Multiple choice Questions of Botany Topic Reproduction in Plants Questions and Answers and Development of Female Gametophyte MCQs with Answers ( Reproduction in Plants Questions and Answers and Development of Female Gametophyte Quiz ) for NEET, GATE, AIAPGET, NEET MDS, NEET PG, DNB PDCET, AIIMS SS, PGIMER (Other), AIIMS PG and many more competitive examinations.
Reproduction in plants questions and answers | Reproduction in flowering plants mcq pdf neet download
1. In most of the plants , the micropyle is formed due to absence of
( a ) outer integument
( b ) inner integument
( c ) Both ( a ) and ( c )
( d ) None of the above
Ans. c
2. Which of the following is a diploid ?
( a ) Egg
( b ) Synergids
( c ) Antipodals
( d ) Secondary nucleus
Ans. d
3. The type of megaspore tetrad most commonly formed in angiosperms is
( a ) tetrahedral
( b ) linear
( c ) T – shaped
( d ) decussate
Ans. b
4. Filiform apparatus is formed by
( a ) synergids
( b ) antipodals
( c ) egg cell
( d ) tapetum
Ans. a
5. Meiotic division in an ovule takes place in
( a ) nucellus
( b ) megaspore mother cell
( c ) megaspore
( d ) archesporium
Ans. b
6. The functional megaspore undergoes which of the following simultaneous divisions to form mature embryo sac ?
( a ) Three meiosis
( b ) Two meiosis
( c ) Three mitosis
( d ) One mitosis
Ans. d
7. The embryo sac occurs within the
( a ) embryonic axis
( b ) embryo
( c ) ovule
( d ) endosperm
Ans. c
Reproduction in plants question bank | Reproduction in flowering plants class 12 notes pdf download
8. The point at which funiculus touches the ovule is
( a ) chalaza
( b ) hilum
( c ) raphe
( d ) endothelium
Ans. b
9. Which of the following nucleus is unlike other nuclei in the female gametophyte of angiosperms ?
( a ) Egg nucleus
( b ) Nucleus of synergids
( c ) Secondary nucleus
( d ) Nuclei of antipodals
Ans. c
10. Opposite to micropyle , there is a basal part of ovule which is called
( a ) funicle
( b ) chalaza
( c ) hilum
( d ) None of these
Ans. b
11. Embryo sac in angiosperms represents
( a ) megagametophyte
( b ) megaspore
( c ) megasporophyll
( d ) megagamete
Ans. b
12. At the time of fertilisation , the female gametophyte is
( a ) 5 – celled
( b ) 6 – celled
( c ) 7 – celled
( d ) 8 – celled
Ans. c
13. Ovary is divided in various ovarian cavities called
( a ) placenta
( b ) locule
( c ) embryo sac
( d ) None of these
Ans. b
14. In which of the following parts of ovule reserve food is stored ?
( a ) Integuments
( b ) Micropyle
( c ) Nucellus
( d ) All of these
Ans. c
Reproduction in plants class 7 questions and answers
15. The protective covering of ovule is
( a ) chalaza
( b ) micropyle
( c ) integuments
( d ) None of these
Ans. c
16. In atropous or orthotropous ovule , micropyle and chalaza lies
( a ) 90 ° to each other
( b ) parallel to each other
( c ) in a same verticle plane
( d ) None of these
Ans. c
17. Micropyle and funicle are parallel and very close to each other in which of the following ovule ?
( a ) Amphitropous
( b ) Anatropous
( c ) Atropous
( d ) Campylotropous
Ans. b
18. Two cells that flanked the egg cells are called
( a ) antipodal cell
( b ) synergids
( c ) secondary nucleus
( d ) micropyle
Ans. b
19. Which of the following pairs of plant parts are both haploid in nature ?
( a ) Nucellus and primary endosperm cell
( b ) Antipodal cells and egg cell
( c ) Nucellus and antipodal cells
( d ) Antipodal cells and megaspore mother cell
Ans. b
20. The endothelium is derived from
( a ) outer integument
( b ) inner integument
( c ) nucellus
( d ) funicle
Ans. b
21. Campylotropous ovules are found in
( a ) Pisum
( b ) Yucca
( c ) Abelmoschus
( d ) Dahlia
Ans. a
Reproduction in flowering plants questions and answers pdf | Sexual reproduction in flowering plants important questions
22. Ovules in the family Solanaceae are
( a ) orthotropous , bitegmic
( b ) anatropous , bitegmic
( c ) orthotropous , unitegmic
( d ) anatropous , unitegmic
Ans. d
23. In most of the plants , the micropyle is formed by
( a ) outer integument
( b ) inner integument
( c ) Both ( a ) and ( b )
( d ) None of these
Ans. b
24. When body of the ovule lies at the right angles to the funicle and the micropyle lies close to the later , it is called
( a ) anatropous
( b ) amphitropous
( c ) campylotropous
( d ) hemianatropous
Ans. a
25. The largest cell of the embryo sac is
( a ) antipodal
( b ) central cell
( c ) egg cell
( d ) synergid
Ans. b
Reproduction in plants class 12 mcq pdf
26. In angiosperms , the female gametophyte is
( a ) egg apparatus
( b ) synergid
( c ) embryo
( d ) embryo sac
Ans. d
27. The space between the outer and the inner integument in the region of micropyle is called
( a ) exostome
( b ) peristore
( c ) hypostome
( d ) endostome
Ans. a
28. Filiform apparatus is formed by
( a ) plasma cell
( b ) egg cell
( c ) synergids
( d ) antipodals
Ans. c
29. The ovule in a typical angiosperm is equals to
( a ) megasporophyll
( b ) megasporangium
( c ) megaspore mother cell
( d ) megaspore
Ans. b
30. Female gametophyte of a typical dicot plant at the time of fertilisation is
( a ) 4 – celled
( b ) 6 – celled
( c ) 7 – celled
( d ) 8 – celled
Ans. c
Reproduction in plants class 7 mcq with answers
31. In angiosperms , embryo sac represents .
( a ) female gametophyte
( b ) male gametophyte
( c ) sporophyte
( d ) None of these
Ans. a
32. Embryo sac occurs in
( a ) embryo
( b ) axis part of embryo
( c ) ovule
( d ) endosperm
Ans. c
33. The cells which are found on opposite pole to egg cells are called
( a ) synergids
( b ) antipodal cells
( c ) Both ( a ) and ( b )
( d ) None of these
Ans. b
34. Eight nucleated embryo sac is
( a ) 8 celled
( b ) 7 celled
( c ) 6 celled
( d ) 5 celled
Ans. b
35. An ovule which becomes curved so that the nucellus and embryo sac lies at the right angles to the funicle is
( a ) hemitropus
( b ) anatropus
( c ) campylotropous
( d ) orthotropus
Ans. a
36. The arrangement of nuclei in a normal embryo sac in the dicot plant is
( a ) 3 + 3 + 2
( b ) 2 + 4 + 2
( c ) 3 + 2 + 3
( d ) 2 + 3 + 3
Ans. c
37. An egg apparatus contains
( a ) an egg + two antipodals
( b ) an egg + secondary nucleus
( c ) an egg + two synergid
( d ) antipodal cell + two synergid
Ans. c
38. Embryo sac contains
( a ) 2 eggs
( b ) 3 eggs
( c ) 1 egg
( d ) 4 eggs
Ans. c
39. Out of megaspore tetrad the functional megaspore is
( a ) any megaspore
( b ) middle megaspore
( c ) micropylar megaspore
( d ) chalazal megaspore
Ans. d
40. Ovule is straight with funicules , embryo sac , chalaza and micropyle lying on a stright line . It is called
( a ) orthotropous
( b ) anatropous
( c ) campylotropous
( d ) amphitropous
Ans. a
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