[Top 80] Perl Programming Language Quiz

Perl Programming Language Quiz: we will cover multiple choice questions on Perl language.

1: Which of the following is the correct syntax for printing “Hello, World!” in Perl?

a) print “Hello, World!”;

b) echo “Hello, World!”;

c) puts “Hello, World!”;

d) console.log(“Hello, World!”);

Answer: a) print “Hello, World!”;

2: What does the “strict” pragma do in Perl?

a) It enables Perl to use strict data types.

b) It enforces strict coding standards.

c) It enables Perl to display error messages.

d) It enforces strict variable declaration and usage.

Answer: d) It enforces strict variable declaration and usage.

3: Which of the following is NOT a valid Perl variable name?

a) $my_variable

b) $myVariable

c) $MyVariable

d) $my-variable

Answer: d) $my-variable

4: How do you read input from the command line in Perl?

a) readline()

b) cin()

c) <STDIN>

d) input()

Answer: c) <STDIN>

5: What does the “use strict;” statement in Perl do?

a) It enables Perl to use strict data types.

b) It enforces strict coding standards.

c) It enables Perl to display error messages.

d) It enforces strict variable declaration and usage.

Answer: d) It enforces strict variable declaration and usage.

6: Which Perl function is used to find the length of a string?

a) len()

b) size()

c) length()

d) strlen()

Answer: c) length()

7: What is the correct way to declare and initialize an array in Perl?

a) @numbers = [1, 2, 3];

b) @numbers = {1, 2, 3};

c) @numbers = (1, 2, 3);

d) @numbers = <1, 2, 3>;

Answer: c) @numbers = (1, 2, 3);

8: Which operator is used for string concatenation in Perl?

a) .

b) +

c) &

d) #

Answer: a) .

9: Which function is used to remove the newline character from the end of a string in Perl?

a) chomp()

b) trim()

c) strip()

d) remove()

Answer: a) chomp()

10: What is the correct way to open a file in Perl for reading?

a) open(my $file, “read”, “filename.txt”);

b) open(my $file, “<“, “filename.txt”);

c) open(my $file, “r”, “filename.txt”);

d) open(my $file, “read”, “filename.txt”) or die $!;

Answer: b) open(my $file, “<“, “filename.txt”);

11: How do you access the command-line arguments passed to a Perl script?

a) @ARGV

b) $ARGV

c) %ARGV

d) $ARG

Answer: a) @ARGV

12: Which module in Perl is used for regular expression matching?

a) use regex;

b) use pattern;

c) use match;

d) use re;

Answer: d) use re;

13: How do you declare a subroutine in Perl?

a) sub mySubroutine { }

b) def mySubroutine { }

c) function mySubroutine { }

d) subroutine mySubroutine { }

Answer: a) sub mySubroutine { }

14: What is the purpose of the “return” statement in Perl?

a) It terminates the execution of a subroutine and returns a value.

b) It prints the value of a variable to the console.

c) It restarts the execution of a loop.

d) It defines a variable and assigns it a value.

Answer: a) It terminates the execution of a subroutine and returns a value.

15: How do you check if a file exists in Perl?

a) if (-e “filename.txt”) { }

b) if (-f “filename.txt”) { }

c) if (-d “filename.txt”) { }

d) if (-r “filename.txt”) { }

Answer: a) if (-e “filename.txt”) { }

16: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling dates and times?

a) DateTime

b) Time::Date

c) DateUtils

d) Time::Now

Answer: a) DateTime

17: What does the “foreach” loop in Perl do?

a) It executes a block of code a specified number of times.

b) It iterates over elements of an array or a list.

c) It searches for a pattern within a string.

d) It performs mathematical calculations.

Answer: b) It iterates over elements of an array or a list.

18: How do you remove an element from an array in Perl?

a) pop()

b) shift()

c) splice()

d) remove()

Answer: c) splice()

19: Which operator is used for exponentiation in Perl?

a) ^

b) **

c) //

d) //

Answer: b) **

20: What does the “undef” keyword do in Perl?

a) It declares a variable.

b) It assigns a value to a variable.

c) It checks if a variable is defined.

d) It undefines a variable or a value.

Answer: d) It undefines a variable or a value.

21: How do you access the keys of a hash in Perl?

a) %hash{keys}

b) %hash->keys

c) keys %hash

d) hash.keys()

Answer: c) keys %hash

22: How do you open a file in Perl for writing, and create it if it doesn’t exist?

a) open(my $file, “write”, “filename.txt”);

b) open(my $file, “>”, “filename.txt”);

c) open(my $file, “w”, “filename.txt”);

d) open(my $file, “write”, “filename.txt”) or die $!;

Answer: b) open(my $file, “>”, “filename.txt”);

23: Which Perl function is used to sort an array in ascending order?

a) sort_asc()

b) sort_array()

c) sort()

d) array_sort()

Answer: c) sort()

24: How do you access the value associated with a specific key in a hash in Perl?

a) $hash{$key}

b) $key{$hash}

c) $hash->value($key)

d) value($hash, $key)

Answer: a) $hash{$key}

25: What does the “next” statement do in Perl?

a) It skips the rest of the current iteration of a loop.

b) It terminates the execution of a loop.

c) It jumps to a specific label within a subroutine.

d) It moves to the next line of code.

Answer: a) It skips the rest of the current iteration of a loop.

26: Which Perl function is used to convert a string to uppercase?

a) strtoupper()

b) uc()

c) upper()

d) strupper()

Answer: b) uc()

27: How do you remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string in Perl?

a) trim()

b) strip()

c) chomp()

d) remove()

Answer: a) trim()

28: What does the “use warnings;” statement do in Perl?

a) It enables warnings for potential issues in your code.

b) It displays all error messages.

c) It suppresses warning messages.

d) It enables strict variable declaration.

Answer: a) It enables warnings for potential issues in your code.

29: How do you check if a hash contains a specific key in Perl?

a) if ($hash{$key}) { }

b) if ($key in %hash) { }

c) if (exists $hash{$key}) { }

d) if ($key exists %hash) { }

Answer: c) if (exists $hash{$key}) { }

30: How do you remove duplicate elements from an array in Perl?

a) uniq()

b) unique()

c) distinct()

d) remove_duplicates()

Answer: a) uniq()

31: What is the purpose of the “last” statement in Perl?

a) It terminates the execution of a subroutine.

b) It exits the current loop or block.

c) It restarts the execution of a loop.

d) It jumps to a specific label within a subroutine.

Answer: b) It exits the current loop or block.

32: How do you check if a variable is defined or not in Perl?

a) if (defined $var) { }

b) if ($var) { }

c) if ($var != undef) { }

d) if ($var == null) { }

Answer: a) if (defined $var) { }

33: Which Perl function is used to find the index of a specific element in an array?

a) index()

b) find_index()

c) locate()

d) grep()

Answer: a) index()

34: How do you get the current date and time in Perl?

a) localtime()

b) get_date()

c) now()

d) current_datetime()

Answer: a) localtime()

35: What is the purpose of the “use strict” and “use warnings” statements in Perl?

a) They enable Perl to use strict data types and display warnings.

b) They enforce coding standards and suppress warning messages.

c) They enable Perl to display error messages and enforce strict variable declaration.

d) They enable Perl to use external modules and enable warnings.

Answer: c) They enable Perl to display error messages and enforce strict variable declaration.

36: How do you convert a string to a numeric value in Perl?

a) to_int()

b) parse_number()

c) convert_to_numeric()

d) int()

Answer: d) int()

37: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling regular expressions?

a) Regexp::Patterns

b) PatternUtils

c) Regex::Utils

d) Regexp::Common

Answer: d) Regexp::Common

38: How do you read input from the user in Perl?

a) read()

b) input()

c) get_input()

d) <STDIN>

Answer: d) <STDIN>

39: What is the purpose of the “do” statement in Perl?

a) It defines a loop construct.

b) It executes a block of code repeatedly.

c) It includes and executes an external Perl script.

d) It defines a subroutine.

Answer: c) It includes and executes an external Perl script.

40: How do you convert a number to a string in Perl?

a) to_string()

b) stringify()

c) convert_to_string()

d) string()

Answer: d) string()

41: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling JSON data?

a) JSON::Utils

b) JSON::Parser

c) JSON::Handler


Answer: d) JSON

42: How do you copy an array in Perl?

a) copy_array()

b) duplicate_array()

c) clone()

d) @new_array = @old_array;

Answer: d) @new_array = @old_array;

43: What is the purpose of the “die” function in Perl?

a) It terminates the execution of a script.

b) It displays an error message and exits the script.

c) It throws an exception.

d) It prints debugging information.

Answer: b) It displays an error message and exits the script.

44: How do you calculate the length of an array in Perl?

a) size()

b) count()

c) length()

d) scalar()

Answer: d) scalar()

45: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling database connections and queries?

a) DB::Utils

b) DBI

c) Database::Connector

d) SQL::Connection

Answer: b) DBI

46: How do you check if a file is readable in Perl?

a) if (-r $filename) { }

b) if (-readable $filename) { }

c) if (is_readable($filename)) { }

d) if (can_read($filename)) { }

Answer: a) if (-r $filename) { }

47: What is the purpose of the “shift” function in Perl?

a) It removes the first element from an array.

b) It shifts the position of array elements.

c) It removes the last element from an array.

d) It shifts the execution of a loop.

Answer: a) It removes the first element from an array.

48: How do you check if a string contains a specific substring in Perl?

a) if ($string contains $substring) { }

b) if ($substring in $string) { }

c) if (index($string, $substring) != -1) { }

d) if (match($substring, $string)) { }

Answer: c) if (index($string, $substring) != -1) { }

49: Which Perl function is used to open a directory for reading?

a) opendir()

b) open_directory()

c) read_directory()

d) directory_open()

Answer: a) opendir()

50: How do you join the elements of an array into a single string in Perl?

a) join()

b) concatenate()

c) merge()

d) implode()

Answer: a) join()

51: What is the purpose of the “chomp” function in Perl?

a) It removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.

b) It removes the newline character from the end of a string.

c) It converts a string to uppercase.

d) It splits a string into an array of substrings.

Answer: b) It removes the newline character from the end of a string.

52: How do you access command-line arguments in Perl?

a) @args

b) $args


d) command_line_args()

Answer: c) ARGV

53: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling XML data?

a) XML::Parser

b) XML::Utils

c) XML::Handler

d) XML::Common

Answer: a) XML::Parser

54: How do you get the current working directory in Perl?

a) getcwd()

b) current_dir()

c) working_dir()

d) cwd()

Answer: a) getcwd()

55: What is the purpose of the “do…while” loop in Perl?

a) It executes a block of code repeatedly while a condition is true.

b) It executes a block of code at least once, and then checks a condition.

c) It iterates over the elements of an array.

d) It terminates the execution of a loop.

Answer: b) It executes a block of code at least once, and then checks a condition.

56: How do you write formatted output in Perl?

a) print_formatted()

b) format_output()

c) printf()

d) formatted_print()

Answer: c) printf()

57: Which Perl function is used to reverse the elements of an array?

a) reverse()

b) flip()

c) invert()

d) array_reverse()

Answer: a) reverse()

58: How do you find the maximum value in an array in Perl?

a) max_value()

b) maximum()

c) max()

d) largest()

Answer: c) max()

59: What is the purpose of the “unlink” function in Perl?

a) It deletes a file from the file system.

b) It removes an element from an array.

c) It unlinks two strings.

d) It breaks a symbolic link.

Answer: a) It deletes a file from the file system.

60: How do you check if a directory exists in Perl?

a) if (-e $dir) { }

b) if (is_directory($dir)) { }

c) if (exists $dir) { }

d) if (directory_exists($dir)) { }

Answer: a) if (-e $dir) { }

61: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling dates and time?

a) DateTime

b) Time::Utils

c) Date::Handler

d) DateTime::Utils

Answer: a) DateTime

62: How do you check if a file exists in Perl?

a) if (-f $filename) { }

b) if (file_exists($filename)) { }

c) if (exists $filename) { }

d) if (is_file($filename)) { }

Answer: a) if (-f $filename) { }

63: What is the purpose of the “keys” function in Perl?

a) It returns a list of all the keys in a hash.

b) It generates a random key.

c) It encrypts a string using a key.

d) It searches for a specific key in a hash.

Answer: a) It returns a list of all the keys in a hash.

64: How do you round a number to a specified number of decimal places in Perl?

a) round()

b) floor()

c) ceil()

d) sprintf()

Answer: d) sprintf()

65: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling file input and output?

a) File::Utils

b) IO::File

c) File::IO

d) File::Handler

Answer: b) IO::File

66: How do you sort an array in Perl?

a) sort()

b) arrange()

c) order()

d) sort_array()

Answer: a) sort()

67: What is the purpose of the “next” statement in Perl?

a) It skips the rest of the current iteration of a loop.

b) It terminates the execution of a loop.

c) It jumps to a specific label within a loop.

d) It continues to the next iteration of a loop.

Answer: a) It skips the rest of the current iteration of a loop.

68: How do you convert a string to uppercase in Perl?

a) uc()

b) upper()

c) to_uppercase()

d) capitalize()

Answer: a) uc()

69: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling command-line arguments?

a) Getopt::Long

b) Args::Handler

c) Options::Parser

d) CommandLine::Utils

Answer: a) Getopt::Long

70: How do you check if a value exists in an array in Perl?

a) if ($value in @array) { }

b) if (is_exists($value, @array)) { }

c) if (grep { $_ eq $value } @array) { }

d) if (array_contains($value, @array)) { }

Answer: c) if (grep { $_ eq $value } @array) { }

71: What is the purpose of the “last” statement in Perl?

a) It terminates the execution of a loop.

b) It jumps to a specific label within a loop.

c) It skips the rest of the current iteration of a loop.

d) It continues to the next iteration of a loop.

Answer: a) It terminates the execution of a loop.

72: How do you remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string in Perl?

a) trim()

b) strip()

c) remove_whitespace()

d) chomp()

Answer: a) trim()

73: Which Perl module is commonly used for sending emails?

a) Email::Sender

b) Mail::Utils

c) Email::Handler

d) Sendmail::Sender

Answer: a) Email::Sender

74: How do you find the index of a specific value in an array in Perl?

a) index()

b) find_index()

c) search()

d) grep()

Answer: a) index()

75: What is the purpose of the “redo” statement in Perl?

a) It restarts the current iteration of a loop.

b) It terminates the execution of a loop.

c) It jumps to a specific label within a loop.

d) It continues to the next iteration of a loop.

Answer: a) It restarts the current iteration of a loop.

76: How do you convert a string to lowercase in Perl?

a) lc()

b) lower()

c) to_lowercase()

d) downcase()

Answer: a) lc()

77: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling regular expressions?

a) Regex::Utils

b) Pattern::Handler

c) Regexp::Common

d) Regex::Parser

Answer: c) Regexp::Common

78: How do you find the length of a string in Perl?

a) str_len()

b) length()

c) strlen()

d) string_length()

Answer: b) length()

79: What is the purpose of the “map” function in Perl?

a) It transforms each element of an array by applying a given expression.

b) It performs mathematical operations on an array.

c) It filters out elements from an array based on a condition.

d) It searches for a specific element in an array.

Answer: a) It transforms each element of an array by applying a given expression.

80: How do you extract a substring from a string in Perl?

a) extract()

b) substr()

c) sub_string()

d) get_substr()

Answer: b) substr()

81: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling JSON data?

a) JSON::Handler

b) JSON::Utils

c) JSON::Parser


Answer: d) JSON

82: How do you split a string into an array of substrings in Perl?

a) split()

b) explode()

c) parse()

d) break()

Answer: a) split()

83: What is the purpose of the “grep” function in Perl?

a) It applies a regular expression to a string.

b) It filters elements from an array based on a condition.

c) It searches for a specific element in an array.

d) It sorts the elements of an array.

Answer: b) It filters elements from an array based on a condition.

84: How do you get the current date and time in Perl?

a) current_datetime()

b) get_datetime()

c) localtime()

d) now()

Answer: c) localtime()

85: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling database interactions?

a) DBI

b) DB::Utils

c) Database::Handler

d) DB::Interact

Answer: a) DBI

86: How do you check if a hash contains a specific key in Perl?

a) if (exists $hash{$key}) { }

b) if ($key in %hash) { }

c) if (has_key($key, %hash)) { }

d) if (is_key($key, %hash)) { }

Answer: a) if (exists $hash{$key}) { }

87: What is the purpose of the “push” function in Perl?

a) It adds an element to the beginning of an array.

b) It removes the last element from an array.

c) It appends an element to the end of an array.

d) It inserts an element at a specific index in an array.

Answer: c) It appends an element to the end of an array.

88: How do you check if a file is readable in Perl?

a) if (-r $filename) { }

b) if (is_readable($filename)) { }

c) if (can_read($filename)) { }

d) if (exists $filename) { }

Answer: a) if (-r $filename) { }

89: Which Perl module is commonly used for handling CSV files?

a) Text::CSV

b) CSV::Handler

c) CSV::Utils

d) File::CSV

Answer: a) Text::CSV

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