MCQ of Zoology | Vertebrata (Craniata)

Multiple Choice Questions of Zoology Topic MCQ of Zoology and Vertebrata Craniata ( Vertebrata Craniata Quiz) for NEET, GATE, AIAPGET, NEET MDS, NEET PG, DNB PDCET, AIIMS SS, PGIMER (Other), AIIMS PG and many more competitive examinations.

MCQ of Zoology | Animal Kingdom MCQ for NEET | Vertebrata (Craniata)

Multiple Choice Questions of Zoology (Vertebrata Craniata) for NEET, GATE, AIAPGET, NEET MDS, NEET PG, DNB PDCET, AIIMS SS, PGIMER (Other), AIIMS PG and many more competitive examinations.

1. Dipnoi are considered as

(a) bony fish

(b) cat fish

(c) lung fish

(d) flying fish

Ans. c

2. The dorsal lobe of caudal fin of fish is called as

(a) hypochordal 

(b) pichordal

(c) notochordal lobe

(d) chordal lobe

Ans. b

3. Scoliodon belong to  

(a) elasmobranchi

(b) crossptering gians

(c) dipnonans

(d) osteichtyes

Ans. a

4. Sound produce by fish

(a) Anabas 

(b) Amia

(c) Balistes

(d) Antennarius

Ans. c

5. Parental care is well performed in

(a) Hippocampus

(b) Echeneis

(c) Fistularia

(d) Exocoetus

Ans. a

6. Scoliodon is commonly known as

(a) cuttle fish

(b) cat fish 

(c) dog fish

(d) silver fish

Ans. c

7. Number of branchial arches in Scoliodon is

(a) 6 pairs 

(b) 5 pairs

(c) 7 pairs

(d) 8 pairs

Ans. b

8. Retrogressive metamorphosis is the characteristic feature of

(a) lamprey 

(b) sea squirt

(c) tongue worm

(d) Branchiostoma

Ans. b

9. Parental care is shown by

(a) Siren 

(b) Necturus

(c) Amphiuma

(d) Icthyophis

Ans. d

Animal Kingdom NEET Questions

10. Which of the following type of fishes are usually eaten by humans?

(a) Bony 

(b) Jawless

(c) Cartilaginous

(d) All of these

Ans. a

11. What will you look to identify the sex of the following?

(a) Male shark claspers bone on pelvic fins

(b) Female Ascaris sharply curved posterior end

(c) Male froga copulatory pad on the first digit of the hind limb

(d) Fermale cockroach-anal cerci

Ans. a

12. Which colour is the blood of cray fish?

(a) Green 

(b) Blue

(c) Red

(d) White

Ans. b

13. Squamate belongs to

(a) Reptiles 

(b) Amphibia

(c) Mammalia

(d) Aves

Ans. a

14. A reptile that has two-chambered ventricle 

(a) tortoise

(b) crocodile

(c) snake

(d) lizard

Ans. b

15. Skull of reptile is usually

(a) dicondylic

(b) tricondylic

(c) monocondylic

(d) tetracondylic

Ans. c

16. Eggs of birds and reptiles can be designated as  

(a) inolecithal 

(b) homolecithal

(c) telolecithal

(d) alecithal

Ans. c

17. Glands in amphibian skin are

(a) ectodermal

(b) endodermal 

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. a

18. Sexual maturity of larvae is called

(a) paedogenesis 

(b) parthenofission

(c) parthenography

(d) parthenogenesis

Ans. a

19. Vertebrae of amphibians is

(a) weakly procoelus 

(b) strongly procoelus

(c) acoelus

(d) heterocoelus

Ans. a

Animal Kingdom MCQ for neet pdf download

20. Respiratory organs of tadpole

(a) skin 

(b) gills

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. b

21. Indian bull frog is

(a) Rana tigrina

(b) Rana obstreticus

(c) Hyla arbarae

(d) Bufo melestricaus

Ans. a

22. One of the following is non-poisonous

(a) krait

(b) viper

(c) python

(d) cobra

Ans. c

23. Draco is able to glide in the air with the help of its  

(a) wings 

(b) fins

(c) patagia

(d) tail

Ans. c

24. venom of naja naja

(a) neurotoxic

(b) haemotoxic

(c) both (a) and (b) 

(d) none of these

Ans. a

25. heart in fishes is

(a) two-chambered

(b) three-chambered

(c) six-chambered

(d) four-chambered

Ans. a

26. limbless amphibians belongs to the order

(a) gymnophiona 

(b) procoela

(c) urodela

(d) none of these

Ans. a

27. number of cranial nerves in reptile is

(a) 8 pairs

(b) 10 pairs

(c) 12 pairs

(d) 14 pairs  

Ans. c

28. heart pump only impure blood in case of

(a) whale

(b) shark

(c) lizard

(d) frog

Ans. b

29. poison glands of poisonous snake is modified

(a) teeth 

(b) salivary glands

(c) tongue

(d) mouth

Ans. b

30. which is sea-snake?

(a) russel’s viper 

(b) python

(c) hydrophis

(d) dryophis

Ans. c

Animal Kingdom NEET Questions pdf

31. which one of the following is called as age of reptiles? 

(a) proterozoic

(b) coenozoic

(c) palaeozoic

(d) mesozoic

Ans. d

32. amphibians are

(a) homeothermic 

(b) poikilothermic

(c) athermic

(d) none of these

Ans. b

33. pneumatic bones are found in

(a) shark 

(b) rana

(c) pigeon

(d) whale

Ans. c

34. uric acid is excreted out in birds in

(a) liquid form 

(b) solid form

(c) semi-solid

(d) none of these

Ans. c

35. which is an egg laying mammal?

(a) platypus 

(b) kangaroo

(c) penguin

(d) whale

Ans. a

36. oviparity is common in bbleno

(a) whale

(b) bat

(c) penguin

(d) none of these

Ans. c

37. uricotelism is found in

(a) mammals and birds

(b) fishes and freshwater protozoans

(c) birds, reptiles and insects

(d) frogs and toads

Ans. c

38. pulverisation of food in birds takes place in

(a) crop

(b) intestine

(c) gizzard

(d) proventriculus

Ans. c

39. A terrestrial animal must be able to

(a) excrete large amounts of water in urine

(b) conserve water

(c) actively pump salts out through the skan

(d) excrete large amount of salts in urine

Ans. b

40. Characters that make birds to fly

(a) legs 

(b) digestive system

(c) flight muscles

(d) sharp beak

Ans. c

NEET Questions on Animal Kingdom | Animal Kingdom neet mcq

41. Connecting link between birds and reptiles.

(a) Doda 

(b) Achaeopteryx

(c) Sphenodon

(d) Dimetrodon

Ans. b

42. Ruminants belongs to order

(a) Probscida (b) Aartiodactyla

(c) Marsupials trog

(d) Edentata

Ans. b

43. Urinary bladder is not present in birds because  

(a) formation of urine does not take place

(b) disturbs birds equilibrium in flight

(c) tormation of solid excretory product

(d) All of the above

Ans. c

44. In which of the following animal, milk is squirted down the throat of the baby by muscular contraction of the mother?  

(a) Rhinoceros

(b) Bear

(c) Camel

(d) Whaie

Ans. d

45. Sebaceous glands are associated with the secretion of

(a) milk 

(b) hormone

(c) sebum

(d) serum

Ans. c

Animal Kingdom class 11 mcq for neet | Animal Kingdom mcq for neet pdf download by question papers

46. Which kind of dentition is not found in mammals? 

(a) Heterodont

(b) Homodont

(c) Thecodont

(d) Diphyodont

Ans. c

47. Which of the following is an exclusive character of class-Mammalia?

(a) Internal fertilisation

(b) The presence of a completely four-chambered heart

(c) Homoiothermy

(d) The presence of a muscular diaphragm

Ans. d

48. In the class-Protheria teeths are

(a) present

(b) absent

(c) present but some time not prominent

(d) some time present

Ans. b

49. Nail, hoofs and horns are made up of

(a) keratinoid

(b) keratin 

(c) cellulose

(d) pectin

Ans. b

50. The vertebrae in birds are mostly

(a) procoelous 

(b) amphicoelous

(c) opisthocoelous

(d) heterocoelous

Ans. d

51. Gonads are

(a) ectodermal in origin

(b) mesodermal in origin

(c) mesoendodermal in origin

(d) endodermal in origin

Ans. b

52. Number of cranial nerves in mammals

(a) 9 pairs 

(b) 10 pairs

(c) 12 pairs

(d) 11 pairs

Ans. c

Animal Kingdom Important Questions for neet | Animal Kingdom Questions for neet

53. In mammals, the opening of the post canal in the right auricle is guarded by

(a) mitral valve 

(b) Eustachian valve

(c) tricuspid valve

(d) thebasius valve

Ans. b

54. Metatheria are considered as mixture of

(a) Metatheria and Prototheria

(b) Prototheria and Eutheria

(c) Eutheria and Metathena

(d) Prototheria, Metatheria and Eutheria

Ans. b

55. In which of the following groups, flightless, aquatic birds are included?

(a) Ratitae 

(b) Impennae

(c) Carinatae

(d) Odontognathae

Ans. b

56. Pectoral girdle in prototherians is typically

(a) mammalian

(b) Aves type

(c) fish type

(d) reptilian

Ans. d

57. Which of the following is a flightless bird?  

(a) Ostrich 

(b) Emu

(c) Kiwi

(d) All of these

Ans. d

58. Both protherians and mammals have

(a) monocondylic skull 

(b) dicondylic skull

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Ans. b

59. In humans thermoregulatory centres are located in

(a) skin 

(b) diencephalorn

(c) hypothalamus

(d) pituitary body

Ans. c

60. Islets of Langerhans produce

(a) bile

(b) insulin

(c) oil

(d) milk

Ans. b

61. Order-Primata contains

(a) shrew and hedgehog

(b) bats and flying fox

(c) monkeys and men 

(d) horses and zebra

Ans. c

Zoology Questions for NEET | Animal Kingdom Class 11 NEET Questions | MCQ on Animal Kingdom | Animal Kingdom mcq

62. The scientific name of pigeon is

(a) Columba livia

(b) Pavo cristatus

(c) Gallus gallus

(d) Cerves

Ans. a

63. Which of the following is correct about amphibians?

(a) Body is divisible into head and trunk, while tail may be present in some

(b) Eyes have eyelids and tympanum represents the ear

(c) Oviparous animals with external fertilisation and indirect development

(d) All of the above

Ans. d

64. In frog, the heart has

(a) one auricle and two ventricies

(b) one auricle and one ventricle

(c) two auricles and one ventricle

(d) two auricles and two ventricles

Ans. c

65. The lizard famous for changing its colour is

(a) wall lizard 

(b) Chamaeleon

(c) Heloderma

(d) Uromastix

Ans. b

66. Ophisaurus/Glass snake is

(a) semitransparent snake

(b) limbless amphibian

(c) limbless lizard

(d) fish

Ans. c

67. Salamandra atra is

(a) ovoviviparous 

(b) oviparous

(c) sexually sterile

(d) parthenogenetic

Ans. a

68. Which of the following characters is not related with the amphibians?

(a) Two pairs of limbs

(b) Moist skin without scales

(c) Poikilothermy or cold-bloodedness

(d) Incompletely four-chambered heart

Ans. d

69. Study of lizard is

(a) Herpetology 

(b) Saurology

(c) Nidology

(d) Ichthyology

Ans. b

Zoology Questions and Answers mcq

70. Which one is a living fossil?

(a) Sphenodon

(b) Hydrophis

(c) Trionyx

(d) Testudo  

71. Some reptiles show autotomy which means

Ans. a

(a) voluntary breakig tail to confuse enemy

(b) signal for charging

(c) signal for courtship

(d) state of starvation prior to death

Ans. a

72. The flying lizard is  

(a) Draco

(b) Rhacophorus

(c) Heloderma

(d) Hemidactylus

Ans. a

73. Aves possess two pairs of limbs but the forelimbs are modified into 

(a) feathers

(b) wings

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) arms

Ans. b

74. Feather of the birds are waterproof due to the oilI secretion of 

(a) mucous gland 

(b) sudorific gland

(c) uropygial gland

(d) green gland

Ans. c

75. The preening of feathers by birds is done by dipping their beak in a secretory gland called

(a) sebaceous gland 

(b) uropygial gland

(c) sweat gland

(d) sudorific gland

Ans. b

76. Which of the following is not correct about Metatheria?

(a) Testes are extra abdominal

(b) Placenta is well developed

(c) Scrotum in front of penis

(d) Corpus callosum is small or absent

Ans. b

77. Identify the mammals, in which both male and female have functional mammary glands and feed the young t one.

(a) Rabbit 

(b) Tachyglossus

(c) Macropus

(d) Dolphins

Ans. b

78. Digitigrade locomotion is observed in

(a) horse

(b) human 

(c) cow

(d) dog

Ans. d

79. The smallest bird is

(a) Cuban beem 

(b) Sun bird

(c) Passer

(d) None of these

Ans. a

80. Birds do not possess

(a) teeth

(b) urinary bladder

(c) gall bladder

(d) All of these

Ans. d

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