Evolution Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf

Evolution Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf

Multiple choice Questions of Zoology Topic Evolution Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf (Origin of Life & Evidence of Evolution Quiz) for NEET, GATE, AIAPGET, NEET MDS, NEET PG, DNB PDCET, AIIMS SS, PGIMER (Other), AIIMS PG and many more competitive examinations.

1. The origin of universe occurred about

(a) 10-15 billion years ago

(b) 30-40 billion years ago

(c) 40-50 billion years ago

(d) 50-60 billions years ago

Ans. a

2. Who is known as founder of ‘theory of catastrophism’?

(a) Oparin

(b) Haldane

(c) G Cuvier

(d) Darwin

Ans. c

3. The first living beings on earth were

(a) chemoheterotrophs 

(b) autotrophs

(c) cyanobacteria

(d) photoautotrophs

Ans. a

4. The term ‘microsphere’ was given by

(a) Sydney Fox

(b) Haldane 

(c) Miller

(d) Oparin

Ans. a

5. The coacervate hypothesis was given by

(a) Al Oparin

(b) Haldane

(c) Sydney Fax

(d) Darwin

Ans. a

6. Life originated in the era

(a) Precambrian 

(b) Mesozoic

(c) Coenozoic

(d) Darwin

Ans. a

7. The age of Big-Bang likely to be in the order of

(a) sq10,10 yr

(b) sq10,20yr

(c) sq10,5yr

(d) sq10,2yr

Ans. a

8. Which of the following is the strongest evidence that prokaryotes evolved before eukaryotes?

(a) Meteorites that have struck the earth

(b) Abiotic experiments that constructed liposomes in the laboratory

(c) Liposomes look like prokaryotic cells

(d) The oldest fossilised cells resemble prokaryotes

Ans. d

9. The presence of salts (NaCl and other) in the animal body fluids gives an inference that life originated in the

(a) rainwater

(b) primitive ocean

(c) salt solutions

(d) None of the above

Ans. b

10. A prokaryotic cell differs from eukaryotic cell due to the lack of

(a) nucleolus

(b) nuclear membrane

(c) membrane bound cell organelles

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

Evolution Questions and Answers pdf

11. Who proposed the theory of cosmozoic origin?

(a) Richter and Arrhenius 

(b) Urey and Miller

(c) Haeckel

(d) Lamarck

Ans. a

12. The theory of abiogenesis is also known as

(a) germplasm theory

(b) theory of spontaneous generation

(c) theory of panspermia

(d) Oparin-Haldane theory

Ans. b

13. Human being belongs to the species of

(a) Homo erectus 

(b) Homo sapiens

(c) Homo habilis

(d) Homonidae

Ans. b

15. Neanderthal man existed in the . pleistocene period.

(a) early 

(b) middle

(C) late

(d) None of these

Ans. b

16. Australopithecus is also known as southern ape because it had

(a) man like characters

(b) ape like characters

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) monkey like characters

Ans. d

17. Evolution of man has started during

(a) Oligocene and Miocene period

(b) Eocene and Oligocene period

(c) Palaeocene and Eocene period

(d) Miocene and Pliocene period

Ans. a

18. Among the human ancestors, the brain size was more than 1000 cc in

(a) Homo neanderthalensis

(b) Homo erectus

(c) Ramapithecus

(d) Homo habilis

Ans. a

19. The primate which existed 15 million years ago, among these was

(a) Homo habilis 

(b) Australopithecus

(c) Ramapithecus

(d) Homo erectus

Ans. a

20. The primitive form of Homo sapiens, who made tools, cover his body with hides and built huts was

(a) Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

(b) Homo habilis

(c) Homo pekinensis

(d) Homo sapiens sapiens

Ans. a

Heredity and Evolution class 10 Questions and Answers pdf

21. The brain capacity of Homo erectus was about 

(a) 650 cc

(b) 900 cc

(c) 1200 cc

(d) 1400 cc

Ans. c

22. Which one of the following is most primitive ancestor of man?

(a) Homo habilis

(b) Australopithecus

(c) Ramapithecus punjabicus

(d) Homo neanderthalensis

Ans. c

23. First human appeared during

(a) Oligocene 

(b) Miocene

(c) Pliocene

(d) Pleistocene

Ans. d

24. The name of the fossil hominid of Shivalik hills of India is

(a) Australopithecus 

(b) Ramapithecus

(c) Sinanthropus

(d) None of these

Ans. b

25. The Java man is also known as

(a) Sinanthropus

(b) Pithecanthropus erectus

(c) Homo sapiens

(d) Homo habilis

Ans. b

26. The next stage in the evolution of man after Australopithecus was

(a) Homo habilis

(b) Homo sapiens

(c) Homo erectus 

(d) Homo pekinensis

Ans. a

27. Who said ‘abiogenesis’ first but biogenesis ever since?  

(a) Maldane

(b) Pasteur

(c) Fox

(d) Oparin

Ans. d

28. Which was absent in the atmosphere at the time of origin of life?

(a) NH3

(b) H2

(c) CO2

(d) CH4

Ans. c

29. A compound important in prebiotic evolution was

(a) SO2 

(b) CH4

(c) CH3

(d) NO

Ans. b

30. Coacervates belong to the category of

(a) protozoans

(b) molecular aggregates

(c) molecular aggregates surrounded by lipid membrane

(d) cyanobacteria

Ans. b

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31. Wings of birds and bat are

(a) homologous 

(b) analogous

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. b

32. Which is not vestigial in man?

(a) Tail vertebrae 

(b) Nails

(c) Nictitating membrane

(d) Appendix

Ans. b

33. Evolution of a species or group can be studied throuel

(a) fossils 

(b) carbon dating

(c) DNA analysis

(d) All of these

Ans. d

34. Archeopteryx shows origin of

(a) birds from reptiles

(b) birds from pisces

(c) reptile from birds 

(d) pisces from birds

Ans. a

35. Eusthenopteron connects

(a) reptiles and amphibian

(b) reptiles and birds

(c) birds and mammals

(d) fish and amphibian

Ans. d

36. Factors in the formation of new species are

(a) competition and variation

(b) isolation and competition

(c) competition and mutation

(d) isolation and mutation

Ans. a

37. Which of the following statement is incorrect

(a) de Vries

(b) Lemaitre

(c) JBS Haldane – Law of continuity of germ plasm

(d) Louis Pasteur – Germ theory of disease and immunology Mutation theory Big bang theory

Ans. c

38. Convergent evolution of two species is associated with

(a) different habitat

(b) analogous organs

(c) homologous organs

(d) recent common ancestor

Ans. b

39. An evolutionary process, giving rise to new species adapting to new habitats and ways of life is called

(a) adaptation

(b) microevolution

(c) convergent evolution

(d) adaptive radiation

Ans. d

40. Hand of man, wing of bat and flipper of seal represent:

(a) vestigial organs

(b) analogous organs

(c) homologous organs

(d) evolutionary organs

Ans. c

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