Multiple choice Questions of Botany Topic Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants MCQ and Development of Male Gametophytes MCQs with Answers ( Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants MCQ and Development of Male Gametophytes Quiz ) for NEET, GATE, AIAPGET, NEET MDS, NEET PG, DNB PDCET, AIIMS SS, PGIMER (Other), AIIMS PG and many more competitive examinations.
MCQ on Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants | MCQ on Reproduction in Flowering Plants
1. Exine of pollen grain is made up of
( a ) pectocellulose
( b ) lignocellulose
( c ) sporopollenin
( d ) pollen kitt
Ans. c
2. In flower , androecium is the male reproductive organ . It is a group of stamen that consist of filament and
( a ) embryo sac
( b ) nucellus
( c ) stamen
( d ) None of these
Ans. d
3. Microscopic structure in a flower that contains the polar nuclei is
( a ) polar tube
( b ) pollen sac
( c ) embryo sac
( d ) male gametophyte
Ans. c
4. Each anther is made up of two lobes and each lobe is divided into two chambers . These chambers are also called as
( a ) chalaza
( b ) funicle
( c ) theca
( d ) None of these
Ans. c
5. The male gametes of angiosperms are
( a ) uniflagellate
( b ) biflagellate
( c ) non – motile as there is no flagellated stage in the life cycle of angiosperms
( d ) None of the above
Ans. c
6. Which of the following is male gametophyte in angiosperms ?
( a ) Embryo sac
( b ) Pollen grain
( c ) Stamen
( d ) Male gamete
Ans. b
7. Tapetum is
( a ) parietal in origin
( b ) innermost wall layer of pollen sac
( c ) nutritive and provides wall material to pollen grains
( d ) All of the above
Ans. d
8. intine of pollen grain is made of
( a ) callose
( b ) pectocellulose
( c ) cellulose
( d ) fat – like sporopollenin
Ans. c
9. in anther , meiosis occurs in
( a ) tapetal cells
( b ) endothelial cells
( c ) pollen mother cells
( d ) stomium cells
Ans. c
Reproduction in Flowering Plants mcq pdf NEET
10. The function of anther is to
( a ) produce embryo sac
( b ) produce pollen grains
( c ) store and protect eggs
( d ) All of these
Ans. b
11. A pollinium consists of
( a ) a bag of pollen grains formed in a microsporangium
( b ) a cluster of pollen grains belonging to the chamber of microsporangium
( c ) group of four pollen grains derived from a single mother cell
( d ) two pollen tetrads attached by the small stalks
Ans. a
12. Each corner of anther is made up of four walls are epidermis , endothecium , middle layers and
( a ) hypodermis
( b ) tapetum
( c ) theca
( d ) Both ( a ) and ( b )
Ans. b
13. The cells capable of forming microspore cells are called
( a ) PMC
( b ) CMC
( c ) DMC
( d ) None of these
Ans. a
14. Each microspore develops into
( a ) embryo sac
( b ) pollen grain
( c ) pollen sac
( d ) egg cell
Ans. b
Reproduction in Flowering Plants MCQ pdf neet download
15. The general diameter of pollen grains is
( a ) 100-150 nm
( b ) 25-50 nm
( c ) 10-20 um
( d ) None of these
Ans. b
16. Mature pollen grain contains two cells , first one is the vegetative cell and the second one is
( a ) tube cell
( b ) synergids
( c ) generative cell
( d ) Both ( b ) and ( c )
Ans. c
17. Which of the following is the hardest material ?
( a ) Collagen
( b ) Sporopollenin
( c ) Cellulose
( d ) None of these
Ans. b
18. In most cases , the pollen grain shed at the stage of
( a ) two cells
( b ) five cells
( c ) four cells
( d ) All of these
Ans. a
19. Which of the following cells generates male gametes ?
( a ) Vegetative cell
( b ) Tube cell
( c ) Generative cell
( d ) Both ( a ) and ( b )
Ans. c
20. Which of the following cells is involved in the formation of pollen tube ?
( a ) Pollen grain
( b ) Generative cell
( c ) Vegetative cell
( d ) None of these
Ans. c
21. The usual arrangement of microspores in a tetrad is
( a ) tetrahedral and bilateral
( b ) tetrahedral and linear
( c ) tetrahedral and T – shaped
( d ) tetrahedral and decussate
Ans. a
Reproduction in Plants class 12 mcq pdf
22. The colour of a pollen kitt is
( a ) red
( b ) brown
( c ) blue
( d ) yellow
Ans. d
23. A young pollen grain is best defined as
( a ) male gamete
( b ) spore mother cell
( c ) mature male gametophyte
( d ) partially developed male gametophyte
Ans. a
24. Germination of pollen is stimulated by
( a ) zincates
( b ) chlorides
( c ) borates
( d ) molybdates
Ans. a
25. Which one of the following forms a male gametes in angiosperms ?
( a ) Generative cell
( b ) Body cell
( c ) Tube cell
( d ) Antheridial cell
Ans. a
26. Immature anther wall is made up of
( a ) epidermis
( b ) middle layers
( c ) endothecium
( d ) tapetum
Ans. a
27. Which one of the following represents male gametophyte ?
( a ) Zygote
( b ) Secondary nucleus
( c ) Pollen grain
( d ) Antipodals
Ans. c
28. What does a microspore mother cell undergoes , during the formation of pollen grains ?
( a ) One mitotic division
( b ) One meiotic division
( c ) One meiotic and one mitotic division
( d ) One meiotic and two mitotic divisions
Ans. b
29. Outer layer of a pollen grain is made up of
( a ) cellulose
( b ) lignin
( c ) sporopoilenin
( d ) chitin
Ans. c
Reproduction in Flowering Plants Questions and Answers pdf
30. The most resistant material found in the pollen grain is
( a ) cuticle
( b ) intine
( c ) pectocellulose
( d ) sporopollenin
Ans. d
31. A microspore is a
( a ) male gamete
( b ) first cell of male gametophyte
( c ) last cell of male gametophyte
( d ) diploid cell
Ans. b
32. In a fully developed male gametophyte , number of nuclei is
( a ) one
( b ) two
( c ) three
( d ) four
Ans. c
33. Male gametophyte of an angiosperms is shed at
( a ) four – celled pollen grains
( b ) three – celled pollen grains
( c ) microspore mother cell
( d ) anther
Ans. b
34. Male gametophyte of angiosperms / monocots is
( a ) nucellus
( b ) microspore
( c ) microsporangium
( d ) stamen
Ans. b
35. In an angiospermic plant , how many microspore mother cells are required to produce 100 pollen grains ?
( a ) 75
( b ) 100
( c ) 25
( d ) 50
Ans. c
36. In angiosperm , all the four microspores of tetrad are covered by a layer which is formed by
( a ) pectocellulose
( b ) callose
( c ) cellulose
( d ) sporopollerin
Ans. a
Reproduction in Plants class 7 mcq with answers
37. Male gametes in angiosperms are formed by the division of
( a ) generative cell
( b ) microspore mother cell
( c ) vegetative cell
( d ) microspore
Ans. a
38. Development of male gametophyte begins
( a ) after pollination
( b ) before pollination
( c ) on the stigma
( d ) in the embryo sac
Ans. b
39. 2 to 3 celled male gametophyte , starts its further development after pollination
( a ) in the style
( b ) in the ovary
( c ) on the stigma
( d ) in the ovule
Ans. c
40. Which part of male gametophyte , disintigrates before fertilisation ?
( a ) Generative nucleus
( b ) Tube nucleus
( c ) Male gamete
( d ) Germ pore
Ans. b
41. Pollen grains preserved for long periods in fossils due
( a ) cellulose
( b ) sporopollenin
( c ) carotenoids
( d ) ubisch bodies
Ans. b
42. Ubisch bodies are provided by
( a ) tapetum
( b ) pollen kitt
( c ) exine
( d ) intine
Ans. a
43. Smallest pollens are in
( a ) Cucurbita
( b ) Nyctoanthes
( c ) Myosotis
( d ) Hyacinthus
Ans. c
44. Which forms maximum proportion in chemica composition of pollens ?
( a ) Proteins
( b ) Fats
( c ) Carbohydrates
( d ) Water
Ans. c
45. ‘ Nemec phenomenon ‘ relates to
( a ) 7 celled female gemetophyte
( b ) 8 nucleated male gemetophyte
( c ) formation of pollen kitt
( d ) None of the above
Ans. b
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