Multiple choice Questions of Botany Topic Plant Breeding MCQs ( Plant Breeding Quiz ) for NEET, GATE, AIAPGET, NEET MDS, NEET PG, DNB PDCET, AIIMS SS, PGIMER (Other), AIIMS PG and many more competitive examinations.
MCQ on Plant Breeding | Plant Breeding MCQ
1. ln tissue culture medium, the embryoids formed from pollen grains is due to the
(a) cellular totipotency
(b) organogenesis
(c) double fertilisation
(d) test tube culture
Ans. a
2. Haploid plantlets can be produced by
(a) pollen culture
(b) cotyledon culture
(c) embryo culture
(d) meristem culture
Ans. a
3. The three topmost major crops of the world in the order of total production are
(a) maize > wheat > rice
(b) rice > wheat > maize
(c) wheat > maize > rice
(d) rice > maize > wheat
Ans. a
4. Bread wheat is
(a) autopolyploid
(b) allopolyploid
(c) aneuploid
(d) trisomic
Ans. b
5. Which variety is not a result of induced mutations?
(a) Sharbati Sonara of wheat
(b) Jagannath of rice
(c) Bombay green of banana
(d) Aruna of castor
Ans. c
6. Most cultivated plants are
(a) autopolyploids
(b) allopolyploids
(c) aneuploids
(d) haploids
Ans. b
7. Naturally occurring mutation in nature as an example of rice strain is
(a) Padma
(b) Jaya
(c) Taichung Native
(d) GEB 24
Ans. d
8. Improved dwarf wheat variety with higher percentage of lysine/protein is
(a) Kalyan
(b) Sonalika
(c) Lerma Roja
(d) Sharbati Sonara
Ans. d
9. Androgenic haploid culture was first performed by
(a) Guha and Maheshwari
(b) Steward
(c) Skoog and Miller
(d) Halperrin and Wetherell
Ans. a
10. Seedless watermelon is
(a) hexaploid
(b) tetraploid
(c) triploid
(d) pentaploid
Ans. c
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11. Polyploidy leads to rapid formation of new species through the
(a) genetic recombination
(b) isolation
(c) mutation
(d) development of multiple sets of chromosomes
Ans. d
12. Polyploidy gives
(a) hybrid vigour
(b) improved varieties
(c) gigas effect
(d) All of these
Ans. d
13. Crosses between the plants of the same variety are called
(a) interspecific
(b) intervarietal
(c) intravarietal
(d) intergeneric
Ans. c
14. Drastic pruning of root system yields Bonsai. It involves the
(a) deficiency of cytokinin
(b) impairment of water absorption
(c) insufficient mineral absorption
(d) deficiency of auxin
Ans. d
15. Bagging is done to
(a) achieve desired pollination
(b) prevent contamination of unwanted pollen
(c) avoid self-pollination
(d) avoid cross-pollination
Ans. b
16. Tomato and potato belongs to
(a) North America
(b) South America
(c) Asia Minor
(d) Ethiopia
Ans. b
17. The reason why vegetatively reproducing crop plants are best suited for maintaining hybrid vigour is that
(a) these can be easily propagated
(b) once a desired hybrid has been produced there are few chances of losing it
(c) they have a longer life span
(d) they are more resistant to diseases
Ans. b
18. Picking up plants with superior phenotype for further propagation is called
(a) pure line selection
(b) mass selection
(c) hybrid vigour
(d) introduction
Ans. b
19. Artificial male sterility can be obtained for hybridisation experiments with the help of
(a) NAA
(b) 2, 4-D
(c) Maeic hydraside
(d) All of these
Ans. d
20. Which method of crop improvement can be practised by a farmer if he is inexperienced?
(a) Clonal selection
(b) Mass selection
(c) Pure line selection
(d) Hybridisation
Ans. b
21. The first cultivated wheat was
(a) Triticum tauschi
(b) T. monococum
(c) T. boeoticum
(d) T. speltoides
Ans. b
22. Main technique involved in agricultural biotechnology is called
(a) plant breeding
(b) replication
(c) tissue culture
(d) hybridisation
Ans. c
23. Emasculation is called
(a) killing pollen grains
(b) removal of stamens
(c) removal of anthers
(d) All of these
Ans. d
24. Cellular totipotency was demonstrated by
(a) Robert Hooke
(b) FC Steward
(c) Theodore Schwann
(d) Antony von Leeuwenhoek
Ans. b
25. For isolation of protoplasts, one needs
(a) cellulase
(b) pectinase
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) chitinase
Ans. c
26. Progeny obtained as a result of repeat self-pollination of a cross-pollinated crop is called
(a) pure line
(b) pedigree line
(c) inbreed line
(d) heterosis
Ans. c
27. The reason why some mutations, which are harmful do not get eliminated from gene pool is that
(a) they have future survival value
(b) they are recessive and carried by heterozygous individuals
(c) they are dominant and show up more frequently
(d) genetic drift occur because of a small population
Ans. b
Hybridisation & Heterosis MCQs
1. A cybrid is a hybrid carrying
(a) genornes and cytoplast of two different plants
(b) cytoplasm of two different plants
(c) cytoplasm of two different plants but genome of one plant
(d) genome of two different plants
Ans. c
2. Hybrid vigour occurs mainly due to
(a) heterozygosity
(b) superiority of all the genes
(c) homozygosity of pure characters
(d) mixing up of cytoplasm of the male with that of the female exclusively
Ans. a
3. Who is known as the Father of Green Revolution in India?
(a) Prof MS Swaminathan
(b) Guha
(c) Maheswari
(d) Prof Kashyap
Ans. a
4. The Indian Agricultural Research Institute is located in
(a) New Delhi
(b) Calcutta
(c) Odisha
(d) Bhopal
Ans. a
5. A progeny that has resulted due to a cross between two genetically unrelated parents is known as
(a) hybrid
(b) variety
(c) species
(d) None of these
Ans. a
6.The another name for hybrid vigour is
(a) heterosis
(b) hybridisation
(c) mutation
(d) male sterility
Ans. a
7. Somatic hybridisation can be used for
(a) gene transfer
(b) transfer of cytoplasm
(c) formation of allopolypioids
(d) All of these
Ans. d
8. Hybridisation process performed between more than two plants is known as
(a) single cross
(b) multiple cross
(c) dihybrid cross
(d) intergeneric cross
Ans. b
9. Heterosis means
(a) hybrid vigor
(b) hybrids are weak
(c) hybrids are weak as well as vigorous
(d) hybrids are neither weak nor vigorous
Ans. a
10. Two methods of selection in plants are
(a) mass selection
(b) pure line selection
(c) hybridisation
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans. d
11. Hybridoma cells are
(a) fusion product of two somatic cells
(b) fusion product of two sex cells
(c) fusion product of cancer cell and antibody producing cel
(d) fusion product of two intergenic animals
Ans. c
12. The hybrid variety is
(a) genetic
(b) F-generation
(c) sterile
(d) fertile
Ans. b
13. In hybridisation, the haploids combines the advantages of
(a) recombination
(b) segregation
(c) fixation
(d) All of these
Ans. d
14. Heterosis lost of inbreeding is known as
(a) outbreeding depression
(b) inbreeding depression
(c) hybrid vigor
(d) None of these
Ans. b
15. Hybridisation performed between two plants belonging to the same variety is known as
(a) intervarietai cross
(b) interspecific cross
(c) intergeneric cross
(d) intravarietal
Ans. d
16. Hybrid vigour is best maintained in
(a) emasculation
(b) vegetatively propagated crops
(c) hybridisation
(d) None of the above
Ans. b
17. Somatic hybridisation (protoplast fusion of parasexual hybridisation or cybrid hybridisation) is
(a) protoplast culture
(b) cell culture
(c) organ culture
(d) None of these
Ans. a
18. Bromato is made from
(a) brinjal
(b) tormato
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Ans. c
19. Which of the following is not a part of methods of hybridisation?
(a) Bagging
(b) Tagging
(c) Emasculation
(d) PCR
Ans. d
20. Triticale is
(a) monoploid
(b) hexaploid
(c) dipioid
(d) None of the above
Ans. b
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