Bible Quiz | Bible Quiz with Answers
1. In which book of the Bible can we find the Ten Commandments?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Deuteronomy
Answer: b) Exodus
2. Who was the first king of Israel?
a) Saul
b) David
c) Solomon
d) Joshua
Answer: a) Saul
3. Who was the author of the majority of the New Testament books?
a) Moses
b) David
c) Peter
d) Paul
Answer: d) Paul
4. What was the name of the prophet who was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind?
a) Elisha
b) Elijah
c) Jeremiah
d) Isaiah
Answer: b) Elijah
5. Who betrayed Jesus to the authorities for thirty pieces of silver?
a) Peter
b) Judas
c) John
d) James
Answer: b) Judas
6. Which book of the Bible is also known as the Apocalypse?
a) Matthew
b) Revelation
c) Daniel
d) Ezekiel
Answer: b) Revelation
7. Who was the father of John the Baptist?
a) Zacharias
b) Joseph
c) Jacob
d) Abraham
Answer: a) Zacharias
8. Which disciple denied Jesus three times before the crucifixion?
a) Peter
b) John
c) James
d) Andrew
Answer: a) Peter
9. What was the name of the city where Jesus was born?
a) Jerusalem
b) Bethlehem
c) Nazareth
d) Jericho
Answer: b) Bethlehem
10. Who was the first disciple to recognize Jesus as the Messiah?
a) Andrew
b) Peter
c) James
d) John
Answer: a) Andrew
11. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the creation of Adam and Eve?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: a) Genesis
12. What was the name of the man who built an ark to save his family and animals from a great flood?
a) Moses
b) Noah
c) Abraham
d) Jacob Answer:
b) Noah
13. Which book of the Bible tells the story of Job, a man who experienced great suffering but remained faithful to God?
a) Job
b) Psalms
c) Proverbs
d) Ecclesiastes
Answer: a) Job
14. Who was the first high priest of Israel?
a) Aaron
b) Moses
c) Samuel
d) Eli
Answer: a) Aaron
15. Which book of the Bible contains the famous verse, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”?
a) Genesis
b) Psalms
c) Matthew
d) John
Answer: d) John
16. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the Tower of Babel?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: a) Genesis
17. Who was the youngest son of Jesse and became the second king of Israel?
a) David
b) Solomon
c) Saul
d) Absalom
Answer: a) David
18. Who was the prophet who spoke out against the evil practices of King Ahab and his wife Jezebel?
a) Elijah
b) Elisha
c) Isaiah
d) Jeremiah
Answer: a) Elijah
19. Which book of the Bible contains the story of Jonah and the big fish?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Jonah
d) Micah
Answer: c) Jonah
20. Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion?
a) Pontius Pilate
b) Herod Antipas
c) Caesar Augustus
d) Tiberius Caesar
Answer: a) Pontius Pilate
Bible Questions | Bible Questions and Answers
21. What was the name of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume and wiped them with her hair?
a) Mary Magdalene
b) Martha
c) Mary of Bethany
d) Joanna
Answer: c) Mary of Bethany
22. Who was the disciple that Jesus loved and is often referred to as the “beloved disciple” in the Gospel of John?
a) Peter
b) James
c) John
d) Andrew
Answer: c) John
23. What was the name of the man who led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses died?
a) Joshua
b) Caleb
c) Gideon
d) Samson
Answer: a) Joshua
24. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the first murder, when Cain killed his brother Abel?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: a) Genesis
25. Who was the king of Israel that was known for his wisdom and wealth, and was the son of David and Bathsheba?
a) Saul
b) Solomon
c) Rehoboam
d) Jeroboam
Answer: b) Solomon
26. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the parting of the Red Sea and the Israelites’ escape from Egypt?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: b) Exodus
27. Who was the king of Babylon who conquered Jerusalem and exiled the Jews to Babylon?
a) Nebuchadnezzar
b) Darius
c) Cyrus
d) Artaxerxes
Answer: a) Nebuchadnezzar
28. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the Good Samaritan?
a) Matthew
b) Mark
c) Luke
d) John
Answer: c) Luke
29. Who was the man who wrote most of the Psalms?
a) Moses
b) David
c) Solomon
d) Asaph
Answer:b) David
30. Which book of the Bible contains the story of Ruth, a Moabite woman who became an ancestor of King David?
a) Ruth
b) Esther
c) Lamentations
d) Daniel
Answer: a) Ruth
Bible quiz questions and answers pdf
31. What was the name of the man who betrayed Jesus with a kiss and handed him over to the authorities?
a) Judas Iscariot
b) Simon Peter
c) Thomas
d) James
Answer: a) Judas Iscariot
32. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: b) Exodus
33. Who was the prophet who had a vision of a valley of dry bones and spoke of a coming resurrection?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Daniel
Answer: c) Ezekiel
34. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the walls of Jericho falling down when the Israelites marched around them?
a) Joshua
b) Judges
c) Ruth
d) Samuel
Answer: a) Joshua
35. Who was the man who was thrown into a den of lions but was protected by God and emerged unharmed?
a) Daniel
b) Joseph
c) David
d) Elijah
Answer: a) Daniel
36. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the queen who saved the Jews from extermination and established the Feast of Purim?
a) Ruth
b) Esther
c) Nehemiah
d) Ezra
Answer: b) Esther
37. Who was the prophet who was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind in a chariot of fire?
a) Elijah
b) Elisha
c) Isaiah
d) Jeremiah
Answer: a) Elijah
38. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the fall of man and the entrance of sin into the world?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: a) Genesis
39. Who was the king of Persia who allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple?
a) Nebuchadnezzar
b) Cyrus
c) Darius
d) Artaxerxes
Answer: b) Cyrus
40. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was swallowed by a great fish and then preached to the city of Nineveh?
a) Jonah
b) Micah
c) Nahum
d) Habakkuk
Answer: a) Jonah
Bible quiz questions and answers pdf
41. What was the name of the man who became king of Israel after Saul’s death?
a) Absalom
b) David
c) Solomon
d) Rehoboam
Answer: b) David
42. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the creation of the world?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: a) Genesis
43. Who was the prophet who saw a vision of a wheel within a wheel and the glory of God?
a) Ezekiel
b) Daniel
c) Isaiah
d) Jeremiah
Answer: a) Ezekiel
44. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the Israelites’ wandering in the wilderness for forty years?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: d) Numbers
45. Who was the king of Babylon who saw the handwriting on the wall and knew that his kingdom would fall?
a) Nebuchadnezzar
b) Darius
c) Cyrus
d) Belshazzar
Answer: d) Belshazzar
46. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the tower of Babel?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: a) Genesis
47. Who was the woman at the well that Jesus spoke to and revealed that he was the Messiah?
a) Mary Magdalene
b) Martha
c) Mary of Bethany
d) Samaritan woman
Answer: d) Samaritan woman
48. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the Ten Commandments?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: b) Exodus
49. Who was the prophet who was told to marry a prostitute and used that experience as a metaphor for God’s relationship with Israel?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Hosea
d) Joel
Answer: c) Hosea
50. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the Israelites’ conquest of the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua?
a) Joshua
b) Judges
c) Ruth
d) Samuel
Answer: a) Joshua
Bible quiz questions and answers for adults
51. Who was the man who was thrown into a fiery furnace but was protected by God and emerged unharmed?
a) Daniel
b) Joseph
c) David
d) Elijah
Answer: a) Daniel
52. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who had a vision of a new heaven and a new earth?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Revelation
Answer: d) Revelation
53. Who was the man who was sold into slavery by his brothers but rose to become a powerful leader in Egypt?
a) Isaac
b) Jacob
c) Joseph
d) Benjamin
Answer: c) Joseph
54. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was swallowed by a great fish and then preached to the city of Nineveh?
a) Jonah
b) Micah
c) Nahum
d) Habakkuk
Answer: a) Jonah
55. Who was the king of Israel who built the first temple in Jerusalem?
a) David
b) Solomon
c) Saul
d) Hezekiah
Answer: b) Solomon
56. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was taken captive to Babylon and interpreted the dreams of the king?
a) Daniel
b) Ezekiel
c) Isaiah
d) Jeremiah
Answer: a) Daniel
57. Who was the man who killed a giant named Goliath with a sling and a stone?
a) Saul
b) David
c) Solomon
d) Absalom
Answer: b) David
58. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the Israelites’ return from exile in Babylon and the rebuilding of the temple?
a) Ezra
b) Nehemiah
c) Haggai
d) Zechariah
Answer: a) Ezra
59. Who was the prophet who was called to be a messenger to the people of Nineveh?
a) Amos
b) Hosea
c) Jonah
d) Micah
Answer: c) Jonah
60. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the king who asked for wisdom and was known for his great wealth and wisdom?
a) Psalms
b) Proverbs
c) Ecclesiastes
d) Song of Solomon
Answer: b) Proverbs
Bible questions and answers for adults
61. Who was the prophet who was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind?
a) Elisha
b) Elijah
c) Isaiah
d) Jeremiah
Answer: b) Elijah
62. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who saw a valley full of dry bones come to life?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Hosea
Answer: c) Ezekiel
63. Who was the king of Israel who was known for his wisdom and wrote many of the Proverbs?
a) David
b) Solomon
c) Hezekiah
d) Josiah
Answer: b) Solomon
64. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who married a prostitute and bought her back from slavery?
a) Amos
b) Hosea
c) Jonah
d) Micah
Answer: b) Hosea
65. Who was the man who was known for his great patience and endured many trials and tribulations?
a) Job
b) Moses
c) Joshua
d) Samuel
Answer: a) Job
66. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the woman who was willing to risk her life to save her people?
a) Esther
b) Ruth
c) Judith
d) Susanna
Answer: a) Esther
67. Who was the prophet who saw a vision of a scroll with writing on both sides and ate it?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Daniel
Answer: b) Jeremiah
68. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the man who was swallowed by a great fish because he disobeyed God?
a) Jonah
b) Micah
c) Nahum
d) Habakkuk
Answer: a) Jonah
69. Who was the king of Israel who was known for his many wives and idol worship?
a) Saul
b) David
c) Solomon
d) Jeroboam
Answer: c) Solomon
70. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who saw a vision of a great army of locusts?
a) Joel
b) Amos
c) Obadiah
d) Nahum
Answer: a) Joel
Hard Bible questions and answers
71. Who was the man who was thrown into a lion’s den but was protected by God and emerged unharmed?
a) Daniel
b) Joseph
c) David
d) Elijah
Answer: a) Daniel
72. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was thrown into a den of lions because he refused to stop praying to God?
a) Isaiah b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Daniel
Answer: d) Daniel
73. Who was the man who led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God?
a) Isaac
b) Jacob
c) Joseph
d) Moses
Answer: d) Moses
74. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the creation of the world and the first man and woman?
a) Genesis
b) Exodus
c) Leviticus
d) Numbers
Answer: a) Genesis
75. Who was the man who built an ark to save his family and many animals from a great flood?
a) Noah
b) Abraham
c) Isaac
d) Jacob
Anwer: a) Noah
76. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) 2 Kings
Answer: d) 2 Kings
77. Who was the man who was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery in Egypt, but later became a powerful leader there?
a) Isaac
b) Jacob
c) Joseph
d) Benjamin
Answer: c) Joseph
78. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was given a vision of God sitting on a throne surrounded by angels?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Amos
Answer: c) Ezekiel
79. Who was the man who was known for his great strength and killed a lion with his bare hands?
a) Samson
b) David
c) Gideon
d) Elijah
Answer: a) Samson
80. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was called by God to marry a prostitute to illustrate God’s relationship with Israel?
a) Hosea
b) Joel
c) Amos
d) Obadiah
Answer: a) Hosea
Bible quiz with answers for youth pdf
81. Who was the man who built the first temple in Jerusalem?
a) David
b) Solomon
c) Hezekiah
d) Josiah
Answer: b) Solomon
82. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was swallowed by a great fish and then preached to the people of Nineveh?
a) Jonah
b) Micah
c) Nahum
d) Habakkuk
Answer: a) Jonah
83. Who was the man who was the first king of Israel?
a) David
b) Solomon
c) Saul
d) Samuel
Answer: c) Saul
84. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was taken to heaven in a whirlwind?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Hosea
d) 2 Kings
Answer: d) 2 Kings
85. Who was the woman who was known for her beauty and became queen of Persia, using her influence to save her people from destruction?
a) Ruth
b) Esther
c) Deborah
d) Hannah
Answer: b) Esther
86. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was thrown into a fiery furnace but was protected by God and emerged unharmed?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Daniel
Answer: d) Daniel
87. Who was the man who was born to Abraham and Sarah when they were very old?
a) Isaac
b) Jacob
c) Joseph
d) Moses
Answer: a) Isaac
88. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who had a vision of a valley full of dry bones coming to life?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Hosea
Answer: c) Ezekiel
89. Who was the man who was chosen by God to lead the Israelites after Moses died?
a) Joshua
b) Samuel
c) Saul
d) David
Answer: a) Joshua
90. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who saw a vision of God sitting on a throne and was called by God to speak to the people of Israel?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Amos
Answer: a) Isaiah
Bible quiz multiple choice with answers pdf
91. Who was the man who was thrown into a fiery furnace for refusing to worship a golden statue, but was protected by God and emerged unharmed?
a) Daniel
b) Shadrach
c) Meshach
d) Abednego
Answer: d) Abednego
92. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was raised from the dead by the prophet Elisha?
a) 2 Kings
b) Isaiah
c) Jeremiah
d) Ezekiel
Answer: a) 2 Kings
93. Who was the woman who was known for her beauty and became the wife of King David?
a) Bathsheba
b) Abigail
c) Michal
d) Tamar
Answer: a) Bathsheba
94. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was called by God to marry a virtuous woman to illustrate God’s faithfulness to Israel?
a) Hosea
b) Joel
c) Amos
d) Obadiah
Answer: a) Hosea
95. Who was the man who was known for his wisdom and wrote many proverbs and songs?
a) Solomon
b) David
c) Moses
d) Job
Answer: a) Solomon
96. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind by a chariot of fire?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Hosea
d) 2 Kings
Answer: d) 2 Kings
97. Who was the man who was known for his great faith and obedience to God, even when asked to sacrifice his son Isaac?
a) Abraham
b) Jacob
c) Joseph
d) Moses
Answer: a) Abraham
98. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was taken captive to Babylon and had a vision of a great statue made of different metals?
a) Isaiah
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Daniel
Answer: d) Daniel
99. Who was the man who was known for his leadership of the Israelites after Joshua died?
a) Samuel
b) Saul
c) David
d) Gideon
Answer: a) Samuel
100. Which book of the Bible contains the story of the prophet who was called by God to preach to the people of Nineveh and led them to repentance?
a) Jonah
b) Micah
c) Nahum
d) Habakkuk
Answer: a) Jonah
Who is traditionally believed to be the author of the Book of Genesis?
A) Moses
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Isaiah
Answer: A) Moses
Which of the following books in the New Testament contains the Sermon on the Mount?
A) Matthew
B) Mark
C) Luke
D) John
Answer: A) Matthew
What is the first book of the New Testament?
A) Revelation
B) Acts
C) Matthew
D) Romans
Answer: C) Matthew
In which book of the Bible will you find the story of Noah’s Ark?
A) Exodus
B) Genesis
C) Leviticus
D) Numbers
Answer: B) Genesis
Who was known as the “weeping prophet” in the Bible?
A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Daniel
D) Ezekiel
Answer: B) Jeremiah
What is the last book of the New Testament?
A) Acts
B) Revelation
C) Jude
D) 2 Corinthians
Answer: B) Revelation
Who was the first man created by God, according to the Bible?
A) Adam
B) Abraham
C) Isaac
D) Jacob
Answer: A) Adam
Which of the Ten Commandments forbids the worship of idols?
A) You shall not murder.
B) You shall not commit adultery.
C) You shall not make for yourself a graven image.
D) You shall not steal.
Answer: C) You shall not make for yourself a graven image.
Who betrayed Jesus to the authorities with a kiss?
A) Peter
B) John
C) Judas Iscariot
D) Thomas
Answer: C) Judas Iscariot
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
A) “Jesus wept.”
B) “God is love.”
C) “The Lord is my shepherd.”
D) “For God so loved the world.”
Answer: A) “Jesus wept.”
Who was the first king of Israel?
A) David
B) Solomon
C) Saul
D) Samuel
Answer: C) Saul
Which prophet was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire?
A) Elijah
B) Elisha
C) Isaiah
D) Ezekiel
Answer: A) Elijah
Which city did Joshua and the Israelites famously march around before its walls fell down?
A) Bethlehem
B) Jericho
C) Jerusalem
D) Nazareth
Answer: B) Jericho
Who was the mother of John the Baptist?
A) Mary
B) Elizabeth
C) Martha
D) Sarah
Answer: B) Elizabeth
Which disciple of Jesus is known as the “doubting” disciple?
A) Peter
B) James
C) John
D) Thomas
Answer: D) Thomas
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who helped the injured man on the side of the road?
A) A priest
B) A Levite
C) A Samaritan
D) A Pharisee
Answer: C) A Samaritan
How many plagues were sent upon Egypt before Pharaoh let the Israelites go?
A) Seven
B) Ten
C) Twelve
D) Fifteen
Answer: B) Ten
Who was the biblical figure known for his wisdom and wealth?
A) Abraham
B) Solomon
C) David
D) Moses
Answer: B) Solomon
What is the first miracle performed by Jesus, according to the New Testament?
A) Feeding the 5,000
B) Turning water into wine
C) Healing the blind man
D) Raising Lazarus from the dead
Answer: B) Turning water into wine
Who was the mother of Jesus?
A) Mary Magdalene
B) Martha
C) Mary of Nazareth
D) Miriam
Answer: C) Mary of Nazareth
Which biblical character is known for his incredible strength?
A) Samson
B) Goliath
C) Jonah
D) Joshua
Answer: A) Samson
What is the shortest book in the New Testament?
A) 2 John
B) Jude
C) Philemon
D) Titus
Answer: A) 2 John
Who was the first martyr of the Christian faith?
A) Paul
B) Peter
C) Stephen
D) John
Answer: C) Stephen
What is the final book of the Old Testament?
A) Isaiah
B) Malachi
C) Zechariah
D) Haggai
Answer: B) Malachi
Who wrote the Book of Psalms?
A) Moses
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Samuel
Answer: B) David
What did God provide to the Israelites in the wilderness to sustain them?
A) Manna
B) Fish
C) Grapes
D) Bread
Answer: A) Manna
Who was the brother of Moses and the first high priest of Israel?
A) Aaron
B) Joshua
C) Caleb
D) Gideon
Answer: A) Aaron
In the story of the Tower of Babel, what did the people try to build?
A) A temple
B) A city
C) A tower to heaven
D) A palace
Answer: C) A tower to heaven
Who was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau?
A) Rachel
B) Leah
C) Sarah
D) Rebekah
Answer: D) Rebekah
Which prophet was known for his vision of a valley of dry bones coming to life?
A) Ezekiel
B) Isaiah
C) Jeremiah
D) Daniel
Answer: A) Ezekiel
Who was the father of the twelve sons who became the founders of the twelve tribes of Israel?
A) Abraham
B) Isaac
C) Jacob
D) Joseph
Answer: C) Jacob
What is the fifth book of the Old Testament, containing the Jewish law and commandments?
A) Exodus
B) Numbers
C) Deuteronomy
D) Leviticus
Answer: C) Deuteronomy
Who was the Roman governor of Judea at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion?
A) Herod Antipas
B) Pontius Pilate
C) Tiberius Caesar
D) Augustus Caesar
Answer: B) Pontius Pilate
Which prophet is often associated with his dramatic confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?
A) Elisha
B) Isaiah
C) Jeremiah
D) Elijah
Answer: D) Elijah
What did Moses receive from God on Mount Sinai, containing the Ten Commandments?
A) The Torah
B) The Ark of the Covenant
C) The Tabernacle
D) The Law Tablets
Answer: D) The Law Tablets
Which apostle is sometimes referred to as “the disciple whom Jesus loved”?
A) Peter
B) James
C) John
D) Andrew
Answer: C) John
According to the Bible, what was the fruit that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden?
A) Apple
B) Fig
C) Grape
D) Forbidden Fruit (not specified)
Answer: D) Forbidden Fruit (not specified)
Who was the Old Testament figure who spent three days and nights in the belly of a great fish?
A) Jonah
B) Moses
C) Job
D) Daniel
Answer: A) Jonah
What was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?
A) Golgotha
B) Bethlehem
C) Nazareth
D) Jerusalem
Answer: A) Golgotha
Who was the biblical figure who interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh and later became a powerful ruler in Egypt?
A) Joseph
B) Benjamin
C) Reuben
D) Levi
Answer: A) Joseph
In the New Testament, who was known for his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus?
A) Paul
B) Peter
C) James
D) John
Answer: A) Paul
Which book of the Bible tells the story of the Exodus and the Israelites’ journey out of Egypt?
A) Leviticus
B) Exodus
C) Numbers
D) Deuteronomy
Answer: B) Exodus
Who was the father of King Solomon?
A) David
B) Saul
C) Solomon had no father
D) Samuel
Answer: A) David
Which prophet saw a vision of a valley filled with dry bones coming to life?
A) Ezekiel
B) Daniel
C) Isaiah
D) Jeremiah
Answer: A) Ezekiel
What is the last word in the Bible?
A) Amen
B) Faith
C) Grace
D) Love
Answer: A) Amen
Who was the disciple that Jesus called to follow him while he was sitting at a tax collector’s booth?
A) Matthew (Levi)
B) Mark
C) Luke
D) John
Answer: A) Matthew (Levi)
Who wrote the majority of the New Testament epistles (letters)?
A) Peter
B) James
C) Paul
D) John
Answer: C) Paul
What animal is often associated with the temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
A) Snake
B) Lion
C) Eagle
D) Goat
Answer: A) Snake
Which biblical figure was known for his wisdom and authored the Book of Proverbs?
A) David
B) Solomon
C) Daniel
D) Jeremiah
Answer: B) Solomon
What event is celebrated on Easter Sunday in Christianity?
A) The Last Supper
B) The Crucifixion
C) The Resurrection of Jesus
D) The Birth of Jesus
Answer: C) The Resurrection of Jesus
Who was the first martyr in the New Testament, stoned to death for his faith?
A) Peter
B) John
C) Stephen
D) Paul
Answer: C) Stephen
What was the name of the city where Jesus was born?
A) Nazareth
B) Bethlehem
C) Jerusalem
D) Capernaum
Answer: B) Bethlehem
What is the central theme of the Book of Job?
A) The Exodus
B) The Messiah
C) Suffering and Faith
D) Creation
Answer: C) Suffering and Faith
Who was the prophet known for his message of repentance and his baptizing of Jesus in the Jordan River?
A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) John the Baptist
D) Elijah
Answer: C) John the Baptist
Which of the following books contains the story of the Tower of Babel?
A) Genesis
B) Exodus
C) Leviticus
D) Numbers
Answer: A) Genesis
What is the name of the river in which John the Baptist baptized people?
A) Jordan
B) Nile
C) Tigris
D) Euphrates
Answer: A) Jordan
Which disciple of Jesus is known for denying him three times before the rooster crowed?
A) Peter
B) John
C) James
D) Andrew
Answer: A) Peter
What is the first line of the Book of Genesis?
A) “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
B) “Let there be light.”
C) “And God said, ‘Let us make man in our image…'”
D) “In the days when the judges ruled…”
Answer: A) “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
What is the name of the angel who announced to Mary that she would give birth to Jesus?
A) Gabriel
B) Michael
C) Raphael
D) Uriel
Answer: A) Gabriel
Which of the following books of the Bible contains the Beatitudes, a collection of teachings by Jesus?
A) Matthew
B) Mark
C) Luke
D) John
Answer: A) Matthew
Who was the great-grandmother of King David?
A) Bathsheba
B) Ruth
C) Esther
D) Leah
Answer: B) Ruth
What was the name of the giant warrior defeated by David with a sling and a stone?
A) Goliath
B) Samson
C) Saul
D) Jonathan
Answer: A) Goliath
In which gospel is the story of the Prodigal Son found?
A) Matthew
B) Mark
C) Luke
D) John
Answer: C) Luke
Who was the disciple known for doubting Jesus’ resurrection until he saw and touched his wounds?
A) Peter
B) James
C) John
D) Thomas
Answer: D) Thomas
What was the name of the city where the Last Supper took place?
A) Jerusalem
B) Bethlehem
C) Nazareth
D) Bethany
Answer: A) Jerusalem
Which biblical figure is known for his coat of many colors?
A) Moses
B) Abraham
C) Isaac
D) Joseph
Answer: D) Joseph
Who wrote the Book of Revelation?
A) Paul
B) John
C) Peter
D) James
Answer: B) John
What is the shortest verse in the Old Testament?
A) “God is love.”
B) “The Lord is my shepherd.”
C) “For I am with you.”
D) “Jesus wept.”
Answer: D) “Jesus wept.”
Who was the first high priest of Israel, anointed by Moses?
A) Aaron
B) Eli
C) Samuel
D) Phinehas
Answer: A) Aaron
Which of the following is not one of the Ten Commandments?
A) You shall not covet.
B) You shall not bear false witness.
C) You shall not eat pork.
D) You shall not commit adultery.
Answer: C) You shall not eat pork.
What was the name of the woman who became a judge in Israel and led the Israelites to victory over the Canaanites?
A) Deborah
B) Esther
C) Ruth
D) Miriam
Answer: A) Deborah
Who was the prophet known for his visions of heaven, including the famous “wheel within a wheel” vision?
A) Ezekiel
B) Daniel
C) Jeremiah
D) Amos
Answer: A) Ezekiel
Which gospel contains the story of the feeding of the 5,000?
A) Matthew
B) Mark
C) Luke
D) John
Answer: D) John
Who was the king of Israel known for his wisdom and the judgment of the two women claiming to be the mother of the same baby?
A) Solomon
B) David
C) Saul
D) Samuel
Answer: A) Solomon
What is the name of the river where John the Baptist baptized people?
A) Nile
B) Euphrates
C) Tiber
D) Jordan
Answer: D) Jordan
Which prophet was known for his dramatic confrontation with the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel?
A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Elijah
D) Elisha
Answer: C) Elijah
What is the last book of the New Testament before the Book of Revelation?
A) Jude
B) 2 Peter
C) 2 Timothy
D) Philemon
Answer: A) Jude
Which biblical figure led the Israelites across the Red Sea on dry land during the Exodus?
A) Moses
B) Aaron
C) Joshua
D) Caleb
Answer: A) Moses
What is the first of the Ten Commandments?
A) You shall not steal.
B) You shall not bear false witness.
C) You shall have no other gods before me.
D) You shall not commit adultery.
Answer: C) You shall have no other gods before me.
Who was the king of Babylon who conquered Jerusalem and took the Israelites into captivity?
A) Nebuchadnezzar
B) Cyrus
C) Darius
D) Belshazzar
Answer: A) Nebuchadnezzar
What is the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before his arrest?
A) Gethsemane
B) Bethany
C) Nazareth
D) Galilee
Answer: A) Gethsemane
Which prophet was known for his vision of a “valley of dry bones” coming to life?
A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel
Answer: C) Ezekiel
Who was the first king of Israel, anointed by the prophet Samuel?
A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Jonathan
Answer: A) Saul
What is the central theme of the Book of Ecclesiastes?
A) Wisdom
B) Love
C) Vanity and Meaninglessness
D) Prophecy
Answer: C) Vanity and Meaninglessness
Who was the Israelite judge and warrior who defeated the Canaanite general Sisera with the help of Jael?
A) Gideon
B) Ehud
C) Barak
D) Deborah
Answer: D) Deborah
Which gospel is known for containing the “Great Commission,” where Jesus instructs his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations?
A) Matthew
B) Mark
C) Luke
D) John
Answer: A) Matthew
Who was the first martyr of the Christian faith, stoned to death for his belief in Jesus?
A) Peter
B) John
C) Stephen
D) Paul
Answer: C) Stephen
What is the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God?
A) Mount Sinai
B) Mount Nebo
C) Mount Horeb
D) Mount Zion
Answer: A) Mount Sinai
Who was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac?
A) Leah
B) Rachel
C) Hagar
D) Sarah
Answer: D) Sarah
Which book of the Bible contains the story of Daniel in the lion’s den?
A) Genesis
B) Exodus
C) Daniel
D) Psalms
Answer: C) Daniel
What was the name of the tax collector who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus?
A) Matthew (Levi)
B) Zacchaeus
C) Bartimaeus
D) Nicodemus
Answer: B) Zacchaeus
Who was the brother of Moses and his spokesperson to Pharaoh?
A) Aaron
B) Miriam
C) Joshua
D) Caleb
Answer: A) Aaron
What was the name of the giant fish that swallowed Jonah?
A) Leviathan
B) Behemoth
C) Moby Dick
D) Great Fish (not specified)
Answer: D) Great Fish (not specified)
Which biblical character is known for his wisdom in solving a dispute between two women claiming to be the mother of the same baby?
A) Solomon
B) David
C) Joseph
D) Daniel
Answer: A) Solomon
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who stopped to help the injured man on the side of the road?
A) A priest
B) A Levite
C) A Samaritan
D) A Pharisee
Answer: C) A Samaritan
Who is the author of the Book of Acts in the New Testament?
A) Paul
B) Luke
C) Peter
D) James
Answer: B) Luke
What is the last book of the Old Testament in the Hebrew Bible?
A) Malachi
B) Zechariah
C) Haggai
D) Nehemiah
Answer: A) Malachi
Who was the Roman emperor when Jesus was born?
A) Augustus Caesar
B) Tiberius Caesar
C) Nero
D) Caligula
Answer: A) Augustus Caesar
What is the name of the mountain where Jesus was transfigured in the presence of Peter, James, and John?
A) Mount Tabor
B) Mount Carmel
C) Mount Hermon
D) Mount Moriah
Answer: C) Mount Hermon
What is the biblical term for the day of rest and worship, often observed on the seventh day of the week?
A) Sabbath
B) Passover
C) Pentecost
D) Jubilee
Answer: A) Sabbath