Biological Classification neet questions | Living World mcqs

Multiple choice Questions of Botany Topic Classification of Living World | Biological Classification MCQs with Answers ( Classification of Living World Or Biological Classification Quiz ) for NEET, GATE, AIAPGET, NEET MDS, NEET PG, DNB PDCET, AIIMS SS, PGIMER (Other), AIIMS PG and many more competitive examinations.

Biological Classification neet questions

1. In which of the following kingdoms, diatoms are placed:

(a) Plantae

(b) Fungi

(c) Animalia

(d) Protista

Ans. c

2. Organisms found in extreme temperature are

(a) cyanobacteria

(b) archaebacteria

(c) fungi

(d) eubacteria

Ans. b

3. Who proposed the five kingdom classification and named kingdoms as Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia?

(a) Herbert Copeland

(b) RH Whittaker

(c) Carl Woese

(d) Carolus Linnaeus

Ans. b

4. Which of the following is not a character of Protista?

(a) Protists are prokaryotic

(b) Some protists have cell walls

(c) Mode of nutrition is both autotrophic and heterotrophic

(d) Body organisation is cellular

Ans. a

5. In which kingdom, would you classify the archaea and nitrogen- fixing organisms, if the five kingdom system of classification is used?

(a) Plantae

(b) Fungi

(c) Protista

(d) Monera

Ans. d

6. Single-celled eukaryotes are included in

(a) Monera

(b) Protista

(c) Fungi

(d) Archaea

Ans. b

7. Bacteria

(a) are sole members of kingdom-Monera

(b) have lipoproteinaceous cell wall

(c) have either DNA or RNA as genetic material

(d) are eukaryotic in cell nature

Ans. a

8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of some archaea?

(a) The ability to produce methane from carbon dioxide

(b) The absence of a nuclear envelope

(c) The presence of a circular chromosome

(d) The presence of peptidoglycan

Ans. d

9. Which of the following is a difference between bacteria and archaea?

(a) Archaea are unicellular and bacteria are colonial

(b) The genes of archaea have introns, whereas bacteria lack introns

(c) They have different chemicals in their cell wall

(d) Bacteria are autotrophic and archaea are heterotrophic

Ans. c

10. Bacteria are regarded as primitive organisms because they

(a) possess incipient nucleus

(b) are small, microscopic plants, which are not visible to the naked eyes

(c) cause serious diseases to human beings, domesticated animals and crop plants

(d) produce endospores, which are resistant to adverse conditions

Ans. a

the living world class 11 important questions with answers

11. Bacteria were considered more as plants than animals because of the presence of

(a) small nucleus

(b) plasma membrane

(c) cell wall

(d) spore formation

Ans. c

12. The bacteria present in the guts of several ruminant animals such as cows and buffaloes and is responsible for the production of methane is

(a) halophiles

(b) methanogens

(c) thermophiles

(d) acidophiles

Ans. b

13. Bacteria are present everywhere except in

(a) ice

(b) soil

(c) sea water

(d) distilled water

Ans. d

14. Which group of bacteria lack peptidoglycan in their cell wall?

(a) Salmonella

(b) E. coli

(c) Archaebacteria

(d) Vibrio used

Ans. c

15. Which one of the following is not used to identify different kinds of bacteria?

(a) Mode of nutrition

(b) Cell wall composition

(c) Number of chromosomes

(d) Cell shape

Ans. c

16. The percentage of plankton constituted by protistans

(a) 80%

(b) 90%

(c) 95%

(d) 100%

Ans. c

the living world class 11 neet mcq

17. Diatoms belongs to

(a) chrysophytes

(b) dinoflagellates

(c) pyrophytes

(d) euglenoids

Ans. a

18. Storage product in chrysophytes is

(a) starch

(b) oil and leucosin

(c) glycogen

(d) mannitol

Ans. b

19. Flagella are absent in

(a) slime moulds

(b) diatoms

(c) Euglena

(d) protozoans

Ans. c

mcq on biological classification class 11

21. Bacteria are considered to be more as plants than animals because of the presence of a

(a) plasma membrane

(b) cell wall

(c) small nucleus

(d) spore formation

Ans. b

21. Eichler placed Pteridophyta under

(a) Cryptogams

(b) Phanerogams

(c) Pteropsida

(d) Tracheophyta

Ans. a

22. Some bacteria have a capsule outside the cell wall, made up of

(a) protein

(b) cellulose

(c) fats

(d) mucopolysaccharide

Ans. d

biological classification important questions for neet pdf

23. Class-Chondrichthyes belong to the super-class

(a) Tetropoda

(b) Pisces

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. b

24. Euglena like organisms show dual mode of nutrition such as

(a) parasitic and holozoic

(b) photosynthetic and ingestive

(c) photosynthetic and holozoic

(d) photosynthetic and saprophytic

Ans. c

25. The classes of sub-kingdom-Phanerogamae are

(a) dicotyledons

(b) monocotyledons

(c) gymnosperms

(d) All of these

Ans. d

26. Which organism possesses characteristics of plants and animals?

(a) Bacteria

(b) Monera

(c) Euglena

(d) Mycoplasma

Ans. c

27. Name the phylum is characterised by the absence of true coelom

(a) Nematoda

(b) Mollusca

(c) Annelida

(d) Echinodermata

Ans. a

28. In angiosperm characters of flowers are used in classification because

(a) flowers are large

(b) flowers are attractive

(c) characters of flowers are conservative

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

mcq on biological classification for neet

29. Which of the following kinds of animals is triploblastic?

(a) Corals

(b) Flatworms

(c) Sponges

(d) Ctenophores

Ans. b

30. DNA present in prokaryotes is

(a) single, circular

(b) single, linear

(c) many, circular

(d) many linear

Ans. a

living world mcqs neetprep

31. Monerans does not include

(a) blue-green algae

(b) bacteria

(c) mycoplasma

(d) diatoms

Ans. d

32. Father of Indian mycology

(a) Birbal Sahni 

(b) Hargovind Khurana

(c) Antonde Barry

(d) EJ Butler

Ans. d

33. Introns are absent is

(a) Amoeba

(b) algae

(c) fungi

(d) bacteria

Ans. d

34. Cellular structure of an organism is studied. It was found that mitochondria, nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum present. This organism certainly do not belong to

(a) Protista

(b) Monera

(c) Slime mould

(d) Algae

Ans. c

35. Which one is not characteristic feature of kingdom fungi?

(a) Presence of hyphae

(b) Cell wall-chitin

(c) Saprophytes

(d) Autotrophs

Ans. d

biological classification neet mcq

36. Which protozoan is unlibely to have a contractile vacuole?

(a) Euglena

(b) Paramecium

(c) Amoeba

(d) Plasmodium

Ans. d

37. Protista does not include

(a) mycoplasma and cycanophyta

(b) pyrrophyta and xanthophyta

(c) dianoflagellates and diatoms

(d) euglenophyta and chrysophyta

Ans. a

38. Members of Deuteromycetes also known as imperfect fungi why

(a) Only asexual reproduct

(b) lon present both

(c) Lack of sexual reproduction

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

39. Division of kingdom fungi is based on

(a) morphology of my celium

(b) mode of spore formation

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. c

40. Nitrogen fixing ability is present in members of and structure is known as . ..

(a) Phaeophyceae, root nodules

(b) Cyanophyceae (blue green algae), heterocyst

(c) Rodophyceae, heterocyst,

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

neet questions from biological classification

1. Phylogenetic system brings out

(a) reproductive similarities

(b) grouping according to morphological characters

(c) grouping on the basis of increasing complexities

(d) grouping according to evolutionary trends

Ans. d

2. A taxon is a

(a) group of related families

(b) group of related species

(c) type of living organism

(d) taxonomic group of any ranking

Ans. d

3. Which of the following pairs is most closely related?

(a) Dog and tapeworm

(b) Tapeworm and bacteria

(c) Mushroom and tree

(d) Amoeba and bacteria

Ans. d

4. Branches of science that deals with identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms is called

(a) systematics

(b) cytology

(c) genetics

(d) nomenclature

Ans. a

5. Largest herbaria of the Asia is located at

(a) Chennai

(b) Hyderabad

(c) Sibpur

(d) Xiangshan Mountain

Ans. d

6. Numerical taxonomy also referred to as

(a) statistical taxonomy

(b) phenetics

(c) computer aided taxonomy

(d) All of the above

Ans. b

biology mcqs for class 11 chapter wise pdf for neet

7. A group of plants or animals with similar traits of any rank is

(a) species

(b) genus

(c) order 

(d) taxon

Ans. a

8. Basic unit or smaller taxon of taxonomy is

(a) species

(b) genus

(c) family

(d) variety

Ans. a

9. Sequence of taxonomic categories is

(a) Class-Phylum-Tribe-Order-Family-Genus-Species

(b) Division-Class-Family-Tribe-Order-Genus-Species

(c)  Division-Class-Order-Family-Tribe-Genus-Species

(d) Phylum-Order-Class-Tribe-Family-Genus-Species

Ans. c

10. In which kingdom would you classify the archaean and nitrogen-fixing organisms, if the five kingdom system of classification is used?

(a) Plantae

(b) Fungi

(c) Protista

(d) Monera

Ans. d

biological classification mcq for neet

11. If two organisms are in the same phylum, they must also be in the same

(a) class

(b) species

(c) family

(d) kingdom

Ans. d

12. According to current code for botanical nomenclature, the names of class must ends with

(a) -opsida

(c) -ales

(b) -idae

(d) -aceae

Ans. a

13. Put these classification terms in sequence, starting with the group with the most variation I. Class II. Genus III. Phylum IV. Species V. Family VI. Order

(a) II, I, VI, V, II, IV

(b) IV, II, V, VI, I, III

(c) III, I, V, VI, II, IV

(d) IV, II, VI, V, I, II

Ans. a

the living world class 11 mcq pdf for neet

14. As we go-from a species to kingdom, in a taxonomic hierarchy, the number of common characteristics

(a) will increase

(b) will decrease

(c) remain same

(d) may increase or decrease

Ans. a

15. Which of the following suffix used for units of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category family?

(a) -ales

(b) -onae

(c) -aceae represents

(d) -ae

Ans. c

biological classification neet questions pdf

16. Genus represents

(a) an individual plant or animal

(b) a collection of plants or animals

(c) a group of closely related species of plants or animals

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

17. The taxonomic unit ‘phylum’ is the classification of animals is equivalent to which hierarchial level in classification of plants?

(a) Class

(b) Order 

(c) Division

(d) Family

Ans. c

the living world class 11 mcq for neet

18. Which of the following is a defining characteristic of living organisms?

(a) Growth

(b) Ability to make sound

(c) Reproduction

(d) Response to external stimuli

Ans. c

19. Father of taxonomy is

(a) EJ Butler

(b) Theophrastus

(c) Swanson 

(d) C Linnaeus


20. Family is placed between

(a) order and genus

(b) genus and family

(c) order and class

(d) species and genus.

Ans. d

biological classification questions for neet

21. Term ‘species’ was proposed by

(a) John Ray

(b) Linnaeus

(c) Aristotle

(d) Darwin

Ans. a

22. A system of classification in which all important characters are considered is

(a) artificial system

(b) natural system

(c) phylogenetic system

(d) None of these

Ans. b

23. Mode of arranging organism into categories is called

(a) identification

(b) nomenclature

(c) Classification

(d) taxonomy

Ans. c

24. Suffix of order ends with

(a) -ieae

(b) -ales

(c) -ae

(d) -ordae

Ans. b

neet questions based on biological classification

25. Zoological parks are maintained by

(a) National Zoo Authority of India

(b) Central Zoo Authority of India

(c) State Government

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

26. The first ever monograph of a plant taxon was given by

(a) C Linnaeus

(b) Ernst Mayr

(c) Robert Morison

(d) Bentham

Ans. c

27. Basic unit of classification is

(a) genus

(b) class

(c) species

(d) order

Ans. c

28. Julian Huxley developed the concept of

(a) new systematics 

(b) classification

(c) old systematics

(d) taxonomic hierarchy

Ans. a

29. The scientific name when printed should be

(a) in capital letters

(b) in small letters

(c) in italics

(d) underlined

Ans. c

30. Headquarter of Botanical Survey of India (BSI) is located at

(a) New Delhi

(b) Kolkata

(c) Lucknow

(d) Dehradun

Ans. b

biology mcqs for class 11 chapter wise for neet

31. Modern classification is based on

(a) physiology

(b) fossils

(c) phylogeny

(d) morphology

Ans. c

32. Systema Naturae’ was written by

(a) Wallace

(b) Linnaeus

(c) Charles Darwin

(d) Aristotle

Ans. b

33. At present time, scientists have named approximately species.

(a) 100,000

(b) 500,000

(c) 1,000,000

(d) 1,500,000

Ans. d

34. Cladistics referred to

(a) natural classification

(b) artificial classification

(c) phylogenetic classification

(d) None of these

Ans. c

living world class 11 neet questions

35. Which of the following botanist associated with phylogenetic classification

(a) Bentham and Hooker

(b) Theophrastus

(c) Linnaeus

(d) Engler and Prantl

Ans. d

36. The Indian National Harbaria is situated is

(a) Botanical garden (NOIDA)

(b) NBRI (Lucknow)

(c) Botanical Survey of India (Howrah)

(d) Zoological Survey of India (Kolkata)

Ans. c

37. Five kingdom classification is given by

(a) Ernst and Haeckel

(b) Bentham and Hooker

(c) RH Whittaker

(d) Margulis

Ans. c

living world class 11 neet mcq

38. In two kingdom system of classification Euglena is included in

(a) Plantae

(b) Protista

(c) Animalia

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. c

39. The scientist who created the group Protista for both unicellular plants and animal cell was

(a) Haeckel

(b) Pasteur

(c) Bentham

(d) Linnaeus

Ans. a

biological classification mcq

40. Binomial system of nomenclature means that every organism has

(a) two names, one scientific and the other popular

(b) one name given by two scientists

(c) one scientific name consisting of generic and a specific epithet

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

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