Think and Grow Rich Summary

Think and Grow Rich Summary: “Think and Grow Rich” is a personal development and self-help book by Napoleon Hill. It was published in 1937 and has since sold millions of copies worldwide, becoming one of the best-selling books of all time. The book teaches the reader how to think positively and achieve success in life by following a set of principles and habits that Hill calls the “13 Steps to Riches.” Here is a brief outline of the main points covered in “Think and Grow Rich”:

Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich Summary

  1. Introduction: Hill introduces the concept of “thought” and its power to shape our lives and circumstances. He explains that the book is based on interviews with successful people, including Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and Thomas Edison.
  2. Desire: Hill explains that the starting point for achieving success is having a strong desire for something. This desire should be specific, burning, and compelling.
  3. Faith: Hill stresses the importance of having faith in oneself and one’s abilities. He explains that faith is essential for achieving success, as it allows us to overcome obstacles and setbacks.
  4. Autosuggestion: Hill teaches the reader how to use autosuggestion, or the power of self-suggestion, to plant positive thoughts and ideas in the mind. He explains that this can be done through affirmations and visualization.
  5. Specialized Knowledge: Hill argues that knowledge is power and that successful people have a high level of specialized knowledge in their field. He advises the reader to constantly seek out new knowledge and to apply it in their life and work


In the introduction to Think and Grow Rich, Hill discusses the importance of thought in shaping our circumstances and achieving success. He explains that the principles outlined in the book are based on his interviews with successful people, including some of the most influential and successful individuals of his time, such as Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and Thomas Edison. Hill’s interviews with these individuals allowed him to uncover the common mental habits and approaches that contributed to their success. He shares these insights in the book, along with practical advice and guidance on how readers can apply these principles to their own lives to achieve their goals and dreams.


In Think and Grow Rich, Hill emphasizes the importance of desire in achieving success. He argues that desire is the starting point for all achievement and that having a strong, specific, and burning desire for something is essential to setting and achieving goals. Hill explains that a strong desire is what gives us the motivation and determination to take action and persevere in the face of challenges and setbacks. He advises readers to cultivate a strong desire for what they want to achieve, as it will serve as a driving force that helps them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.


In Think and Grow Rich, Hill emphasizes the importance of faith in achieving success. He argues that faith is essential for overcoming obstacles and setbacks, and for achieving our goals. Hill explains that faith is a state of mind that allows us to believe in ourselves and our abilities, even when faced with challenges and doubts. He advises readers to cultivate a strong faith in themselves and their abilities, as it will give them the confidence and determination needed to overcome any obstacle and achieve their goals. Hill also emphasizes the importance of faith in a higher power, which he believes can provide guidance, support, and strength when faced with challenges.


In Think and Grow Rich, Hill discusses the concept of autosuggestion and how it can be used to plant positive thoughts and ideas in the mind. Autosuggestion is the process of using self-suggestion to influence and shape your own thoughts and beliefs. Hill explains that this can be done through affirmations and visualization. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself, either out loud or in your mind, in order to reinforce positive beliefs and attitudes. Visualization involves using your imagination to picture and focus on your desired outcome. Hill advises readers to use autosuggestion, through affirmations and visualization, as a way to influence their own thoughts and beliefs and to move closer to achieving their goals.

Specialized Knowledge:

In Think and Grow Rich, Hill emphasizes the importance of knowledge and specialized knowledge in achieving success. He argues that knowledge is a powerful tool that can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. Hill advises readers to constantly seek out new knowledge, particularly in their field of work, and to apply it in their lives and careers. He argues that successful people tend to have a high level of specialized knowledge in their field, which gives them a competitive edge and helps them achieve their goals. Hill encourages readers to be proactive in acquiring new knowledge and to use it to their advantage in order to achieve success.

Think and Grow Rich Summary

Think and Grow Rich is a personal development and self-help book that teaches the reader how to think positively and overcome mental barriers in order to achieve success and wealth. The book is based on Napolean Hill’s research into the lives of successful people and argues that a person’s thoughts can directly influence their circumstances. Hill emphasizes the importance of desire, faith, autosuggestion, specialized knowledge, decision-making, persistence, imagination, organized planning, and mentorship in achieving success. He advises readers to cultivate these qualities and apply them in their lives in order to achieve their goals and realize their full potential.

Think and Grow Rich PDF Summary

Here is a brief summary of Think and Grow Rich:

  1. The power of thought: Hill argues that our thoughts shape our circumstances and that, by learning to control our thoughts, we can achieve our goals and desires.
  2. The importance of desire: Hill emphasizes the role of desire in achieving success and advises readers to cultivate a strong, specific, and burning desire for what they want to achieve.
  3. The role of faith: Hill argues that faith in oneself and one’s abilities is essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving success. He also emphasizes the importance of faith in a higher power.
  4. The power of autosuggestion: Hill discusses the concept of autosuggestion and how it can be used to plant positive thoughts and ideas in the mind through affirmations and visualization.
  5. The value of specialized knowledge: Hill argues that knowledge is power and that successful people tend to have a high level of specialized knowledge in their field. He advises readers to constantly seek out new knowledge and to apply it in their lives and work.
  6. The importance of decision-making: Hill advises readers to make decisions quickly and confidently, as indecisiveness can hold them back from achieving their goals.
  7. The role of persistence: Hill emphasizes the importance of persistence in achieving success, arguing that it allows us to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward towards our goals.
  8. The power of imagination: Hill advises readers to use their imagination to visualize and focus on their desired outcome, as this can help them achieve their goals.
  9. The importance of organized planning: Hill advises readers to develop a clear plan and take consistent action towards their goals in order to achieve success.
  10. The role of mentorship: Hill advises readers to seek out mentors who can provide guidance, support, and encouragement in achieving their goals.

Think and Grow Rich Chapter Summary

here is a summary of each chapter in Think and Grow Rich:

Chapter 1: The Power of Thought

In this chapter, Hill introduces the concept of “thought” and its power to shape our lives and circumstances. He explains that the book is based on interviews with successful people and that the principles outlined in the book can be applied by anyone to achieve their goals.

Chapter 2: Desire

Hill explains that the starting point for achieving success is having a strong desire for something. This desire should be specific, burning, and compelling. He advises readers to cultivate a strong desire for what they want to achieve, as it will serve as a driving force that helps them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Chapter 3: Faith

Hill stresses the importance of having faith in oneself and one’s abilities. He explains that faith is essential for achieving success, as it allows us to overcome obstacles and setbacks. Hill advises readers to cultivate a strong faith in themselves and their abilities, as it will give them the confidence and determination needed to overcome any obstacle and achieve their goals. Hill also emphasizes the importance of faith in a higher power, which he believes can provide guidance, support, and strength when faced with challenges.

Chapter 4: Auto-Suggestion

Hill discusses the concept of autosuggestion and how it can be used to plant positive thoughts and ideas in the mind. Autosuggestion is the process of using self-suggestion to influence and shape your own thoughts and beliefs. Hill explains that this can be done through affirmations and visualization. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself, either out loud or in your mind, in order to reinforce positive beliefs and attitudes. Visualization involves using your imagination to picture and focus on your desired outcome. Hill advises readers to use autosuggestion, through affirmations and visualization, as a way to influence their own thoughts and beliefs and to move closer to achieving their goals.

Chapter 5: Specialized Knowledge

Hill argues that knowledge is power and that successful people tend to have a high level of specialized knowledge in their field. He advises readers to constantly seek out new knowledge, particularly in their field of work, and to apply it in their lives and careers. Hill encourages readers to be proactive in acquiring new knowledge and to use it to their advantage in order to achieve success.

Chapter 6: Imagination

Hill advises readers to use their imagination to visualize and focus on their desired outcome, as this can help them achieve their goals. He explains that the imagination is a powerful tool that can help us create mental pictures of our desired future, which can then serve as a blueprint for achieving it. Hill advises readers to use their imagination regularly and to visualize their goals as if they have already been achieved in order to increase the chances of turning their vision into reality.

Chapter 7: Organized Planning

Hill advises readers to develop a clear plan and take consistent action towards their goals in order to achieve success. He explains that having a clear plan and a specific strategy for achieving our goals helps us to stay focused and motivated, and to take the necessary steps to move closer to our desired outcome. Hill advises readers to break down their goals into smaller, more manageable steps and to take consistent action towards those steps in order to achieve their goals.

Chapter 8: Decision

Hill advises readers to make decisions quickly and confidently, as indecisiveness can hold them back from achieving their goals. He argues that the ability to make decisions quickly and confidently is essential for achieving success, as it allows us to take action and move forward towards our goals. Hill advises readers to be decisive, even if they are not certain about the outcome, as this will help them to progress and achieve their goals.

Chapter 9: Persistence

Hill emphasizes the importance of persistence in achieving success, arguing that it allows us to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward towards our goals. He advises readers to cultivate a strong sense of persistence and to keep working towards their goals, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Hill argues that persistence is a key quality that separates successful people from those who fail to achieve their goals.

Chapter 10: Power of the Master Mind

Hill advises readers to seek out mentors who can provide guidance, support, and encouragement in achieving their goals. He explains that the collective intelligence and experience of a group can be more powerful than that of an individual. Hill advises readers to surround themselves with like-minded individuals who can support and motivate them in achieving their goals.

Chapter 11: The Mystery of Sex Transmutation

In this chapter, Hill discusses the concept of “sex transmutation,” which is the process of channeling sexual energy towards achieving a specific goal. Hill argues that sexual energy is a powerful force that can be harnessed and redirected towards achieving success in other areas of life. He advises readers to use this energy to fuel their pursuit of their goals and to stay motivated and focused on their desired outcome.

Chapter 12: The Subconscious Mind

Hill discusses the role of the subconscious mind in shaping our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. He explains that the subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can be used to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals if we learn to harness its power. Hill advises readers to use the power of their subconscious mind to reinforce positive beliefs and attitudes, and to visualize and focus on their desired outcome in order to achieve their goals.

Chapter 13: The Brain

In this chapter, Hill discusses the role of the brain in shaping our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. He explains that the brain is a powerful tool that can be used to achieve our goals if we learn to harness its power. Hill advises readers to use their brain to reinforce positive beliefs and attitudes, and to visualize and focus on their desired outcome in order to achieve their goals.

Chapter 14: The Sixth Sense

Hill discusses the concept of the “sixth sense,” which he describes as an inner knowing or intuition that can guide us towards achieving our goals. He advises readers to listen to their sixth sense and to trust their inner guidance when making decisions and taking action towards their goals.

Chapter 15: How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear

In this chapter, Hill discusses the six common fears that can hold people back from achieving their goals: poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age, and death. He advises readers to overcome these fears by developing a strong faith in themselves and their abilities, and by taking consistent action towards their goals. Hill argues that, by facing and overcoming our fears, we can unlock our full potential and achieve our goals.

10 Important things we learn from think and grow rich book | Think and Grow Rich Main Points

Here are 10 important things that readers can learn from Think and Grow Rich:

  1. The power of thought: Hill argues that our thoughts shape our circumstances and that, by learning to control our thoughts, we can achieve our goals and desires.
  2. The importance of desire: Hill emphasizes the role of desire in achieving success and advises readers to cultivate a strong, specific, and burning desire for what they want to achieve.
  3. The role of faith: Hill argues that faith in oneself and one’s abilities is essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving success. He also emphasizes the importance of faith in a higher power.
  4. The power of autosuggestion: Hill discusses the concept of autosuggestion and how it can be used to plant positive thoughts and ideas in the mind through affirmations and visualization.
  5. The value of specialized knowledge: Hill argues that knowledge is power and that successful people tend to have a high level of specialized knowledge in their field. He advises readers to constantly seek out new knowledge and to apply it in their lives and work.
  6. The importance of decision-making: Hill advises readers to make decisions quickly and confidently, as indecisiveness can hold them back from achieving their goals.
  7. The role of persistence: Hill emphasizes the importance of persistence in achieving success, arguing that it allows us to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward towards our goals.
  8. The power of imagination: Hill advises readers to use their imagination to visualize and focus on their desired outcome, as this can help them achieve their goals.
  9. The importance of organized planning: Hill advises readers to develop a clear plan and take consistent action towards their goals in order to achieve success.
  10. The role of mentorship: Hill advises readers to seek out mentors who can provide guidance, support, and encouragement in achieving their goals.

Think and Grow Rich 13 Principles Summary PDF

Here is a summary of the 13 principles from “Think and Grow Rich” in the form of a PDF:

  1. Desire: The starting point of all achievement is desire. You must have a strong desire for something in order to achieve it.
  2. Faith: Belief in yourself and your abilities is essential for success. You must have faith in your ability to achieve your goals.
  3. Auto-suggestion: The use of positive affirmations and self-talk can help you to overcome negative thoughts and beliefs and achieve your goals.
  4. Specialized knowledge: Acquiring specialized knowledge in your field can give you an advantage and help you to achieve success.
  5. Imagination: The ability to use your imagination to visualize your goals and create a plan to achieve them is key to success.
  6. Organized planning: Creating a plan of action and sticking to it is crucial for achieving your goals.
  7. Decision: Making clear and decisive decisions is important for achieving success.
  8. Persistence: The ability to persevere and continue working towards your goals even when faced with setbacks and obstacles is essential for success.
  9. Power of the subconscious mind: Your subconscious mind has a powerful influence on your thoughts, actions, and behaviors. You can use it to your advantage by programming it with positive beliefs and thoughts.
  10. The brain: The brain is the most powerful tool you have for achieving success. You can use it to analyze and solve problems, as well as to create new ideas and innovations.
  11. The sixth sense: The sixth sense is the ability to access your subconscious mind and use it to guide you towards your goals. It is a powerful tool for achieving success.
  12. How to outwit the six ghosts of fear: The six ghosts of fear are: fear of poverty, fear of criticism, fear of ill health, fear of loss of love, fear of old age, and fear of death. By understanding and overcoming these fears, you can achieve success.
  13. The seven steps to personal achievement: The seven steps to personal achievement are: (1) fix in your mind the exact amount of money you want to acquire, (2) determine exactly what you are willing to give in return for the money, (3) establish a definite date by which you will acquire the money, (4) create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and follow that plan, (5) write out a clear and concise statement of your goal and keep it with you at all times, (6) read your statement aloud twice daily, once just before going to sleep and once just after waking up, and (7) visualize yourself already in possession of the money.

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