NABARD Grade ‘A’ Syllabus, Exam Pattern: In below, we will explain NABARD details.
NABARD Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ Syllabus: Preliminary
English Language
- Reading comprehension
- Cloze test
- Sentence improvement
- Spotting the errors
- Fill in the blanks
- Sentence rearrangement
Quantitative Aptitude
- Data Interpretation
- Quadratic Equations
- Number Series
- Simplification/ Approximation
- Data Sufficiency
Reasoning Ability
- Puzzles (Seating arrangement, linear seating arrangement, floor based)
- Syllogism
- Data sufficiency
- Statement based questions (Verbal reasoning) Inequality
- Miscellaneous Questions
- Input Output
- Blood relations etc.
General Awareness
- Current Affairs
- Banking and Economy
- Insurance
Computer Knowledge
- Networking
- Input output devices
- MS Office
- Internet
- History of computer & generations
NABARD Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ Syllabus : Mains
Paper I – English Writing
- Essay
- Precis Writing
- Comprehension
- Report Writing
- Paragraph Writing
- Business/Office Correspondence
Paper II – Economic & Social Issues and Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India)
Economic & Social Issues :
- Nature of Indian Economy
- Structural and Institutional features
- Economic underdevelopment
- Opening up the Indian Economy
- Globalisation
- Economic Reforms in India
- Privatisation
- Inflation
- Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India
- Measurement of Poverty
- Population Trends
- Population Growth and Economic Development
- Population Policy in India
- Agriculture – Characteristics / Status
- Technical and Institutional changes in Indian Agriculture
- Agricultural performance
- Issues in Food Security in India
- Non Institutional and Institutional Agencies in rural credit.
- Industrial and Labor Policy
- Industrial performance
- Regional Imbalance in India’s Industrial Development
- Rural banking and financial institutions in India
- Reforms in Banking/ Financial sector
- Globalisation of Economy
- Role of International Funding Institution
- IMF & World Bank
- Regional Economic Co-operation.
- Social Structure in India
- Multiculturalism
- Social Justice
- Positive Discrimination in favor of the under privileged
Agriculture & Rural Development :
- Agriculture: definition, meaning and its branches
- Agronomy: definition, meaning and scope of agronomy
- Classification of field crops
- Factors affecting on crop production
- Agro Climatic Zones
- Cropping Systems: Definition and types of cropping systems
- Problems of dry land – Seed production, seed processing, seed village
- Meteorology: weather parameters, crop-weather advisory
- Precision Farming
- System of Crop Intensification
- organic farming
- Soil and Water Conservation : Major soil types, soil fertility, fertilisers, soil erosion, soil conservation,watershed management
- Water Resource
- Irrigation Management: types of irrigation, sources of irrigation, crop-water requirement, command area development, water conservation techniques, micro-irrigation, irrigation pumps, major,medium and minor irrigation.
- Farm and Agri Engineering : Farm Machinery and Power, Sources of power on the farm- human,animal, mechanical, electrical, wind, solar and biomass, bio fuels, water harvesting structures, farm ponds, watershed management, Agro Processing, Controlled and modified storage, perishable food storage, godowns, bins and grain silos.
- Plantation & Horticulture: Definition, meaning and its branche
- Agronomic practices and production technology of various plantation and horticulture crops
- Post-harvest management, value and supply chain management of Plantation and Horticulture crops
- Animal Husbandry: Farm animals and their role in Indian economy, Animal husbandry methods in India, common terms pertaining to different species of livestock, Utility classification of breeds of cattle
- Introduction to common feeds and fodders, their classification and utility
- Introduction to poultry industry in India (past, present and future status), Common terms pertaining to poultry production and management
- Concept of mixed farming and its relevance to socio-economic conditions of farmers in India
- Complimentary and obligatory nature of livestock and poultry production with that of agricultural farming.
- Fisheries: Fisheries resources, management and exploitation
- freshwater, brackish water and marine
- Aquaculture- Inland and marine
- Biotechnology
- post-harvest technology
- Importance of fisheries in India
- Common terms pertaining to fish production
- Forestry: Basic concepts of Forest and Forestry
- Principles of silviculture, forest mensuration, forest management and forest economics
- Concepts of social forestry, agro forestry, joint forest management
- Forest policy and legislation in India, India State of Forest Report 2015
- Recent developments under Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
- Agriculture Extensions: Its importance and role, methods of evaluation of extension programmes, Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s (KVK) in dissemination of Agricultural technologies
- Ecology and Climate Change: Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their sustainable management and conservation
- Causes of climate change, Green House Gases (GHG), major GHG emitting countries, climate analysis, distinguish between adaptation and mitigation, climate change impact to agriculture andrural Page 12 of 28 livelihood, carbon credit, IPCC, UNFCCC, CoP meetings, funding mechanisms forclimate change projects, initiatives by Govt of India, NAPCC, SAPCC, INDC
- Present Scenario of Indian Agriculture and Allied activities
- recent trends
- major challenges in agriculture measures to enhance viability of agriculture
- Factors of Production in agriculture
- Agricultural Finance and Marketing
- Impact of Globalization on Indian Agriculture and issues of Food Security
- Concept and Types of Farm Management
- Rural Development: Concept of Rural Area, Structure of the Indian Rural Economy
- Importance and role of the rural sector in India- Economic, Social and Demographic Characteristics of the Indian rural economy, causes of Rural Backwardness
- Rural population in India; Occupational structure, Farmers, Agricultural Laborers, Artisans,Handicrafts, Traders
- Forest dwellers/tribes and others in rural India- Trends of change in rural population and rural workforce; problems and conditions of rural labor
- Issues and challenges in Hand-looms
- Panchayati Raj Institutions – Functions and Working
- MGNREGA, NRLM – Aajeevika, Rural Drinking water Programmes, Swachh Bharat, Rural Housing, PURA and other rural development programmes.
NABARD Grade A Selection Process :
- Preliminary Exam
- Mains Exam
- Interview
NABARD Exam Pattern : Preliminary
The preliminary exam will be held in online mode. According to NABARD exam pattern 2023-24, the preliminary exam is divided into seven sections and comprises multiple choice questions (MCQ).
Topics | Distribution of questions |
Test of Reasoning | 20 marks |
English Language | 40 marks |
Computer Language | 20 marks |
General Awareness | 20 marks |
Quantitative Aptitude | 20 marks |
Economic & Social Issues (with focus on Rural India) | 40 marks |
Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India) | 40 marks |
Total | 200 marks |
- A composite time of 2 hour is provided to the candidate.
- 0.25 marks Penalty for Wrong Answers.
NABARD Exam Pattern : Mains
The mains exam will be held in online mode. The mains exam comprises both MCQ and descriptive type questions. Candidates in the ratio 1:25 are selected for the mains exam. The mains exam comprises two papers – I and II.
- The Paper I is on General English which is descriptive type paper. The exam will be held online and candidates need to type the answers by using keyboard. The duration of the paper is 1 ½ hrs and carries 100 marks. The analytical and writing skills are assessed through Descriptive Test. The exam comprises questions from essay writing, comprehension, report writing, paragraph writing & letter writing.
- The Paper II as per NABARD exam pattern 2023-24 is MCQ based. The test paper carries questions from Economic & Social Issues and Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India). The questions in Paper II are also asked related to discipline. The Paper II is set as per the posts. Each paper is held for 1 ½ hrs and for 100 marks.
NABARD Exam Pattern : Interview
The interview is conducted for applicants qualifying the Phase II exam and placed sufficiently high in the order of merit. Candidates in the ratio 1:5 will be called for Interview. The total marks allotted to the interview is 25 marks.