Animal Kingdom MCQ For NEET pdf Download

Multiple choice questions of Zoology Topic Animal Kingdom MCQ For NEET pdf Download (Animal Kingdom, Lower Non-Chordates, Higher Non-Chordates) For NEET, GATE, AIAPGET, NEET MDS, NEET PG, DNB PDCET, AIIMS SS, PGIMER (Other), AIIMS PG and many more competitive examinations.

Animal Kingdom NEET Questions pdf

1. Amoeboid protozoans move and capture their prey by

(a) putting out pseudopodia

(b) the ciliary movement

(c) the water currents

(d) None of these

Ans. a

2. The middle layer of the body wall of Porifera is an

(a) mesenchyme 

(b) mesoderm

(c) mesogloea

(d) mesentery

Ans. a

3. Cnidarians exhibit

(a) tissue level of organisation

(b) diploblastic organisation

(c) central gastro-vascular cavity with a single opening

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

4. The main function of clitellum is

(a) cocoon formation

(b) locomotion

(c) excretion 

(d) copulation

Ans. a

5. Taenia solium is commonly known as

(a) beef tapewórm 

(b) pork tapeworm

(c) cattle tapeworm

(d) sheep tapeworm

Ans. b

6. The origin of the nephridium is

(a) germinal

(b) ectodermal

(c) mesodermal

(d) endodermal

Ans. c

7. Haemozoin granules, characteristic of malaria, are produced by

(a) toxins of Plasmodium

(b) haematin to haemoglobin

(c) endotoxin of Plasmodium

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

8. Cysts of E. histolytica spread by

(a) mosquito

(b) bed-bug

(c) mouse

(d) housefly

Ans. d

9. Sponges have a water transport or canal system, in which the path of water is

(a) osculum ostia spongocoel

(b) ostia Osculumspongocoel

(c) ostia spongocoelosculum

(d) osculum spongocoel ostia

Ans. c

10. Nematocyst are absent in

(a) Actinozoa 

(b) Ctenophora

(c) Hydrozoa

(d) Scyphora

Ans. b

Animal Kingdom Class 11 neet Questions

11. Coral reefs are found in

(a) tropical and subtropical sea water

(b) shallow water

(c) deep water

(d) marine water below 70F temp

Ans. b

12. Intermediate host in liver fluke is 

(a) snail

(b) pig

(c) man

(d) mosquito

Ans. a

13. The scientific name of precious red coral is

(a) Tubipora

(b) Fupgta

(c) Heliopora

(d) Corallium

Ans. d

14. In Leucosolenia, asexual reproduction take place by

(a) sporulation 

(b) external budding

(c) binary fission

(d) cyst formation

Ans. b

15. The parasitic forms of flagellated protozoans cause diseases such as

(a) sleeping sickness 

(b) maiaria

(c) Chaga’s disease

(d) leishmaniasis

Ans. a

16. Pseudopodia are formed in an Amoeba

(a) when it comes in contact with a food particle

(b) by the movement of the surrounding water

(c) by exchange of salts with the medium

(d) by sol-gel transformation of the cytopiasm

Ans. d

17. Sporozoa includes diverse organisms that have

(a) thousands of cilia on the body surface

(b) flagella on their body

(c) infectious spore-like stage in their life cycle

(d) silica shelis on their surface Amoeba is

Ans. c

18. The food capturing organelle

(a) food vacuole

(b) contractile vacuole

(c) pseudopodia

(d) nucleus

Ans. c

19. Chromatoid body in Entamoeba histolytica are found

(a) cyst 

(b) trophozoite

(c) metacyst

(d) minuta

Ans. a

20. Exflagellation stage occurs in the life cycle of Plasmodium in

(a) man

(b) mosquito

(c) Both (a) and (b) 

(d) None of these

Ans. b

Animal Kingdom MCQ for NEET pdf Download by Question Papers

21. A sponge can be distinguished from other animals due to presence of

(a) coelenteron

(b) choanocytes

(c) hollow body

(d) dermal papilae

Ans. b

22. Which cells in sponges have food reservest

(a) Archaeocytes 

(b) Myocytes

(c) Thesocytes

(d) Choanocytes

Ans. c

23. Select the odd one from the following

(a) Sycon

(b) Spongila

(c) Euspongia

(d) Adamsia

Ans. d

24. Fertilisation in sponge is 

(a) internal

(b) extermal

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. a

25. Excretion process in Entamoeba histolyticatakes place by  

(a) general surface

(b) contractile vacuole

(c) food vacuoles

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

26. Cyclosis in Paramecitum is associated with

(a) respiration

(b) excretion

(c) digestion

(d) locomotion

Ans. d

27. Which organism possesses characteristics of plants and animals?

(a) Bacteria

(b) Monera

(c) Eugiena

(d) Mycoplasma

Ans. c

28. Collar cells are general characteristic of  

(a) sand worm 

(b) roundworms

(c) Coelenterata

(d) sponges

Ans. d

29. Which of the following statements is true about roundworms?

(a) Roundworms may reach 5 cm in length

(b) They are non-segmented

(c) They are generally dark coloured

(d) They occur only in the sail

Ans. b

30. Which kind of symmetry occurs in sea anemone?

(a) Bilateral 

(b) Radial

(c) Asymmetry

(d) None of these

Ans. b

Animal Kingdom MCQ for NEET pdf

31. In a sponge which of the following are responsible for maintaining the current of water?

(a) Pinacocytes 

(b) Porocytes

(c) Choanocytes

(d) Amoebocytes

Ans. c

32. Which one is the freshwater sponge?

(a) Spongia 

(b) Sycon

(c) Euplectella

(d) Spongilla

Ans. a

33. The members of phylum-Coelenterata show 

(a) metamerism

(b) radial symmetry

(c) bilateral symmetry

(d) asymmetry

Ans. b

34. The totipotent cells of sponge are

(a) archaeocytes 

(b) pinacocytes

(c) choanocytes

(d) trophocytes

Ans. a

35. Active feeding stage of Plasmodium is

(a) trophozoite 

(b) sporozoite

(c) merozoite

(d) metacryptozoite

Ans. a

36. Centrosomes are absent in

(a) Amoeba

(b) Paramecium

(c) Trypanosoma

(d) Plasmodium

Ans. a

37. Tse-tse fly is the vector of

(a) typhoid

(b) kala-azar pioydki

(c) gambian fever

(d) oriental sore

Ans. c

38. Onchosphere embryo occurs in

(a) Paramecium 

(b) Taenia solium

(c) Fasciola

(d) Ascaris

Ans. b

39. Metacercaria larvae is the characteristic feature of  

(a) Fasciola

(b) Schistosoma

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. a

40. In Paramecium, the coordinated movement of row of cilia causes the water laiden with food to be

(a) expelled out fro.m the cell

(b) steered into the gullet

(c) cycled into the protoplasm

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

MCQ on Chordates | Animal Kingdom MCQ pdf | Phylum Chordata Questions Answers

41. Sleeping sickness is caused by

(a) Trypanosoma gambiense

(b) Entamoeba histolytica

(c) Plasmodium vivax

(d) Plasmodium ovale

Ans. a

42. Velerium is found in

(a) Aurelia

(b) Obelia medusa

(c) Sertularia

(d) Hydra

Ans. a

43. The study of coelenterates is known as 

(a) Arthrology

(b) Splanchnology

(c) Cnidology

(d) Nidology

Ans. c

44. Reserved food in Euglena is in the form of  

(a) starch

(b) glycogen

(c) fatty acids

(d) paramylum

Ans. d

45. The hinder end of male Ascaris is

(a) straight 

(b) thickened

(c) coiled

(d) curved

Ans. d

46. Characteristic common feature between flatworms and roundworms is

(a) triploblastic

(b) acoelomate

(c) pseudocoelomate

(d) parasitic

Ans. a

47. The commonest worm in children is

(a) Ascaris lumbricoides

(b) Enterobius vermicularis

(c) Ancylostoma duodenale

(d) Trichinella sprialis

Ans. b

48. Whipworm is

(a) Trichuris 

(b) Ancylostoma

(c) Enterobius

(d) Trichinella

Ans. a

49. Liver fluke belongs to class

(a) Trematoda 

(b) Turbellaria

(c) Castoda

(d) Nematoda

Ans. a

50. Segments of tapeworm are called

(a) scoles 

(b) cysticercus

(c) proglottides

(d) onchospheres

Ans. c

Kingdom Animalia MCQs pdf | Animal Kingdom NEET Questions pdf Download | MCQ on Chordates pdf

51. Jelly fishes belong to class

(a) Nydrozoa 

(b) Scyphozoa

(c) Anthozoa

(d) None of these

Ans. b

52. Choanocytes are present in

(a) incurrent canals

(b) radial canals

(c) excurrent canals

(d) spongocoel

Ans. c

53. Tentacles of Hydra are

(a) hollow

(b) soud

(c) half hollow

(d) None of these

Ans. a

54. Nutrition in Ascaris is

(a) molozoic 

(b) saprozoic

(c) parasitic

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Ans. a

55. The colour of Spongilla is due to

(a) chromocytes 

(b) zoochlorellae

(c) zooxanthellae

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. b

56. Ciliated protozoans have a cavity, that opens outside of the cell surface are called

(a) contractile vacuole

(b) food vacuole

(c) gullet

(d) anus

Ans. c

57. Sporozoa includes diverse organisms that have

(a) thousands of cilia on the body surface

(b) flägella on their body

(c) infectious spore-like stage in their life cycle

(d) silica shells on their surface

Ans. c

58. Centrosomes are absent in

(a) Amoeba

(b) Paramecium

(c) Trypanosoma

(d) Plasmodium

Ans. a

59. The infective stage of Trypanosoma is 

(a) long and slender form

(b) crithidial form

(c) metacyclic form

(d) intermediate form

Ans. c

60. Osmoregulatory mechanism is absent in

(a) Paramecium 

(b) Amoeba

(c) Euglena

(d) Trypanosoma

Ans. d

mcq on animal kingdom for neet pdf | animal kingdom mcq pdf download | chordates mcqs with answers pdf

61. Amoeba reacts

(a) negatively to both weak and strong light

(b) positively to strong light and negatively to weak light

(c) positively to both weak and strong light

(d) negatively to strong light and positively to weak light

Ans. d

62. Amoeba is immortal, it can be explained by germplasm theory of

(a) Heitzmann 

(b) Schultze

(c) Berthold

(d) Weismann

Ans. d

63. Surface tension theory explains the theory of

(a) amoeboid movement

(b) caterpillar movement of Hydra

(c) ciliary beat

(d) jerking movement of Euglena

Ans. a

64. Amoeba is capable of regeneration. This is possible only from

(a) a nucleated bit of Amoeba

(b) an anucleate bit of Amoeba

(c) a young Amoeba

(d) an old Amoeba

Ans. a

65. Balantidium lives in the intestine of

(a) man

(b) pig 

(c) sheep

(d) All of these

Ans. d

66. Cytopyge is found in  

(a) Amoeba

(b) Paramecium

(c) Euglena

(d) Trypanosoma

Ans. d

67. Which show endocommensal form in large intestine of anura?

(a) Opalina 

(b) Monocystis

(c) Trypanosoma

(d) None of these

Ans. a

68. Active feeding stage of Plasmodium is  

(a) trophozoite

(b) sporozoite

(c) merozoite

(d) metacryptozoite

Ans. a

69. Destruction of nucleus in Amoeba results in

(a) no change

(b) quick locomotion

(c) slowing down of metabolism

(d) immediate death

Ans. c

70. If an Amoeba is put in a medium-A from freshwater, its contractile vacuole disappeared but when it is transferred to medium-B, its contractile vacuole reappeared. What is the difference between medium-A and B?

(a) Medium-A is hypotonic

(b) Medium-B is hypertonic

(c) Medium-A is hypertonic

(d) Medium-A is isotonic

Ans. d

Animal Kingdom NEET MCQ pdf | Animal Kingdom Non Chordates MCQ NEET | Multiple Choice Questions on Phylum Chordata

71. Nitrogenous wastes in Amoeba, are excreted through

(a) plasmalemma 

(b) food vacuole

(c) contractile vacuole

(d) None of these

Ans. a

72. In sponges, the canal system is helpful in

(a) food gathering 

(b) respiratory exchange

(c) removal of waste

(d) All of these

Ans. d

73. Select the odd one from the following.

(a) Sycon 

(b) Spongilla

(c) Euspongia

(d) Adamsia

Ans. d

74. The middle layer of the body wall of Porifera is

(a) mesenchyme 

(b) mesoderm

(c) mesogloea

(d) mesentery

Ans. a

75. Glass sponges belong to the class

(a) Demospongia 

(b) Tetractinellida

(c) Hexactinellida

(d) Calcarea

Ans. c

76. Which one of the following is the most distinctive character of sponges? ablons/

(a) They are acellular

(b) They possess special cells called choanocytes

(c) They reproduce asexually

(d) They are all marine

Ans. b

77. The inter-communicating cavities in the body of a sponge constitute

(a) water vascular system

(b) canal system

(c) circulating system

(d) None of these

Ans. b

78. Which of the following statement is true about sponges?

(a) Innumerable mouths and one exit

(b) One mouth and innumerable exits

(c) Spicules are made of chitin

(d) A large spaceous stomach

Ans. a

79. Which of the following is a false statement?

(a) All sponges are hermaphrodites

(b) Choanocytes are reproductive in function

(c) Sponges are multicellular organisms

(d) Porocytes allow incurrents of water

Ans. b

80. Porocytes are special cells for the passage of

(a) excretory products within body of flatworms

(b) sweat upon surface of mammalian epidermis

(c) incoming water current in the body of sponges

(d) outgoing water current on top of sponges

Ans. c

Higher Non-Chordates MCQs

1. Body of annelids is

(a) bilateral symmetrical

(b) asymmetrical

(c) radial symmetrical

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

2. The parapodia of heteronereis are

(a) provided with long, thicker bar-shaped blades

(b) shorter than the parapodia of Nereis

(c) longer than body segments

(d) provided with thin cartilaginous covering for strength

Ans. a

3. In Echinodermata, fertilisation is usually

(a) external 

(b) internal

(c) absent

(d) useless

Ans. b

4. Statocysts are

(a) present in heteronereis

(b) absent in adult Nereis

(c) present in larval forms only

(d) totally absent in Nereis

Ans. d

5. In echinoderms, the digestive system is  

(a) complete

(b) incomplete

(c) absent

(d) Either (b) or (c)

Ans. a

6. Apple snail is the common name of

(a) Octopus 

(b) Ampullariidae

(c) Dentalium

(d) Loligo

Ans. b

7. In prawn, identification of sex can be done externally by

(a) second chelate leg

(b) first abdominal appendage

(c) first maxillipeds

(d) uropode

Ans. d

8. Gastropods are

(a) marine 

(b) freshwater

(c) terrestrial

(d) All of these

Ans. d

9. The larva of echinoderms are

(a) radially symmetrical

(b) bilaterally symmetrical

(c) asymmetrical

(d) pentamerous

Ans. b

10. Resorptive cells of digestive gland of Pila possess

(a) lipases

(b) proteases

(c) carbohydrates

(d) None of these

Ans. b

11. Echinoderms have an endoskeleton of  

(a) calcified bones 

(b) calcareous ossicles

(c) chitinous plates

(d) spongin fibres

Ans. b

12. The most evolved molluscs are

(a) cephalopods

(b) gastropods

(c) scaphopods

(d) None of these

Ans. a

14. Ecdysis and metamorphosis is controlled by which of the following glands in cockroach?

(a) Corpus luteum

(b) Corpora allata

(c) Corpus callosum

(d) Prothoracic gland

Ans. b

15. Body of molluscs is covered by

(a) chitinous exoskeleton

(b) siliceous spicules

(c) calcareous shell

(d) pellicle

Ans. c

16. The level of organisation in Echinodermata is of  

(a) cellular level

(b) tissue level

(c) organ level

(d) organ system level

Ans. d

17. Lime cells of digestive glands in Pila contain

(a) carbonates of lime

(b) sulphate of lime

(c) phosphate of lime

(d) All of these SE

Ans. c

18. What is correct about male mosquito?

(a) Mandibles are well-developed  

(b) Mandibles are four

(c) Mandibles are absent

(d) None of the above

Ans. c

19. In molluscs, the digestive tract

(a) absent

(b) complete 

(c) incomplete

(d) None of these

Ans. b

20. Filter feeding occurs in

(a) earthworm

(b) Nereis

(c) leech 

(d) cockroach

Ans. a

21. ‘Acorn worm’ is the common name of

(a) Balanoglossus 

(b) Ascaris

(c) Earthworm

(d) Scolopendra

Ans. a

22. Haemocyanin, the blue colouring pigment of molluscan blood contains

(a) iron

(b) magnesium

(c) copper

(d) manganese  

Ans. c

23. Mollusca has….type of vascular system

(a) reduced 

(b) open

(c) closed

(d) None of these

Ans. b

24. The culture of molluscs can be studies under

(a) pisciculture 

(b) sericulture

(c) aquaculture

(d) apiculture

Ans.  c

What is Chordata and Non Chordata | Phylum Chordata Questions Answers

25. Johnston’s organ is found in

(a) spider’s

(b) antennae of mosquitoes

(c) head of cockroach 

(d) abdomen of houseflies

Ans. b

26. Echinoderms are considered to be the most evolved invertebrates because they

(a) are schizocoelic

(b) are enterocoelic

(c) have a great power of regeneration

(d) show resemblance with chordates in their embryonic development

Ans. a

27. How many red colour eye spots are present in sea star?

(a) One pair 

(b) Two pairs

(c) Three pairs

(d) Five pairs

Ans. d

28. Excretion in echinoderm is conducted by

(a) a set of nephridium around the disc

(b) a set of nephridium around the tips of arms

(c) echinoderms are without excretory organs

(d) five pairs of kidney

Ans. c

29. What are the respiratory organs of molluscs?

(a) Gills of ctenidia 

(b) Mantle

(c) Pulmonary sac

(d) All of these

Ans. d

30. A snail’s body has  

(a) visceral mass

(b) shell

(c) ventral muscular foot

(d) All of these

Ans. d

31. One of the following is not an echinoderm

(a) sea lily 

(b) sea pentagon

(c) sea pen

(d) sea cucumber

Ans. c

32. The fold of dorsal body wall covering the visceral mass in Mollusca is known as

(a) shel

(b) mantle

(c) operculum

(d) None of these

Ans. b

33. The echinoderms are related to chordates by its similarity in the development of 

(a) gut

(b) nerve

(c) coelom

(d) heart 

Ans. c

34. Mollusca are

(a) bilaterally symmetrical

(b) radial symmetrical 

(c) asymmetrical

(d) None of these

Ans. a

35. Mollusca have..type of reproduction.

(a) asexual

(b) sexual 

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. b

36. Torsion and detorsion are exceptional to

(a) Mollusca 

(b) Echinodermata

(c) Annelida

(d) All of these

Ans. a

37. Locomotory organs of Echinodermata are

(a) parapodia 

(b) pseudopodia

(c) toot

(d) None of these

Ans. d

38. Nervous system of echinoderms comprises

(a) radial nerve cord

(b) the presence of brain

(c) no brain

(d) chain of ganglia

Ans. a

39. The members of bee colony recognise each other by

(a) smell

(b) vision 

(c) touch

(d) dance

Ans. d

40. The common larvae of annelids is

(a) trochophore 

(b) actinotrocha

(c) tornaria

(d) None of these

Ans. a

41. Coelomic fluid of Pheretima is

(a) acidic

(b) watery

(c) oily

(d) alkaline

Ans. d

42. Nereis

(a) gregarious 

(b) nocturnal

(c) carnivorous

(d) All of these

Ans. d

43. The female genital aperture in earthworm is present ventrally on the segment

(a) 10th

(b) 12th

(c) 14th

(d) 19th

Ans. c

44. An insect commonly available from book is

(a) silver fish

(b) Drosophila

(c) cockroach

(d) mosquito

Ans. a

45. A class with the largest number of animals is 

(a) Mammalia

(b) Insecta

(c) Reptilia

(d) Pisces

Ans. b

46. Changes involving conversion of larva into adult are

(a) metastasis

(b) metagenesis

(c) metamorphosis

(d) alternation of generation

Ans. c

47. The Indian pearl oyster is

(a) Sepia

(b) Pinctada

(c) Pila

(d) Chiton

Ans. b

48. Connecting link between Annelida and Mollusca is

(a) Squid

(b) Nautilus

(c) Neopilina

(d) Sepia

Ans. c

49. The larvae of echinodermates are

(a) trochophore and auricularia

(b) bipinnavia and brachiolaria

(c) radia and cerearia

(d) miracidium and cysticerci

Ans. b

50. Sea star is

(a) Asterias

(b) Ophiothrix

(c) Anedon

(d) Echinus

Ans. a

51. Which one of the following are not hermaphrodite animals?

(a) Polychaetes 

(b) Flatworms

(c) Leeches

(d) Earthworm

Ans. a

52. The animal which does not show any metamorphosis of larval stage is

(a) Pheretima posthuma

(b) Astrias

(c) Musca domestica

(d) Butterfly

Ans. a

53. Leeches are

(a) phytophagous animals

(b) blood sucking animals

(c) insectivorous animals

(d) soil eating animals

Ans. b

54. Leech secretes, which of the following anticoagulants?

(a) Hirudin

(b) Heparin

(c) Serotonin

(d) Histamine

Ans. a

55. Which one assists in locomotion?

(a) Trichocysts in Paramecium

(b) Penae spicules in Ascaris lumbricoidis

(c) Clitellum in Pheretima

(d) Posterior sucker in Hirudinaria

Ans. d

56. Tube dwelling polychaetes are known as

(a) burrowing 

(b) planktonic

(c) pelagic

(d) tubicolous

Ans. d

57. Aphrodite is commonly known as

(a) lung worm

(b) sea fan

(c) sea mouse

(d) polalo worm

Ans. c

58. Which of the following annelid is dioecious?

(a) Pheretima 

(b) Eisenia

(c) Nereis

(d) Lumbricus

Ans. c

59. Clitellum is absent in

(a) Nereis 

(b) Aphrodite

(c) Chaetopterus

(d) All of these

Ans. d

60. Which one of the following larva is shared by both annelids and molluscs?

(a) Glochidium 

(b) Tornaria

(c) Trochophore

(d) Planula

Ans. c

61. The largest phylum of Animalia, that includes insects is

(a) Arthropoda

(b) Aschelminthes

(c) Porifera

(d) Annelida

Ans. a

62. The body of arthropods consists of

(a) head 

(b) thorax

(c) abdomen

(d) All of these

Ans. d

63. In arthropods, excretion takes place through the

(a) flame cells 

(b) Malpighian tubules

(c) gills

(d) nephridia

Ans. b

64. In arthropods, fertilisation is usually

(a) internal 

(b) external

(c) absent

(d) Either (b) or (c)

Ans. a

65. The membrane at the side that can connect the tergum and sternum is called

(a) mesentery

(b) pleuron

(c) epithelium

(d) chitin

Ans. b

66. The balancing organ equal to our ear in aquatic arthropods as in prawn is

(a) otolith

(b) lateral line organ

(c) otocyst

(d) statocyst

Ans. d

67. The free larval stage can be traced in which one of the following sets?

(a) Ascaris, housefly and earthworm

(b) Butterfly mosquito and honeybee

(c) Housefly, earthworm and mosquito

(d) Locust, earthworm and cockroach

Ans. b

68. Head louse is

(a) Pediculus humanus capititis

(b) Phytophaga

(c) Pediculus humanus corporis

(d) None of the above

Ans. a

69. In Limulus (king crab), belonging to sub-class-Xiphosura, the respiratory organs are

(a) book lungs 

(b) gills

(c) tracheae

(d) absent

Ans. a

70. Respiratory organs of crustaceans are

(a) lungs 

(b) book lungs

(c) tracheae

(d) gills

Ans. d

71. The coxal glands in arachnids serve as

(a) digestive glands 

(b) excretory glands

(c) reproductive glands

(d) poison glands

Ans. b

72. An insect without metamorphosis is

(a) silver fish

(b) Pediculus

(c) bed bug

(d) cray fish

Ans. a

73. Leptocorisa is

(a) harmful

(b) useful

(c) important in oil industry

(d) useful for crops as biological control

Ans. a

74. Phlebotomus is responsible for spreading

(a) dumdum fever 

(b) oriental sores

(c) kala-azar

(d) All of these

Ans. d

75. Palpigers are the structures present on insect’s

(a) labrum 

(b) labium

(c) antennae

(d) maxillae

Ans. b

Question 1: What is the largest animal on Earth?

a) African Elephant

b) Blue Whale

c) Giraffe

d) Hippopotamus

Answer: b) Blue Whale

Question 2: Which of the following animals belongs to the class Aves?

a) Frog

b) Crocodile

c) Spider

d) Sparrow

Answer: d) Sparrow

Question 3: Which phylum do jellyfish, corals, and sea anemones belong to?

a) Arthropoda

b) Mollusca

c) Cnidaria

d) Chordata

Answer: c) Cnidaria

Question 4: What is the process called by which insects transform from an immature form to an adult form?

a) Metamorphosis

b) Photosynthesis

c) Fertilization

d) Respiration

Answer: a) Metamorphosis

Question 5: Which of the following animals is a marsupial?

a) Kangaroo

b) Lion

c) Zebra

d) Giraffe

Answer: a) Kangaroo

Question 6: Which class do snakes, lizards, and turtles belong to?

a) Amphibia

b) Reptilia

c) Mammalia

d) Aves

Answer: b) Reptilia

Question 7: How do mammals typically give birth to their young?

a) Laying eggs

b) Pupation

c) Metamorphosis

d) Live birth

Answer: d) Live birth

Question 8: The “Kingdom Animalia” is characterized by:

a) Autotrophic nutrition

b) Cell walls made of cellulose

c) Heterotrophic nutrition

d) Absence of multicellularity

Answer: c) Heterotrophic nutrition

Question 9: Which of the following animals is ectothermic?

a) Polar Bear

b) Penguin

c) Dolphin

d) Snake

Answer: d) Snake

Question 10: What is the main characteristic feature of animals belonging to the phylum Chordata?

a) Exoskeleton

b) Radial symmetry

c) Notochord

d) Segmented bodies

Answer: c) Notochord

Question 11: Which of the following is a cold-blooded animal?

a) Cat

b) Dog

c) Fish

d) Rabbit

Answer: c) Fish

Question 12: Which phylum includes animals with a segmented body, jointed appendages, and an exoskeleton?

a) Chordata

b) Mollusca

c) Arthropoda

d) Annelida

Answer: c) Arthropoda

Question 13: Which animal is known as the “ship of the desert”?

a) Horse

b) Camel

c) Elephant

d) Giraffe

Answer: b) Camel

Question 14: What is the largest species of shark?

a) Hammerhead Shark

b) Great White Shark

c) Bull Shark

d) Tiger Shark

Answer: b) Great White Shark

Question 15: Which of the following animals is a marsupial?

a) Koala

b) Beaver

c) Squirrel

d) Raccoon

Answer: a) Koala

Question 16: What is the largest land animal?

a) African Elephant

b) Giraffe

c) Hippopotamus

d) Rhinoceros

Answer: a) African Elephant

Question 17: Which class of animals includes animals like snails, clams, and octopuses?

a) Reptilia

b) Arachnida

c) Mollusca

d) Amphibia

Answer: c) Mollusca

Question 18: What is the process called by which butterflies and moths develop from caterpillars?

a) Hibernation

b) Metamorphosis

c) Evolution

d) Fertilization

Answer: b) Metamorphosis

Question 19: Which of the following animals is a vertebrate?

a) Jellyfish

b) Starfish

c) Squid

d) Shark

Answer: d) Shark

Question 20: What is the primary function of an animal’s respiratory system?

a) Excretion

b) Movement

c) Digestion

d) Exchange of gases

Answer: d) Exchange of gases

Question 21: Which of the following animals is not a mammal?

a) Bat

b) Whale

c) Dolphin

d) Crocodile

Answer: d) Crocodile

Question 22: Which phylum includes animals with a notochord at some point in their life cycle?

a) Chordata

b) Echinodermata

c) Porifera

d) Nematoda

Answer: a) Chordata

Question 23: What is the largest species of penguin?

a) Emperor Penguin

b) Adélie Penguin

c) King Penguin

d) Gentoo Penguin

Answer: a) Emperor Penguin

Question 24: Which of the following animals is a member of the big cat family?

a) Cheetah

b) Hyena

c) Wolf

d) Coyote

Answer: a) Cheetah

Question 25: Which type of animal is characterized by having a backbone?

a) Invertebrate

b) Vertebrate

c) Arthropod

d) Annelid

Answer: b) Vertebrate

Question 26: What is the largest species of pinniped (seals, sea lions, and walruses)?

a) Sea Lion

b) Harbor Seal

c) Walrus

d) Leopard Seal

Answer: c) Walrus

Question 27: Which of the following animals does not lay eggs?

a) Platypus

b) Kangaroo

c) Duck

d) Snake

Answer: b) Kangaroo

Question 28: Which phylum includes animals like earthworms and leeches?

a) Nematoda

b) Annelida

c) Platyhelminthes

d) Porifera

Answer: b) Annelida

Question 29: What is the process by which some animals, like lizards, shed their outer layer of skin?

a) Ecdysis

b) Excretion

c) Osmosis

d) Photosynthesis

Answer: a) Ecdysis

Question 30: Which animal has the ability to regrow lost limbs?

a) Human

b) Lizard

c) Horse

d) Kangaroo

Answer: b) Lizard

Question 31: Which of the following animals is known for its ability to change color and texture to blend into its surroundings?

a) Chameleon

b) Parrot

c) Hummingbird

d) Koala

Answer: a) Chameleon

Question 32: What is the largest species of bear?

a) Polar Bear

b) Brown Bear

c) Black Bear

d) Panda Bear

Answer: b) Brown Bear

Question 33: Which of the following animals is a marsupial native to Australia?

a) Zebra

b) Cheetah

c) Platypus

d) Wombat

Answer: d) Wombat

Question 34: In the animal kingdom, what is the purpose of the “skeleton”?

a) To provide energy

b) To facilitate digestion

c) To support and protect the body

d) To produce hormones

Answer: c) To support and protect the body

Question 35: Which class of animals includes animals that are cold-blooded, have dry skin covered in scales, and lay eggs?

a) Mammalia

b) Aves

c) Amphibia

d) Reptilia

Answer: d) Reptilia

Question 36: Which of the following animals is a member of the rodent family?

a) Bat

b) Rabbit

c) Ostrich

d) Penguin

Answer: b) Rabbit

Question 37: What is the process by which some animals enter a dormant state during periods of unfavorable conditions?

a) Hibernation

b) Metamorphosis

c) Photosynthesis

d) Molt

Answer: a) Hibernation

Question 38: Which of the following animals is not a mammal?

a) Platypus

b) Kangaroo

c) Chimpanzee

d) Crocodile

Answer: d) Crocodile

Question 39: What is the largest species of penguin?

a) Emperor Penguin

b) Adélie Penguin

c) King Penguin

d) Gentoo Penguin

Answer: a) Emperor Penguin

Question 40: Which phylum includes animals that have radial symmetry, such as sea stars and sea urchins?

a) Cnidaria

b) Mollusca

c) Echinodermata

d) Chordata

Answer: c) Echinodermata

Question 41: What is the smallest mammal in the world?

a) Mouse

b) Shrew

c) Bat

d) Hamster

Answer: b) Shrew

Question 42: Which of the following animals is known for its ability to echolocate?

a) Tiger

b) Elephant

c) Dolphin

d) Giraffe

Answer: c) Dolphin

Question 43: What is the primary function of an animal’s circulatory system?

a) Reproduction

b) Movement

c) Transport of nutrients and oxygen

d) Protection

Answer: c) Transport of nutrients and oxygen

Question 44: Which type of animal is characterized by having jointed legs, a segmented body, and an exoskeleton?

a) Mollusk

b) Arachnid

c) Cnidarian

d) Annelid

Answer: b) Arachnid

Question 45: Which of the following animals is known for its ability to glide through the air using a membrane of skin?

a) Squirrel

b) Rabbit

c) Fox

d) Flying Squirrel

Answer: d) Flying Squirrel

Question 46: What is the process by which an insect transforms from a pupa to an adult?

a) Fertilization

b) Larval stage

c) Metamorphosis

d) Molting

Answer: c) Metamorphosis

Question 47: Which of the following animals is a type of venomous snake?

a) Boa Constrictor

b) Rattlesnake

c) Python

d) Anaconda

Answer: b) Rattlesnake

Question 48: What is the main distinguishing feature of animals belonging to the class Aves?

a) Scales

b) Feathers

c) Fins

d) Gills

Answer: b) Feathers

Question 49: Which phylum includes animals that have a water vascular system and spiny skin, such as sea stars?

a) Echinodermata

b) Porifera

c) Platyhelminthes

d) Nematoda

Answer: a) Echinodermata

Question 50: Which of the following animals is a member of the feline family?

a) Wolf

b) Hyena

c) Cheetah

d) Fox

Answer: c) Cheetah

Question 51: What is the process by which birds lay and incubate eggs?

a) Hibernation

b) Fertilization

c) Brooding

d) Oviposition

Answer: c) Brooding

Question 52: Which of the following animals is a marsupial found in the Americas?

a) Koala

b) Kangaroo

c) Tasmanian Devil

d) Wombat

Answer: c) Tasmanian Devil

Question 53: What is the smallest species of whale?

a) Blue Whale

b) Humpback Whale

c) Sperm Whale

d) Dwarf Sperm Whale

Answer: d) Dwarf Sperm Whale

Question 54: Which class of animals includes animals that are characterized by having a notochord, a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail at some stage of their life?

a) Amphibia

b) Chondrichthyes

c) Mammalia

d) Chordata

Answer: d) Chordata

Question 55: Which of the following animals is a marsupial known for its prehensile tail and pouch?

a) Opossum

b) Lemur

c) Armadillo

d) Platypus

Answer: a) Opossum

Question 56: What is the largest species of squid?

a) Giant Squid

b) Humboldt Squid

c) Cuttlefish

d) Vampire Squid

Answer: a) Giant Squid

Question 57: Which phylum includes animals that have a soft body, often protected by a hard shell, and a muscular foot for movement?

a) Arthropoda

b) Mollusca

c) Chordata

d) Nematoda

Answer: b) Mollusca

Question 58: Which of the following animals is known for its ability to generate electricity?

a) Jellyfish

b) Octopus

c) Electric Eel

d) Sea Urchin

Answer: c) Electric Eel

Question 59: What is the process by which animals shed their old feathers, skin, or exoskeleton?

a) Molt

b) Metamorphosis

c) Reproduction

d) Regeneration

Answer: a) Molt

Question 60: Which of the following animals is known for its ability to mimic the appearance and behavior of other animals?

a) Chameleon

b) Sloth

c) Kangaroo

d) Hippopotamus

Answer: a) Chameleon

Question 61: Which of the following animals is a member of the weasel family and is known for its black and white coloration?

a) Raccoon

b) Skunk

c) Ferret

d) Beaver

Answer: b) Skunk

Question 62: What is the process by which animals convert food into energy and eliminate waste products?

a) Reproduction

b) Respiration

c) Digestion

d) Photosynthesis

Answer: c) Digestion

Question 63: Which class of animals includes animals that have moist, scaleless skin, and undergo metamorphosis?

a) Aves

b) Amphibia

c) Mammalia

d) Reptilia

Answer: b) Amphibia

Question 64: What is the primary function of an animal’s nervous system?

a) Reproduction

b) Digestion

c) Movement

d) Communication and coordination

Answer: d) Communication and coordination

Question 65: Which of the following animals is a type of big cat known for its distinctive black coat?

a) Leopard

b) Lion

c) Tiger

d) Cheetah

Answer: a) Leopard

Question 66: What is the process by which animals develop from a fertilized egg to a mature adult?

a) Metamorphosis

b) Photosynthesis

c) Fertilization

d) Development

Answer: d) Development

Question 67: Which of the following animals is not a reptile?

a) Alligator

b) Cobra

c) Iguana

d) Salamander

Answer: d) Salamander

Question 68: What is the largest species of deer?

a) Moose

b) White-tailed Deer

c) Red Deer

d) Fallow Deer

Answer: a) Moose

Question 69: Which type of animal is characterized by having a soft body and a hard, external shell made of calcium carbonate?

a) Mammal

b) Amphibian

c) Reptile

d) Arachnid

Answer: c) Reptile

Question 70: Which of the following animals is a marsupial that is native to North America?

a) Wallaby

b) Quokka

c) Opossum

d) Bilby

Answer: c) Opossum

Question 71: What is the process by which animals break down food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by cells?

a) Osmosis

b) Digestion

c) Excretion

d) Fermentation

Answer: b) Digestion

Question 72: Which of the following animals is known for its ability to regenerate lost body parts, such as its tail?

a) Salamander

b) Frog

c) Lizard

d) Turtle

Answer: a) Salamander

Question 73: Which class of animals includes animals that have a bony skeleton and gills throughout their life cycle?

a) Aves

b) Mammalia

c) Reptilia

d) Actinopterygii

Answer: d) Actinopterygii

Question 74: What is the largest species of pinniped (seals, sea lions, and walruses)?

a) Sea Lion

b) Harbor Seal

c) Walrus

d) Leopard Seal

Answer: c) Walrus

Question 75: Which of the following animals is a member of the feline family known for its distinctive mane?

a) Leopard

b) Cheetah

c) Lion

d) Jaguar

Answer: c) Lion

Question 76: What is the process by which animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide?

a) Photosynthesis

b) Osmosis

c) Respiration

d) Fermentation

Answer: c) Respiration

Question 77: Which of the following animals is a type of cephalopod known for its ability to change color and texture rapidly?

a) Cuttlefish

b) Nautilus

c) Clam

d) Snail

Answer: a) Cuttlefish

Question 78: What is the process by which animals reproduce by laying eggs that hatch outside the body?

a) Fertilization

b) Viviparous

c) Oviparous

d) Gestation

Answer: c) Oviparous

Question 79: Which of the following animals is a member of the cat family that is native to the Americas?

a) Snow Leopard

b) Cheetah

c) Bobcat

d) Lynx

Answer: c) Bobcat

Question 80: What is the main function of an animal’s excretory system?

a) Movement

b) Reproduction

c) Digestion

d) Removal of waste products

Answer: d) Removal of waste products

Question 81: Which of the following animals is a marsupial native to South America?

a) Tasmanian Devil

b) Wallaby

c) Capybara

d) Quokka

Answer: c) Capybara

Question 82: What is the largest species of living reptile?

a) Komodo Dragon

b) Anaconda

c) Alligator

d) Nile Crocodile

Answer: d) Nile Crocodile

Question 83: Which of the following animals is known for its ability to spin silk to create webs?

a) Beetle

b) Spider

c) Centipede

d) Scorpion

Answer: b) Spider

Question 84: What is the process by which animals produce offspring through the combination of genetic material from two parents?

a) Parthenogenesis

b) Asexual reproduction

c) Sexual reproduction

d) Binary fission

Answer: c) Sexual reproduction

Question 85: Which of the following animals is known for its ability to glide using a membrane of skin called a patagium?

a) Bat

b) Rat

c) Rabbit

d) Squirrel

Answer: a) Bat

Question 86: What is the largest species of penguin?

a) Adélie Penguin

b) King Penguin

c) Emperor Penguin

d) Gentoo Penguin

Answer: c) Emperor Penguin

Question 87: Which class of animals includes animals that have a bony skeleton, scales, and typically lay eggs on land?

a) Amphibia

b) Reptilia

c) Mammalia

d) Aves

Answer: b) Reptilia

Question 88: Which of the following animals is known for its ability to regrow its tail when it is lost?

a) Snake

b) Lizard

c) Turtle

d) Salamander

Answer: b) Lizard

Question 89: What is the process by which animals release eggs and sperm into the water for external fertilization?

a) Viviparous

b) Oviparous

c) Ovoviviparous

d) Spawning

Answer: d) Spawning

Question 90: Which of the following animals is known for its ability to produce bioluminescent light?

a) Jellyfish

b) Octopus

c) Firefly

d) Sea Urchin

Answer: c) Firefly

Question 91: What is the largest species of dolphin?

a) Common Dolphin

b) Bottlenose Dolphin

c) Orca (Killer Whale)

d) Spinner Dolphin

Answer: c) Orca (Killer Whale)

Question 92: Which phylum includes animals that have a segmented body, jointed appendages, and an exoskeleton made of chitin?

a) Echinodermata

b) Mollusca

c) Arthropoda

d) Cnidaria

Answer: c) Arthropoda

Question 93: Which of the following animals is a member of the mustelid family, known for its aquatic lifestyle and dense fur?

a) Otter

b) Beaver

c) Raccoon

d) Skunk

Answer: a) Otter

Question 94: What is the process by which animals release eggs or give birth to live young that have developed within the mother’s body?

a) Oviparous

b) Viviparous

c) Parthenogenesis

d) Fertilization

Answer: b) Viviparous

Question 95: Which of the following animals is a member of the pinniped group known for its large tusks?

a) Seal

b) Sea Lion

c) Walrus

d) Dolphin

Answer: c) Walrus

Question 96: What is the largest species of eagle?

a) Bald Eagle

b) Golden Eagle

c) Harpy Eagle

d) African Fish Eagle

Answer: c) Harpy Eagle

Question 97: Which of the following animals is a member of the hyena family known for its distinctive laugh-like vocalization?

a) Jackal

b) Wolf

c) African Wild Dog

d) Spotted Hyena

Answer: d) Spotted Hyena

Question 98: What is the process by which animals transform from an egg to a larval stage and then into an adult without a pupal stage?

a) Metamorphosis

b) Pupation

c) Molting

d) Nymphal development

Answer: d) Nymphal development

Question 99: Which of the following animals is a marsupial that is native to the island of Tasmania?

a) Kangaroo

b) Koala

c) Tasmanian Devil

d) Wallaby

Answer: c) Tasmanian Devil

Question 100: What is the primary function of an animal’s skeletal system?

a) Digestion

b) Respiration

c) Protection and support

d) Circulation

Answer: c) Protection and support

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