We are going to cover Zoology MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) or Zoology question bank pdf quiz. Main Purpose to cover the Zoology is to help those students who can’t buy mock tests for regular exams and for competitive examinations. these Zoology questions are asked in many exams like IIT JAM, NEST, ICAR AIEEA, AIIMS Entrance Exam, JEST, TIFR GS, JNUEE, BioInformatics National Certification (BINC), Indian Statistical Institute Admission Test, INAT Test, GATE Science, NEET, UGC NET, GATE Life Sciences, GATE Biotechnology, UPSC, PPSC, Ph.D and many more.
Zoology MCQs Online Test | Zoology Question Bank pdf With Answers
1. Lower Non-Chordates
2. Higher Non-Chordates
3. Chordata
4. Vertebrata (Craniata)
5. Origin of Life and Evidences of Evolution
6. Theories of Evolution and Palaeontology
7. The Cell: Structure and Functions
8. Cell Division, Cell Cycle and Cell Signalling
9. Animal Tissue and Histology
10. Nutrition and Digestion
11. Respiratory System and Gas Exchange
12. Blood Circulatory System
13. Excretion and Osmoregulation
14. Endocrinology
15. Control and Corrdination
16. Muscles and Skeletal System
17. Reproductive System
18. Gametogenesis
19. Fertilisation
20. Cleavage and Early Development
21. Chick Embryology and Placentation
22. Carbohydrates
23. Amino Acids and Proteins
24. Lipids
25. Vitamins, Minerals and Enzymes
26. Cellular Respiration
27. Mendelian Laws and Gene Interaction
28. Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance and Sex Determination
29. Linkage and Recombination
30. Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis
31. Mutation
32. Genetic Engineering and RDT
33. Tools and Techniques in Biology
34. Ecosystem
35. Biodiversity Population Ecology
36. Pollution and its Control
37. Immunology
38. Biology in Human Welfare
39. Economic Zoology
40. Animal Behaviour, Communication and Courtshi
41. Behaviour Genetics and Ethology
42. Human Health and Diseases
All the topics mention above are zoology mcqs covering all these queries.
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Zoology, the study of animals, takes us on a captivating journey into the diverse and fascinating world of living creatures. From the tiniest insects to the majestic mammals, every animal has its own story to tell. Let’s embark on an adventure to uncover the wonders of zoology in simple language.
- What is Zoology? Zoology is like a big book that tells us everything about animals. It helps us understand how they live, what they eat, where they live, and how they interact with their environment. Zoologists, the scientists who study animals, observe them closely to learn more about their behavior, anatomy, and how they adapt to different environments.
- The Animal Kingdom: Animals are grouped into different categories based on their similarities and differences. The animal kingdom is divided into several groups, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. Each group has its own unique characteristics and features.
- Amazing Adaptations: Animals are incredible at adapting to their surroundings. From camouflage to mimicry, animals have developed various strategies to survive in their habitats. For example, chameleons change color to blend in with their surroundings, while polar bears have thick fur to keep them warm in cold climates.