1: What is the primary purpose of the Zend Framework?
a) To create dynamic web pages
b) To develop cross-platform desktop applications
c) To provide a framework for building web applications
d) To design user interfaces for mobile apps
Answer: c) To provide a framework for building web applications
2: Which of the following components is NOT part of the Zend Framework?
a) Zend_Db
b) Zend_View
c) Zend_Json
d) Zend_Security
Answer: d) Zend_Security
3: Which design pattern does the Zend Framework heavily rely on?
a) Model-View-Controller (MVC)
b) Singleton
c) Factory
d) Observer
Answer: a) Model-View-Controller (MVC)
4: What is the purpose of the Zend_Db component in the Zend Framework?
a) To handle file uploads
b) To manage database operations
c) To generate PDF documents
d) To authenticate users
Answer: b) To manage database operations
5: Which of the following is the correct way to define a route in the Zend Framework?
a) $router->addRoute(‘my-route’, ‘/my-route’, ‘MyController’, ‘indexAction’);
b) Route::add(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController@indexAction’);
c) Zend_Route::addRoute(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController@indexAction’);
d) Zend_Controller_Router_Route::addRoute(‘my-route’, ‘/my-route’, ‘MyController’, ‘indexAction’);
Answer: d) Zend_Controller_Router_Route::addRoute(‘my-route’, ‘/my-route’, ‘MyController’, ‘indexAction’)
6: Which of the following is a key feature of the Zend Framework?
a) CodeIgniter compatibility
b) Built-in CMS functionality
c) Strong database encryption
d) Loose coupling and component-based architecture
Answer: d) Loose coupling and component-based architecture
7: What is the purpose of the Zend_View component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling user authentication
b) Database management
c) Generating and rendering HTML views
d) File uploading and processing
Answer: c) Generating and rendering HTML views
8: Which component in the Zend Framework is responsible for handling form validation?
a) Zend_Auth
b) Zend_Form
c) Zend_Cache
d) Zend_Mail
Answer: b) Zend_Form
9: What is the purpose of the Zend_Session component in the Zend Framework?
a) Managing user sessions
b) Parsing XML documents
c) Handling HTTP requests
d) Generating PDF documents
Answer: a) Managing user sessions
10: Which of the following is a valid way to configure a database connection in the Zend Framework?
a) Defining credentials in a configuration file
b) Hardcoding the credentials in the application code
c) Passing the credentials as command-line arguments
d) Storing the credentials in a session variable
Answer: a) Defining credentials in a configuration file
11: Which component in the Zend Framework is responsible for handling internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n)?
a) Zend_Translate
b) Zend_Debug
c) Zend_Rest
d) Zend_Soap
Answer: a) Zend_Translate
12: What is the purpose of the Zend_Cache component in the Zend Framework?
a) Optimizing database queries
b) Encrypting sensitive data
c) Caching rendered HTML output
d) Managing user roles and permissions
Answer: c) Caching rendered HTML output
13: Which of the following is a valid way to define a route in the Zend Framework?
a) $router->addRoute(‘my-route’, ‘/my-route’, ‘MyController’, ‘indexAction’);
b) Route::add(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController@indexAction’);
c) Zend_Route::addRoute(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController@indexAction’);
d) Zend_Controller_Router_Route::addRoute(‘my-route’, ‘/my-route’, ‘MyController’, ‘indexAction’);
Answer: d) Zend_Controller_Router_Route::addRoute(‘my-route’, ‘/my-route’, ‘MyController’, ‘indexAction’)
14: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for sending email?
a) Zend_Log
b) Zend_Crypt
c) Zend_Mail
d) Zend_Registry
Answer: c) Zend_Mail
15: What is the purpose of the Zend_Auth component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) User authentication and authorization
d) Parsing XML-RPC requests
Answer: c) User authentication and authorization
16: Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using the Zend Framework?
a) Modular architecture
b) Extensive documentation
c) Limited community support
d) High-level security features
Answer: c) Limited community support
17: What is the purpose of the Zend_Paginator component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling HTTP requests
b) Pagination of data sets
c) Parsing JSON documents
d) Creating RESTful APIs
Answer: b) Pagination of data sets
18: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for accessing and manipulating databases?
a) Zend_Mail
b) Zend_Auth
c) Zend_Db
d) Zend_Form
Answer: c) Zend_Db
19: What is the purpose of the Zend_Json component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling XML parsing
b) User authentication and authorization
c) JSON serialization and deserialization
d) File uploading and processing
Answer: c) JSON serialization and deserialization
20: Which component in the Zend Framework is responsible for handling routing and URL dispatching?
a) Zend_Rest
b) Zend_Debug
c) Zend_Controller
d) Zend_Soap
Answer: c) Zend_Controller
21: What is the purpose of the Zend_Cache component in the Zend Framework?
a) Managing user sessions
b) Caching database query results
c) Generating PDF documents
d) Handling HTTP requests
Answer: b) Caching database query results
22: Which of the following is a valid way to define a database connection using Zend_Db?
a) $adapter = new Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysql();
b) $adapter = Zend_Db::factory(‘Mysql’, $config);
c) $adapter = Zend_Db_Adapter::factory(‘Mysql’, $config);
d) $adapter = new Zend_Db_Adapter(‘Mysql’, $config);
Answer: b) $adapter = Zend_Db::factory(‘Mysql’, $config);
23: What is the purpose of the Zend_Log component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) Logging application events and messages
d) Parsing XML-RPC requests
Answer: c) Logging application events and messages
24: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for handling file uploads?
a) Zend_View
b) Zend_Crypt
c) Zend_File
d) Zend_Form
Answer: d) Zend_Form
25: What is the purpose of the Zend_Soap component in the Zend Framework?
a) Parsing JSON documents
b) Sending email
c) Handling SOAP web services
d) Generating random passwords
Answer: c) Handling SOAP web services
26: Which component in the Zend Framework is responsible for managing and generating PDF documents?
a) Zend_Mail
b) Zend_Auth
c) Zend_Db
d) Zend_Pdf
Answer: d) Zend_Pdf
27: What is the purpose of the Zend_Captcha component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling user authentication
b) Generating and validating CAPTCHA images
c) Parsing XML documents
d) File uploading and processing
Answer: b) Generating and validating CAPTCHA images
28: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for handling HTTP requests and responses?
a) Zend_Rest
b) Zend_Debug
c) Zend_Controller
d) Zend_Soap
Answer: c) Zend_Controller
29: What is the purpose of the Zend_View_Helper component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling form validation
b) Generating HTML views with helper methods
c) Managing user sessions
d) Encrypting sensitive data
Answer: b) Generating HTML views with helper methods
30: Which of the following is a valid way to define a route in Zend Framework 2 or later?
a) $router->addRoute(‘my-route’, ‘/my-route’, ‘MyController’, ‘indexAction’);
b) Route::add(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController@indexAction’);
c) Zend_Route::addRoute(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController@indexAction’);
d) Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment::factory(array(
‘route’ => ‘/my-route’,
‘defaults’ => array(
‘controller’ => ‘MyController’,
‘action’ => ‘index’
Answer: d) Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment::factory(array(
‘route’ => ‘/my-route’,
‘defaults’ => array(
‘controller’ => ‘MyController’,
‘action’ => ‘index’
31: What is the purpose of the Zend_Form_Element component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling XML parsing
b) User authentication and authorization
c) Generating form elements and handling their validation
d) Caching rendered HTML output
Answer: c) Generating form elements and handling their validation
32: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for handling RESTful APIs?
a) Zend_Rest
b) Zend_Registry
c) Zend_Cache
d) Zend_Soap
Answer: a) Zend_Rest
33: What is the purpose of the Zend_Filter component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) Filtering and sanitizing input data
d) Parsing XML-RPC requests
Answer: c) Filtering and sanitizing input data
34: Which of the following is NOT a valid way to load the Zend Framework library into a PHP application?
a) Using Composer
b) Manually including each Zend component file
c) Registering an autoloader for the Zend namespace
d) Using the require_once function for a single entry file
Answer: b) Manually including each Zend component file
35: What is the purpose of the Zend_Navigation component in the Zend Framework?
a) Managing user sessions
b) Parsing JSON documents
c) Creating and managing website navigation menus
d) Generating PDF documents
Answer: c) Creating and managing website navigation menus
36: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for handling dependency injection and inversion of control?
a) Zend_Cache
b) Zend_Auth
c) Zend_Di
d) Zend_Form
Answer: c) Zend_Di
37: What is the purpose of the Zend_Http_Client component in the Zend Framework?
a) Parsing XML documents
b) Handling HTTP requests and responses
c) Generating and sending email
d) File uploading and processing
Answer: b) Handling HTTP requests and responses
38: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for generating and validating cryptographic hashes?
a) Zend_Mail
b) Zend_Auth
c) Zend_Crypt
d) Zend_Registry
Answer: c) Zend_Crypt
39: What is the purpose of the Zend_Filter_Input component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling form validation
b) Parsing JSON documents
c) Managing user sessions
d) Encrypting sensitive data
Answer: a) Handling form validation
40: Which of the following is a valid way to define a route in Zend Framework 3 or later?
a) $router->addRoute(‘my-route’, ‘/my-route’, ‘MyController’, ‘indexAction’);
b) Route::add(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController@indexAction’);
c) Zend_Route::addRoute(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController@indexAction’);
d) Zend\Router\Http\Literal::factory(array(
‘route’ => ‘/my-route’,
‘defaults’ => array(
‘controller’ => ‘MyController’,
‘action’ => ‘index’
Answer: d) Zend\Router\Http\Literal::factory(array(
‘route’ => ‘/my-route’,
‘defaults’ => array(
‘controller’ => ‘MyController’,
‘action’ => ‘index’
41: What is the purpose of the Zend_Validate component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling XML parsing
b) User authentication and authorization
c) Validating and filtering input data
d) Caching rendered HTML output
Answer: c) Validating and filtering input data
42: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for handling file and directory operations?
a) Zend_Debug
b) Zend_View
c) Zend_File
d) Zend_Soap
Answer: c) Zend_File
43: What is the purpose of the Zend_EventManager component in the Zend Framework?
a) Managing user sessions
b) Parsing JSON documents
c) Handling event-driven programming
d) Generating PDF documents
Answer: c) Handling event-driven programming
44: Which of the following is NOT a valid way to retrieve a database row using Zend_Db?
a) $row = $table->find(1)->current();
b) $row = $table->fetchRow(‘id = 1’);
c) $row = $table->select()->where(‘id = ?’, 1)->query()->fetch();
d) $row = $table->findOne(1);
Answer: d) $row = $table->findOne(1);
45: What is the purpose of the Zend_Navigation_View_Helper component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) Providing helper methods for rendering navigation menus
d) Parsing XML-RPC requests
Answer: c) Providing helper methods for rendering navigation menus
46: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for handling and manipulating XML documents?
a) Zend_Json
b) Zend_Auth
c) Zend_Xml
d) Zend_Form
Answer: c) Zend_Xml
47: What is the purpose of the Zend_CodeGenerator component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling form validation
b) Generating code dynamically
c) Managing user sessions
d) Encrypting sensitive data
Answer: b) Generating code dynamically
48: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for accessing and interacting with web services?
a) Zend_Rest
b) Zend_Registry
c) Zend_Soap
d) Zend_Mail
Answer: c) Zend_Soap
49: What is the purpose of the Zend_View_Helper component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling form validation
b) Generating HTML views with helper methods
c) Managing user sessions
d) Encrypting sensitive data
Answer: b) Generating HTML views with helper methods
50: Which of the following is a valid way to define a route in Zend Framework 4 or later?
a) $router->addRoute(‘my-route’, ‘/my-route’, ‘MyController’, ‘indexAction’);
b) Route::add(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController@indexAction’);
c) Zend_Route::addRoute(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController@indexAction’);
d) Zend\Expressive\Router\Route::factory(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController::indexAction’)
Answer: d) Zend\Expressive\Router\Route::factory(‘/my-route’, ‘MyController::indexAction’)
51: What is the purpose of the Zend_Filter_Input component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling form validation
b) Parsing JSON documents
c) Managing user sessions
d) Encrypting sensitive data
Answer: a) Handling form validation
52: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for handling and manipulating images?
a) Zend_Debug
b) Zend_Gd
c) Zend_File
d) Zend_Soap
Answer: b) Zend_Gd
53: What is the purpose of the Zend_Config component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) Reading and manipulating configuration settings
d) Parsing XML-RPC requests
Answer: c) Reading and manipulating configuration settings
54: Which of the following is NOT a valid way to perform database transactions using Zend_Db?
a) $db->beginTransaction();
// … perform database operations …
b) $db->execute(‘START TRANSACTION’);
// … perform database operations …
c) $db->query(‘START TRANSACTION’);
// … perform database operations …
d) $db->beginTransaction();
try {
// … perform database operations …
} catch (Exception $e) {
Answer: b) $db->execute(‘START TRANSACTION’);
// … perform database operations …
55: What is the purpose of the Zend_Serializer component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Serializing and unserializing PHP data structures
c) Managing user sessions
d) Generating PDF documents
Answer: b) Serializing and unserializing PHP data structures
56: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for managing and generating RSS feeds?
a) Zend_Feed
b) Zend_Auth
c) Zend_Db
d) Zend_XmlRpc
Answer: a) Zend_Feed
57: What is the purpose of the Zend_Cache_Backend component in the Zend Framework?
a) Caching rendered HTML output
b) Handling form validation
c) Managing user sessions
d) Encrypting sensitive data
Answer: a) Caching rendered HTML output
58: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for working with Elasticsearch?
a) Zend_Search_Lucene
b) Zend_Debug
c) Zend_Elasticsearch
d) Zend_Soap
Answer: c) Zend_Elasticsearch
59: What is the purpose of the Zend_Log_Writer component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) Writing log messages to various destinations
d) Parsing XML-RPC requests
Answer: c) Writing log messages to various destinations
60: Which of the following is a valid way to configure a database connection in Zend Framework 3 or later?
a) Using a YAML configuration file
b) Storing the configuration in environment variables
c) Setting the configuration in a PHP array
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
61: What is the purpose of the Zend_Mail component in the Zend Framework?
a) Parsing XML documents
b) Handling HTTP requests and responses
c) Sending and receiving email messages
d) File uploading and processing
Answer: c) Sending and receiving email messages
62: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for working with NoSQL databases?
a) Zend_Rest
b) Zend_NoSql
c) Zend_Cache
d) Zend_Soap
Answer: b) Zend_NoSql
63: What is the purpose of the Zend_Form_Decorator component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling form validation
b) Parsing JSON documents
c) Managing user sessions
d) Modifying the appearance and layout of form elements
Answer: d) Modifying the appearance and layout of form elements
64: Which of the following is NOT a valid way to perform database queries using Zend_Db_Select?
a) $select->where(‘column = ?’, $value);
b) $select->order(‘column DESC’);
c) $select->join(‘table2’, ‘table1.id = table2.id‘);
d) $select->limit(10)->offset(20);
Answer: c) $select->join(‘table2’, ‘table1.id = table2.id‘);
65: What is the purpose of the Zend_Service component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) Providing integration with various web services
d) Generating PDF documents
Answer: c) Providing integration with various web services
66: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for working with message queues?
a) Zend_Auth
b) Zend_Queue
c) Zend_Cache
d) Zend_XmlRpc
Answer: b) Zend_Queue
67: What is the purpose of the Zend_Config_Writer component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) Writing configuration settings to various formats
d) Parsing XML-RPC requests
Answer: c) Writing configuration settings to various formats
68: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for working with OpenID authentication?
a) Zend_Auth
b) Zend_OpenId
c) Zend_Xml
d) Zend_Form
Answer: b) Zend_OpenId
69: What is the purpose of the Zend_Markup component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling form validation
b) Parsing and generating markup languages
c) Managing user sessions
d) Encrypting sensitive data
Answer: b) Parsing and generating markup languages
70: Which of the following is a valid way to configure a database connection in Zend Framework 4 or later?
a) Using a JSON configuration file
b) Storing the configuration in a YAML file
c) Setting the configuration in a PHP array
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
71: What is the purpose of the Zend_Gdata component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Parsing and generating XML data
c) Managing user sessions
d) Interacting with Google Data APIs
Answer: d) Interacting with Google Data APIs
72: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for working with LDAP directories?
a) Zend_Rest
b) Zend_Ldap
c) Zend_Debug
d) Zend_Soap
Answer: b) Zend_Ldap
73: What is the purpose of the Zend_Navigation_Container component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling form validation
b) Parsing JSON documents
c) Managing user sessions
d) Creating and managing website navigation structures
Answer: d) Creating and managing website navigation structures
74: Which of the following is NOT a valid way to handle file uploads in Zend Framework 3 or later?
a) Using Zend_Form_Element_File
b) Directly accessing $_FILES superglobal
c) Utilizing Zend_File_Transfer component
d) Employing Zend_Upload component
Answer: b) Directly accessing $_FILES superglobal
75: What is the purpose of the Zend_Serializer_Adapter component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Serializing and unserializing PHP data structures
c) Managing user sessions
d) Generating PDF documents
Answer: b) Serializing and unserializing PHP data structures
76: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for working with OAuth authentication?
a) Zend_Auth
b) Zend_Cache
c) Zend_OAuth
d) Zend_Form
Answer: c) Zend_OAuth
77: What is the purpose of the Zend_Db_Table component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling form validation
b) Parsing JSON documents
c) Managing user sessions
d) Abstracting database table operations
Answer: d) Abstracting database table operations
78: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for working with XML-RPC services?
a) Zend_Json
b) Zend_Auth
c) Zend_XmlRpc
d) Zend_Form
Answer: c) Zend_XmlRpc
79: What is the purpose of the Zend_Navigation_View component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) Providing helper methods for rendering navigation menus
d) Parsing XML-RPC requests
Answer: c) Providing helper methods for rendering navigation menus
80: Which of the following is a valid way to handle form submissions in Zend Framework 4 or later?
a) Using Zend_Form component
b) Utilizing Zend_Validate component
c) Employing Zend_Expressive\Forms module
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
81: What is the purpose of the Zend_Mime component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling form validation
b) Parsing and generating MIME messages
c) Managing user sessions
d) Encrypting sensitive data
Answer: b) Parsing and generating MIME messages
82: Which component in the Zend Framework is used for working with Amazon Web Services (AWS)?
a) Zend_Auth
b) Zend_Cache
c) Zend_Aws
d) Zend_Soap
Answer: c) Zend_Aws
83: What is the purpose of the Zend_Db_Adapter component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) Providing a unified interface for working with databases
d) Generating PDF documents
Answer: c) Providing a unified interface for working with databases
84: Which of the following is NOT a valid way to handle sessions in Zend Framework 3 or later?
a) Using Zend\Session\Container class
b) Storing session data in cookies
c) Utilizing Zend\Session\SaveHandler component
d) Accessing $_SESSION superglobal directly
Answer: b) Storing session data in cookies
85: What is the purpose of the Zend_Text component in the Zend Framework?
a) Handling database migrations
b) Generating random numbers
c) Manipulating and formatting text strings
d) Parsing XML-RPC requests
Answer: c) Manipulating and formatting text strings
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