvi are important varieties of:
a. Linseed
b. Sesame
c. Mustard
d. Sunflower
Ans. b
160. Type 65, Malviya305, Type56, Type9 are important varieties of:
a. Linseed
b. Safflower
c. Mustard
d. Sunflower
Ans. b
161. Phule G95311, Jawahar Chana-1, KAK-2, Chamtkar, Ujjawala and Dhawla are important varieties of:
a. Desi Chickpea
b. Kabuli Chickpea
c. Pigeonpea
d. Lentil
Ans. b
162. Anvita, RSG 963, Phule G12 and PBG 3 are important varieties of:
a. Desi Chickpea
b. Kabuli Chickpea
c. Pigeonpea
d. Lentil
Ans. a
163. Newly released of lathyrus which contains less toxic substances is:
a. Ratan
b. B-1
c. Pusa 24
d. Nirma
Ans. a
164. Ujjawala and Dhawla are newly released varieties of:
a. Bold seeded desi chickpea
b. Small seeded desi chickpea
c. Bold seeded kabuli chickpea
d. Small seeded kabuli chickpea
Ans. c
165. KPG 59 (Udai) variety of desi chickpea is recommended for:
a. Early sown conditions
b. Late sown conditions
c. Salt affected soils
d. None of these
Ans. b
166. UPAS 120, Manak, Pragati and Jagrati are important varieties pigeonpea of:
a. Early maturing
b. Medium maturing
c. Late maturing
d. None of these
Ans. a
167. Malviya arhar 3, Maruti, Asha and BSMR 736 are important varieties pigeonpea of:
a. Early maturing
b. Medium maturing
c. Late maturing
d. None of these
Ans. b
168. Bahar, Narendra arhar-1, Amar, Azad and Malviya Chamatkar are important varieties of pigeonpea is:
a. Early maturing
b. Medium maturing
c. Late maturing
d. None of these
Ans. c
169. Meha, Samrat, HUM16, COGG 912 and HUM 12 are important varieties of:
a. Mungbean
b. Urdbean
c. Pigeonpea
d. Cowpea
Ans. a
170. Uttara, KU 96-3, NDU 99-2, KU 300 and Barkha are important varieties of:
a. Mungbean
b. Urdbean
c. Pigeonpea
d. Cowpea
Ans. b
171. Priya, Sheri, Noori, Narendra masor-1 and Garima are important varieties of lentil of:
a. Small seeded
b. Medium seeded
c. Bold seeded
d. None of these
Ans. c
172. Pant masoor 406, Pant masoor 4, Pant masoor 639, Ranjan and Asha are important varieties of lentil of:
a. Small seeded
b. Medium seeded
c. Bold seeded
d. None of these
Ans. a
173. IPFD 1-10, IPFD 99-13, Jayanti, KPMR 522 and KPMR 400 are important varieties of:
a. Fieldpea
b. Cowpea
c. Chickpea
d. Pigeonpea
Ans. a
174. Dual purpose varieties of Fieldpea is:
a. Uttara
b. Shikha
c. Jayanti
d. Alankar
Ans. c
175. Arkil, Early December, Early Bejor and Bonville are important varieties of:
a. Fieldpea
b. Garden pea
c. Chickpea
d. Pigeonpea
Ans. b
176. Containder, Mizoram local, Naga local, Meghalaya local and Local purple pod are important varieties of:
a. French bean
b. Rice bean
c. Mung bean
d. Urd bean
Ans. a
177. PDR 14, HUR 15, HUR 137, IIPR 96-4 and Utkarsh are important varieties of:
a. French bean
b. Rice bean
c. Mung bean
d. Urd bean
Ans. a
178. Pusa barsati, Pusa rituraj, Gomti and FS 68 are important varieties of:
a. Pigeonpea
b. Cowpea
c. Chickpea
d. Field pea
Ans. b
179. HFO 114, UPO 94 and Bundel Jai 851 are important varieties of:
a. Berseem
b. Oat
c. Lucern
d. None of these
Ans. b
180. Rambler, Sirsa Type 9, Anand 2, NDRI Selection 1 and Selection 244 are important varieties of:
a. Cowpea
b. Oat
c. Berseem
d. Lucern
Ans. d
181. MP Chari, Pusa chari and J69 are important varieties of:
a. Single cut
b. Two cut
c. Multi cut
d. None of these
Ans. c
182. Reo, Pusa chari2, Pusa chari6 and Haryana chari are important varieties of:
a. Single cut
b. Two cut
c. Multi cut
d. None of these
Ans. a
183. African tall is a important variety of:
a. Chari
b. Fodder Maize
c. Bajra
d. None of these
Ans. b
184. Improved chari is a important variety of:
a. Chari
b. Maize
c. Bajra
d. Teosinte
Ans. d
185. FOS 217, Pusa sona and Durgapura safed are important varieties of:
a. Cluster bean
b. Rice bean
c. Mung bean
d. Urd bean
Ans. a
186. Hamli, Gatton, Sigor, Nchise and Kingrach are important varieties of:
a. Guinea grass
b. Sudan grass
c. Para grass
d. Napier grass
Ans. a
187. Wheeler, Sweet sudan, Tift sudan and 59-3 are important varieties of:
a. Guinea grass
b. Sudan grass
c. Para grass
d. Napier grass
Ans. b
188. Pusa Giant and NB 21 are important varieties of: a. Guinea grass
b. Sudan grass
c. Para grass
d. Napier grass
Ans. d
189. IGFRI 2808, PP10, PP15, JP12, Pusa3, Pusa38, PP47, IGFRI2-2-2 and IGFRI 32-11 are important varieties of:
a. Guinea grass
b. Sudan grass
c. Para grass
d. Napier grass
Ans. c
190. Red color potato varieties are:
a. Kufri Sinduri
b. Kufri Lalima
c. Kufri Kisan
d. All of these
Ans. d
191. Potato varieties are suitable for chips making:
a. Chipsona-1
b. Chipsona-2
c. Both of these
d. None of these
Ans. c
192. Which variety of sugarcane is known as wonder cane of North India:
a. CO1148
b. COS 767
c. CO91010
d. CO87044
Ans. a
193. BO 91, CO 740 and CO 453 sugarcane varieties are suitable for:
a. Sodic soils
b. Waterlogged conditions
c. Dryland conditions
d. Highest sucrose ccontent
Ans. a
194. CO 1007, CO 1157, CO 785, CO 975, BO91, COS 8118 sugarcane varieties are suitable for:
a. Sodic soils
b. Waterlogged conditions
c. Dryland conditions
d. Highest sucrose ccontent
Ans. b
195. CO 421, CO 449, COS 510 and COL 8001 sugarcane varieties are suitable for:
a. Sodic soils
b. Waterlogged conditions
c. Dryland conditions
d. Highest sucrose ccontent
Ans. c
196. CO 775, COL 7901, COL 7810 and CCOS 510 sugarcane varieties are suitable for:
a. Sodic soils
b. Waterlogged conditions
c. Dryland conditions
d. Highest sucrose ccontent
Ans. d
197. BO 17 and BO32 sugarcane varieties are suitable for:
a. Khader areas of rivers
b. Waterlogged conditions
c. Dryland conditions
d. Highest sucrose content
Ans. a
198. CO740, CCOS510, COL8504, COS8207 and COS8016 sugarcane varieties are suitable for:
a. Rotooning
b. Waterlogged conditions
c. Dryland conditions
d. Early maturing high yielding variety of Penninsular region
Ans. a
199. CO 94008(Shyama) sugarcane variety is suitable for:
a. Rotooning
b. Waterlogged conditions
c. Dryland conditions
d. Early maturing high yielding variety of Penninsular region
Ans. d
200. Ramonskaya 60, IISR composite1, LS6, Pant S10, Moribo and Magnapoly are important varieties of:
a. Sugarbeet
b. Sugarcane
c. Jute
d. Cotton
Ans. a
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