Cell the Unit of Life NEET Questions and Answers pdf download

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MCQ on Cell Biology PDF | Cell Organelles Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1. A cell biologist used ultrasonic method to disrupt the cell and found fragments in a cell organelle which served as site of ATP synthesis . These fragments actually are the parts of

( a ) mitochondria

( b ) lysosomes

( c ) liposomes

( d ) ribosomes

Ans. a

2. In which cell organelle nucleic acid is not present ?

( a ) Chloroplast

( b ) Mitochondria

( c ) Golgi apparatus

( d ) Ribosome

Ans. c

3. The term ‘ power house ‘ is applicable to a class of cell organelle called

( a ) Golgi apparatus

( b ) mitochondria

( c ) microsomes

( d ) peroxisomes

Ans. b

4. Elastic nature of plasma membrane is due to the presence of

( a ) lipids

( b ) proteins

( c ) carbohydrates

( d ) water

Ans. a

5. As they release hydrolase that digest old and damaged cells , the term ‘ suicidal bags ‘ is used by cells biologists for the

( a ) Golgi bodies

( b ) lysosomes

( c ) glyoxysomes

( d ) peroxisomes

Ans. b

6. Which organelle help in the synthesis of lipids , cholesterol , steroids and visual pigments in epithelial cells of retina ?

( a ) Golgi bodies 

( b ) RER

( c ) SER

( d ) All of these

Ans. c

7. Which of the following observations most strongly support the view that mitochondria contains electron transport enzymes that are aggregated into compact association ?

( a ) Mitochondria have a highly folded inner wall

( b ) Disruption of mitochondria yields membrane fragmentation which are able to synthesise ATP

( c ) Mitochondria in animal embryos have a tendency to concentrate in cells , which are able to become locomotory structures

( d ) A contractile protein capable of utilising ATP has been obtained from the mitochondria

Ans. b

8. Nucleolus was discovered by

( a ) Robert Hooke

( b ) Robert Brown

( c ) Robert Koch

( d ) Robert Dixon

Ans. b

Cell Biology mcq with answers pdf | Cell the unit of life mcq for neet pdf

9. A structure found traversing most of the cells , discovered by Porter , Claude and Fullman in 1945 is the

( a ) Golgi apparatus

( b ) mitochondria

( c ) endoplasmic reticulum

( d ) lysosomes

Ans. c

10. The organelles , which are responsible for almost all molecular oxygen uptake of the cell as well as 90 % of the ATP formed are

( a ) mitochondria

( b ) chloroplasts

( c ) lysosomes

( d ) Golgi bodies

Ans. a

11. Which cell structure , sub – structure acts as the site of oxidation – reduction reaction ?

( a ) Glyoxysomes

( b ) Mitochondrial cristae

( c ) Lysosomes

( d ) Coated vesicles in Golgi complex

Ans. b

12. Which organelle of the plant cell does not contain functional DNA ?

( a ) Nucleus

( b ) Chloroplast

( c ) Mitochondria

( d ) Peroxisome

Ans. d

13. Robert Hooke used the term cell in the year

( a ) 1665

( b ) 1885

( c ) 1865

( d ) 1960

Ans. a integral

14. The secondary structure of that portion of an  integral protein that is buried in the lipid bilayer of a cell membrane is

( a ) Beta – band

( b ) Alpha – helix

( c ) Beta – strand

( d ) random coil

Ans. b

15. A human egg is nearly a million times as large as human sperm . Most of this size difference is due to the difference in their

( a ) cytoplasmic content

( b ) nucleus

( c ) Both ( a ) and ( b )

( d ) mitochondria

Ans. a

16. Cell recognition and adhesion are facilitated by the components of plasma membrane . These components are generally

( a ) protein molecules alone

( b ) lipids alone

( c ) Both ( a ) and ( b )

( d ) glycolipids and glycoproteins

Ans. d

17. According to fluid mosaic model , plasma membrane is composed of

( a ) cellulose and hemicellulose

( b ) phospholipid , intrinsic and extrinsic protein

( c ) phospholipid and intrinsic protein

( d ) phospholipid and hemicellulose

Ans. b

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18. Organelle which is responsible for the origin of lysosome is

( a ) ER

( b ) chloroplast

( c ) Golgi body

( d ) ribosome

Ans. c

19. Continuity of cytoplasm from cell to cell is maintained through cytoplasmic connections in plants called

( a ) ER

( b ) tight junction

( c ) gap junction

( d ) plasmodesmata

Ans. d

20. Lysosomes contain a rich repertoire of

( a ) hydrolases

( b ) isomerases

( c ) transferases

( d ) oxidoreductases

Ans. a

21. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is well developed in the cells which synthesises

( a ) steroids

( b ) proteins

( c ) carbohydrates

( d ) All of these

Ans. a

22. The detoxification reaction occurs in which site of liver

( a ) free ribosome

( b ) RER

( c ) SER

( d ) hydrophobic interaction

Ans. c

23. Nuclear pores in the nucleus is formed by the

( a ) fusion of nuclear membranes

( b ) absence of nuclear membrane

( c ) movement of cytoplasm through nuclear membrane

( d ) breakage of nuclear membrane

Ans. a

24. A cellular component in bacteria resembling eukaryotic cell is

( a ) cell wall

( b ) plasma membrane

( c ) ribosomes

( d ) nucleus

Ans. b

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25. Cell theory is not applicable to

( a ) bacteria

( b ) fungi

( c ) algae

( d ) viruses

Ans. d

26. Membrane covering vacuoles in plant cell is

( a ) tonoplasm

( b ) cell membrane

( c ) cell wall

( d ) tonoplast

Ans. d

27. Organelle found in secretory cells in large amount is

( a ) chloroplast

( b ) lysosome

( c ) mitochondria

( d ) vacuole

Ans. a

28. Diagrammatic representation of karyotype ( morphological representation of chromosomes ) of a species is called

( a ) choloroplast

( b ) cladograrn

( c ) golgi apparatus

( d ) ecogram

Ans. c

29. At which phase , size of chromosome is measured ?

( a ) Metaphase

( b ) Anaphase

( c ) Prophase

( d ) All of these

Ans. a

30. Term chromosome was coined by

( a ) Sutton

( b ) W Flemming

( c ) W Roux

( d ) Waldeyer

Ans. d

31. Cell theory states that

( a ) all cells have nuclei

( b ) all cells are living

( c ) cells reproduces by both mitosis and meiosis

( d ) cells are fundamental structural units of plants and animals

Ans. d

32. Organelle responsible for converting food into energy is

( a ) nucleus

( b ) nucleolus

( c ) chloroplast

( d ) mitochondria

Ans. d

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33. Plasma membrane is composed of

( a ) proteins

( b ) lipids

( c ) cellulose

( d ) Both ( a ) and ( b )

Ans. d

34. The sedimentation coefficient of ribosomes is generally 70s . It breaks up into two subunits whose sedimentation constants are

( a ) 50 S and 205

( b ) 40 S and 30 S

( c ) 60 S and 10S

( d ) 50 S and 30 S

Ans. d

35. Middle lamella of cell wall is mainly composed of

( a ) hemicellulose

( b ) protein

( c ) carbohydrate

( d ) calcium pectate action

Ans. d

36. Keeping in view about the fluid mosaic model for the structure of cell membrane , which one of the following statements is correct with respect to the movement of lipids and proteins from one lipid monolayer to the other ( described as flip flop movement ) ?

( a ) Neither lipids , nor proteins can flip flop

( b ) Both lipids and proteins can flip flop

( c ) While lipids can rarely flip flop , proteins cannot

( d ) While proteins can rarely flip flop , lipids cannot

Ans. c

37. Which of the following is not a constituent of cell membrane ?

( a ) Proline

( b ) Phospholipid

( c ) Glycolipid

( d ) Cholesterol

Ans. c

38. Cell structure that along with the micro tubule forms the mitotic spindle

( a ) cilia

( b ) centrioles

( c ) chromatin

( d ) nucleolus

Ans. b

39. Analyse the molecule that helps to add stability to the bilayer of the plasma membrane

( a ) glycoprotein

( b ) cholesterol

( c ) glycolipid

( d ) oligosaccharides

Ans. b

40. Cell structure that acts as the site of ribosomal RNA is

( a ) cilia

( b ) centrioles

( c ) chromatin

( d ) nucleolus

Ans. d

41. Which structure of a cell serves as the site of modification , packaging and preparation for the distribution of newly formed protenis ?

( a ) Golgi complex

( b ) Mitochondria

( c ) Nucleus

( d ) Ribosomes

Ans. a

42. Which of the following types of protein is synthesised in bound ribosomes ?

( a ) Enzyme

( b ) Haemoglobin

( c ) Insulin

( d ) Chromosome

Ans. c

43. Which out of these has the ability to detoxing of poisons such as amphetamines , barbiturates , morphine and some pesticides in liver ?

( a ) Rough endoplasmic reticulum

( b ) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

( c ) Golgi apparatus

( d ) Lysosome

Ans. b

44. What is / are the functions of cell ?

( a ) It helps to provide structure to the body

( b ) It takes in nutrients from food

( c ) It helps in conversion of nutrients into energy

( d ) All of the above

Ans. d

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