[TOP 80] Laravel Quiz Questions Answers

[TOP 80] Laravel Quiz Questions Answers: we are going to discuss laravel questions answers.

1: What is Laravel?

a) A programming language

b) A framework for building web applications

c) A database management system

d) An operating system

Answer: b) A framework for building web applications

2: Which of the following is the command to create a new Laravel project?

a) laravel new project_name

b) composer new project_name

c) php artisan new project_name

d) laravel create project_name

Answer: a) laravel new project_name

3: Which file is responsible for handling the application’s routes in Laravel?

a) app.php

b) web.php

c) routes.php

d) routes/web.php

Answer: d) routes/web.php

4: What is the purpose of migrations in Laravel?

a) To create and manage database tables

b) To handle HTTP requests

c) To define routes in the application

d) To manage CSS and JavaScript assets

Answer: a) To create and manage database tables

5: What is the command to run the Laravel development server?

a) php artisan server

b) php artisan serve

c) php serve

d) php server

Answer: b) php artisan serve

6: Which of the following is the correct way to define a route that responds to GET request in Laravel?

a) Route::get(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

b) Route::post(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

c) Route::put(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

d) Route::delete(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

Answer: a) Route::get(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

7: Which directory contains the views in a Laravel application?

a) app/Views

b) resources/views

c) public/views

d) storage/views

Answer: b) resources/views

8: What is the purpose of Laravel Eloquent?

a) To handle form validation

b) To manage database migrations

c) To create and manipulate database records

d) To generate HTML templates

Answer: c) To create and manipulate database records

9: Which artisan command is used to create a new migration file in Laravel?

a) php artisan new-migration

b) php artisan generate-migration

c) php artisan make:migration

d) php artisan create-migration

Answer: c) php artisan make:migration

10: What is the purpose of the “composer” command in Laravel?

a) To install Laravel packages

b) To run database migrations

c) To generate CSS and JavaScript assets

d) To create a new Laravel project

Answer: a) To install Laravel packages

11: Which of the following is NOT a feature provided by Laravel’s Blade templating engine?

a) Template inheritance

b) Conditionals and loops

c) Dependency injection

d) Template partials

Answer: c) Dependency injection

12: What is the purpose of the “php artisan tinker” command in Laravel?

a) To run unit tests

b) To interact with the application’s database

c) To generate API documentation

d) To check the syntax of PHP files

Answer: b) To interact with the application’s database

13: What is the default database connection used by Laravel?

a) MySQL

b) SQLite

c) PostgreSQL

d) MongoDB

Answer: a) MySQL

14: Which of the following is NOT a valid relationship type in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM?

a) One-to-One

b) One-to-Many

c) Many-to-Many

d) One-to-None

Answer: d) One-to-None

15: Which of the following is the correct way to define a named route in Laravel?

a) Route::get(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’)->name(‘route_name’);

b) Route::get(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’)->named(‘route_name’);

c) Route::get(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’)->route(‘route_name’);

d) Route::get(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’)->withName(‘route_name’);

Answer: a

16: Which of the following is the correct syntax to define a route parameter in Laravel?

a) {parameter}

b) :parameter

c) $parameter

d) @parameter

Answer: a) {parameter}

17: Which of the following is the correct way to define a middleware in Laravel?

a) app/Middleware/CustomMiddleware.php

b) app/Http/Middleware/CustomMiddleware.php

c) app/Middleware.php

d) app/Http/Middleware.php

Answer: b) app/Http/Middleware/CustomMiddleware.php

18: What is the purpose of Laravel’s Artisan command line interface?

a) To generate code scaffolding

b) To run unit tests

c) To manage database migrations

d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

19: Which of the following is the correct syntax to define a validation rule for a form field in Laravel?

a) ‘field’ => ‘required|email’

b) ‘field’ => [‘required’, ’email’]

c) ‘field’ => ‘required,email’

d) ‘field’ => [‘required,email’]

Answer: b) ‘field’ => [‘required’, ’email’]

20: Which Laravel artisan command is used to generate a new controller?

a) php artisan make:controller

b) php artisan create:controller

c) php artisan new:controller

d) php artisan generate:controller

Answer: a) php artisan make:controller

21: Which of the following is NOT a type of relationship available in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM?

a) BelongsToMany

b) HasOneThrough

c) HasOnly

d) MorphTo

Answer: c) HasOnly

22: Which of the following is the correct way to define a database migration in Laravel?

a) php artisan create:migration create_table_name

b) php artisan make:migration create_table_name

c) php artisan generate:migration create_table_name

d) php artisan migrate:create_table_name

Answer: b) php artisan make:migration create_table_name

23: Which of the following is the correct way to define a route with a wildcard parameter in Laravel?

a) Route::get(‘/path/{parameter}’, ‘Controller@method’);

b) Route::get(‘/path/:parameter’, ‘Controller@method’);

c) Route::get(‘/path/$parameter’, ‘Controller@method’);

d) Route::get(‘/path/@parameter’, ‘Controller@method’);

Answer: a) Route::get(‘/path/{parameter}’, ‘Controller@method’);

24: Which of the following is the correct syntax to retrieve the current authenticated user in Laravel?

a) Auth::current()

b) Auth::getUser()

c) Auth::user()

d) Auth::currentUser()

Answer: c) Auth::user()

25: Which Laravel artisan command is used to run database migrations?

a) php artisan run:migrations

b) php artisan migrate:run

c) php artisan migrate

d) php artisan database:migrate

Answer: c) php artisan migrate

26: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent ORM”?

a) To handle authentication and authorization

b) To manage database migrations

c) To interact with the application’s database using an object-oriented interface

d) To generate HTML templates

Answer: c) To interact with the application’s database using an object-oriented interface

27: Which of the following is NOT a valid session driver in Laravel?

a) file

b) database

c) redis

d) soap

Answer: d) soap

28: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Relationships”?

a) To define the structure and behavior of database tables

b) To handle user authentication and authorization

c) To establish connections between different database tables

d) To generate test data for unit testing

Answer: c) To establish connections between different database tables

29: Which of the following is NOT a valid view file extension in Laravel?

a) .php

b) .html

c) .blade.php

d) .twig

Answer: d) .twig

30: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Artisan Console”?

a) To interact with the operating system’s command line interface

b) To create and manage virtual environments for Laravel projects

c) To handle HTTP requests and responses

d) To provide a command-line interface for executing common tasks in Laravel

Answer: d) To provide a command-line interface for executing common tasks in Laravel

31: Which of the following is the correct way to define a route group with a prefix in Laravel?

a) Route::group(‘/prefix’, function () { … });

b) Route::prefix(‘/prefix’)->group(function () { … });

c) Route::group([‘prefix’ => ‘/prefix’], function () { … });

d) Route::prefix(‘/prefix’, function () { … });

Answer: c) Route::group([‘prefix’ => ‘/prefix’], function () { … });

32: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Accessors”?

a) To define the rules for form validation

b) To define how to transform model attributes when retrieving them

c) To handle file uploads and storage

d) To define middleware functions for route protection

Answer: b) To define how to transform model attributes when retrieving them

33: Which of the following is the correct way to define a route that responds to multiple HTTP verbs in Laravel?

a) Route::get(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’)->post();

b) Route::any(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

c) Route::match([‘get’, ‘post’], ‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

d) Route::all(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

Answer: c) Route::match([‘get’, ‘post’], ‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

34: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Mutators”?

a) To encrypt and decrypt sensitive data in the database

b) To manage database migrations

c) To handle HTTP requests and responses

d) To define how to transform model attributes when setting them

Answer: d) To define how to transform model attributes when setting them

35: Which Laravel artisan command is used to create a new migration for modifying an existing table?

a) php artisan make:migration modify_table_name

b) php artisan make:migration alter_table_name

c) php artisan make:migration change_table_name

d) php artisan make:migration update_table_name

Answer: d) php artisan make:migration update_table_name

36: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Query Builder”?

a) To handle database connections and configurations

b) To execute raw SQL queries in Laravel

c) To provide a convenient and fluent interface for building database queries

d) To generate API documentation for the application

Answer: c) To provide a convenient and fluent interface for building database queries

37: Which of the following is the correct way to define a global middleware in Laravel?

a) In the $middleware property of the app/Http/Kernel.php file

b) In the routes/web.php file using the Route::middleware() method

c) In the app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php file

d) In the app/Http/Middleware/GlobalMiddleware.php file

Answer: a) In the $middleware property of the app/Http/Kernel.php file

38: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Events”?

a) To handle form submissions and validation

b) To trigger actions based on specific events in the application

c) To generate HTML templates for views

d) To define API routes for the application

Answer: b) To trigger actions based on specific events in the application

39: Which of the following is the correct way to define a custom validation rule in Laravel?

a) Create a new class in the app/Rules directory and implement the Rule interface

b) Define the validation rule in the app/Http/Validators directory

c) Use the ‘custom’ method in the validation rules array

d) Add a new rule in the config/validation.php file

Answer: a) Create a new class in the app/Rules directory and implement the Rule interface

40: Which Laravel artisan command is used to generate a new migration for creating a pivot table?

a) php artisan make:pivot create_table1_table2

b) php artisan make:migration pivot_table1_table2

c) php artisan make:migration create_table1_table2_pivot

d) php artisan make:pivot_table create_table1_table2

Answer: b) php artisan make:migration pivot_table1_table2

41: Which of the following is the correct way to define a route parameter with a regular expression constraint in Laravel?

a) {parameter:regex}

b) {parameter:pattern}

c) {parameter}/{pattern}

d) {parameter?pattern}

Answer: a) {parameter:regex}

42: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Factories”?

a) To define the structure and behavior of database tables

b) To generate test data for unit testing

c) To handle user authentication and authorization

d) To interact with the application’s database using an object-oriented interface

Answer: b) To generate test data for unit testing

43: Which of the following is NOT a valid relationship method in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM?

a) hasOne

b) belongsToMany

c) hasOnly

d) belongsTo

Answer: c) hasOnly

44: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Scopes”?

a) To define the rules for form validation

b) To define how model data is presented in views

c) To apply common query constraints to a model

d) To handle file uploads and storage

Answer: c) To apply common query constraints to a model

45: Which Laravel artisan command is used to clear the application cache?

a) php artisan cache:clear

b) php artisan clear:cache

c) php artisan cache:flush

d) php artisan flush:cache

Answer: a) php artisan cache:clear

46: Which of the following is the correct way to define a named route with parameters in Laravel?

a) Route::get(‘/path/{parameter}’, ‘Controller@method’)->name(‘route.name‘);

b) Route::get(‘/path/{parameter}’, ‘Controller@method’)->named(‘route.name‘);

c) Route::get(‘/path/{parameter}’, ‘Controller@method’)->route(‘route.name‘);

d) Route::get(‘/path/{parameter}’, ‘Controller@method’)->withName(‘route.name‘);

Answer: a) Route::get(‘/path/{parameter}’, ‘Controller@method’)->name(‘route.name‘);

47: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Collections”?

a) To manage database migrations

b) To handle form validation

c) To work with sets of Eloquent model results as objects

d) To generate HTML templates for views

Answer: c) To work with sets of Eloquent model results as objects

48: Which of the following is the correct way to define a route that responds to multiple HTTP methods in Laravel?

a) Route::match([‘GET’, ‘POST’], ‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

b) Route::any(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

c) Route::methods([‘GET’, ‘POST’], ‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

d) Route::multiple([‘GET’, ‘POST’], ‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

Answer: a) Route::match([‘GET’, ‘POST’], ‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

49: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Observers”?

a) To handle file uploads and storage

b) To define how model data is presented in views

c) To trigger actions based on specific events in the model lifecycle

d) To define middleware functions for route protection

Answer: c) To trigger actions based on specific events in the model lifecycle

50: Which Laravel artisan command is used to generate a new model class?

a) php artisan make:model

b) php artisan generate:model

c) php artisan create:model

d) php artisan new:model

Answer: a) php artisan make:model

51. Which of the following is NOT a valid way to access session data in Laravel?

a) session(‘key’)

b) Session::get(‘key’)

c) request()->session()->get(‘key’)

d) Session::(‘key’)

Answer: d) Session::(‘key’)

52: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Relationships”?

a) To handle user authentication and authorization

b) To define the structure and behavior of database tables

c) To establish connections between different database tables

d) To generate test data for unit testing

Answer: c) To establish connections between different database tables

53: Which of the following is the correct way to define a custom artisan command in Laravel?

a) php artisan make:command CustomCommand

b) php artisan create:command CustomCommand

c) php artisan generate:command CustomCommand

d) php artisan new:command CustomCommand

Answer: a) php artisan make:command CustomCommand

54: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Pagination”?

a) To handle HTTP requests and responses

b) To generate HTML templates for views

c) To split large result sets into smaller, manageable pages

d) To define how model data is presented in views

Answer: c) To split large result sets into smaller, manageable pages

55: Which Laravel artisan command is used to generate a new seeder class?

a) php artisan make:seeder

b) php artisan generate:seeder

c) php artisan create:seeder

d) php artisan new:seeder

Answer: a) php artisan make:seeder

56: Which of the following is the correct way to define a route parameter with a default value in Laravel?

a) {parameter=default}

b) {parameter?default}

c) {parameter=default()}

d) {parameter=default:value}

Answer: b) {parameter?default}

57: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Model Events”?

a) To handle form submissions and validation

b) To define the rules for database migrations

c) To trigger actions based on specific events in the model lifecycle

d) To generate API documentation for the application

Answer: c) To trigger actions based on specific events in the model lifecycle

58: Which of the following is NOT a valid Eloquent relationship method to retrieve related records?

a) hasManyThrough

b) hasManyDeep

c) hasManyNested

d) hasMany

Answer: c) hasManyNested

59: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Accessors”?

a) To handle file uploads and storage

b) To define how model data is presented in views

c) To encrypt and decrypt sensitive data in the database

d) To define middleware functions for route protection

Answer: b) To define how model data is presented in views

60: Which Laravel artisan command is used to generate a new resource controller?

a) php artisan make:resource-controller

b) php artisan generate:resource-controller

c) php artisan create:resource-controller

d) php artisan make:controller –resource

Answer: d) php artisan make: controller –resource

61: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Middleware”?

a) To define the structure and behavior of database tables

b) To handle user authentication and authorization

c) To generate HTML templates for views

d) To manage database migrations

Answer: b) To handle user authentication and authorization

62: Which of the following is the correct way to define a route that matches any HTTP verb in Laravel?

a) Route::any(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

b) Route::match([‘GET’, ‘POST’, ‘PUT’, ‘PATCH’, ‘DELETE’], ‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

c) Route::get(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’)->post();

d) Route::all(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

Answer: a) Route::any(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

63: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Blade Templating Engine”?

a) To handle form submissions and validation

b) To define how model data is presented in views

c) To encrypt and decrypt sensitive data in the database

d) To generate API documentation for the application

Answer: b) To define how model data is presented in views

64: Which of the following is NOT a valid way to access configuration values in Laravel?

a) config(‘key’)

b) Config::get(‘key’)

c) env(‘key’)

d) configuration(‘key’)

Answer: d) configuration(‘key’)

65: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Model Factories”?

a) To generate test data for unit testing

b) To handle file uploads and storage

c) To define how model data is presented in views

d) To manage database migrations

Answer: a) To generate test data for unit testing

66: Which of the following is the correct way to define a relationship where a model belongs to another model in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM?

a) hasOne

b) hasMany

c) belongsTo

d) belongsToMany

Answer: c) belongsTo

67: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Global Scopes”?

a) To define the rules for form validation

b) To handle user authentication and authorization

c) To apply constraints to all queries for a given model

d) To define middleware functions for route protection

Answer: c) To apply constraints to all queries for a given model

68: Which of the following is the correct way to define a route that only responds to HTTPS requests in Laravel?

a) Route::https(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

b) Route::secure(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

c) Route::get(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’)->secure();

d) Route::match([‘GET’, ‘POST’], ‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’)->secure();

Answer: b) Route::secure(‘/path’, ‘Controller@method’);

69: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Polymorphic Relationships”?

a) To handle file uploads and storage

b) To define how model data is presented in views

c) To establish relationships between multiple models with a single association

d) To generate API documentation for the application

Answer: c) To establish relationships between multiple models with a single association

70: Which Laravel artisan command is used to run the database migrations?

a) php artisan run:migrations

b) php artisan migrate:run

c) php artisan migrate

d) php artisan run:database

Answer: c) php artisan migrate

71: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Mutators”?

a) To handle form submissions and validation

b) To define how model data is presented in views

c) To manipulate attribute values before saving them to the database

d) To define middleware functions for route protection

Answer: c) To manipulate attribute values before saving them to the database

72: Which of the following is the correct way to define a named route group in Laravel?

a) Route::name(‘group.’)->group(function() {});

b) Route::group([‘name’ => ‘group.’], function() {});

c) Route::group([‘as’ => ‘group.’], function() {});

d) Route::named(‘group.’)->group(function() {});

Answer: c) Route::group([‘as’ => ‘group.’], function() {});

73: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Soft Deletes”?

a) To define the structure and behavior of database tables

b) To handle user authentication and authorization

c) To perform logical deletion of records without permanently deleting them

d) To generate test data for unit testing

Answer: c) To perform logical deletion of records without permanently deleting them

74: Which of the following is NOT a valid Eloquent relationship method to retrieve related records?

a) belongsToThrough

b) hasManyThrough

c) hasManyDeep

d) belongsToMany

Answer: a) belongsToThrough

75: Which Laravel artisan command is used to generate a new migration for modifying an existing table?

a) php artisan make:migration modify_table

b) php artisan make:migration alter_table

c) php artisan make:migration change_table

d) php artisan make:migration update_table

Answer: d) php artisan make:migration update_table

76: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Service Container”?

a) To define the structure and behavior of database tables

b) To handle user authentication and authorization

c) To manage dependencies and resolve class instances

d) To generate test data for unit testing

Answer: c) To manage dependencies and resolve class instances

77: Which of the following is the correct way to define a global middleware in Laravel?

a) App\Http\Middleware\MyMiddleware

b) app\MyMiddleware

c) my-middleware

d) middleware(‘my-middleware’)

Answer: a) App\Http\Middleware\MyMiddleware

78: What is the purpose of Laravel’s “Eloquent Caching”?

a) To handle HTTP requests and responses

b) To generate HTML templates for views

c) To improve performance by caching query results

d) To define how model data is presented in views

Answer: c) To improve performance by caching query results

79: Which of the following is NOT a valid way to define a relationship where a model has many through another model in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM?

a) hasManyThrough

b) hasManyDeep

c) hasManyNested

d) hasMany

Answer: c) hasManyNested

80: Which Laravel artisan command is used to generate a new migration for creating a new table?

a) php artisan make:migration create_table

b) php artisan make:migration add_table

c) php artisan make:migration new_table

d) php artisan make:migration create_new_table

Answer: a) php artisan make:migration create_table

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