Food and Nutrition Questions and Answers | Quiz on Nutrition

Food and Nutrition Questions and Answers | Quiz on nutrition: We are going to cover the questions with answers on the same topic.

Food Nutrition

1. Bile helps in:

a. producing enzymes

b. esterification

c. Both a and b

d. emulsification of fats

Ans. d

2. Fat soluble vitamins are:

a. A,D and E

b. B,C and D

c. E,D and B

Ans. a

3. Synthesis of vitamin A takes place in:

a. blood

b. spleen

d. A,B and C

c. pancreas

d. liver

Ans. d

4. Vitamin C is:

a. ascorbic acid

b. aspartic acid

c. lipoic acid

d. nicotinic acid

Ans. a

5. The deficiency of vitamin C causes:

a. anaemia

b. scurvy

c. rickets

d. xerophthalmia

Ans. b

6. Earliest known vitamin is:

a. Vitamin A

b. Vitamin C

c. Vitamin B1

d. Vitamin K

Ans. c

7. Synthesis of vitamin D with the help of sunlight takes place by:

a. skin

b. liver

c. adipose tissue

d. gall bladder

Ans. a

8. Water soluble vitamins are:

a. A,B and C

b. C and D

c. B and C

d. None of these

Ans. c

9. Chronic alcoholics are always short of vitamin:

a. A

b. B

c. C

d. D

Ans. b

10. Vitamin containing a cobalt cyanide linkage is:

a. A

b. B

c. B6

d. B12

Ans. d

Food and Nutrition Questions and Answers

11. Xerophthalmia in children and Nyctalopia (night blindness) in adults is caused by deficiency of vitamin:

a. A

b. D

c. E

d. K

Ans. a

12. Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of:

a. Vitamin C

b. Vitamin D

c. Vitamin K

d. Vitamin A

Ans. a

13. Deficiency of Vitamin K may lead to:

a. failure of clotting of blood

b. non-maturation of ova

c. blastocyst formation in uterus

d neuritis

Ans. a

14. Recently discovered vitamin with anticancer properties is:

a. Vitamin B15

b. Vitamin Q

c. Vitamin U

d. Vitamin B17

Ans. d

15. Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults is caused by the deficiency of:

a. Vitamin A

b. Vitamin B

c. Vitamin C

d. Vitamin D

Ans. d

Quiz on Nutrition

16. Wound healing is enhanced by vitamin :

a. A

b. C

c. D

d. E

Ans. b

17. Pellagra is caused by the deficiency of:

a. thiamine

b. ascorbic acid

c. nicotinic acid (Niacin)

d. calciferol

Ans. c

18. The antihaemorrhagic vitamin is essential for coagulation of blood. It is:

a. B

b. D

c. E

d. K

Ans. d

19. Ascorbic acid is:

a. Vitamin A

b. Vitamin C

c. Vitamin B

d. Biotin

Ans. b

20. The best source of vitamin A is:

a. apples

b. carrots

c. honey

d. peanuts

Ans. b

21. Beri-Beri, which is caused by deficiency of Vitamin B, was discovered by:

a. Stanley

b. Foxon

c. Funk

d. Eijkman

Ans. b

Multiple Choice Questions on Food Processing

22. Vitamins are:

a. inorganic substances that cannot be synthesised by animals

b. inorganic substances that can be synthesised by animals

c. organic substances that cannot be synthesised by animals

d. organic substances that can be synthesised by animals

Ans. b

23. Deficiency of Vitamin D in children causes:

a. beri-beri

b. pellagra

c. rickets

d. osteomalacia

Ans. c

24. Substances required to overcome xerophthalmia derived from carrots is:

a. Vitamin A

b. Vitamin D

c. Proteins

d. Xanthojshyll

Ans. a

25. Vitamin A was discovered by :

a. F.G. Hopkins

b. Richert and Dam

c. Funk

d. Euikmann Christian

Ans. a

Food and Nutrition mcq questions and answers

26. Riboflavin is:

a. Vitamin B1

b. Vitamin B2

c. Vitamin B6

d. Vitamin B12

Ans. b

27. Which is vital for protein metabolism?

a. Thiamine

b. Riboflavin

c. Nicotinic acid

d. Cyanocobalamin

Ans. d

28. Calciferol is:

a. Vitamin A

b. Vitamin B

c. Vitamin C

d. Vitamin D

Ans. d

29. Deficiency of thiamine causes:

a. Scurvy

b. Pellagra

c. Osteomalacia

d. Beri-Beri

Ans. d

30. Certain B vitamins act as:

a. enzymes

b. coenzymes

c. hormones

d. digestive substances

Ans. b

31. Which is the best source of vitamin B1?

a. Cod liver oil

b. Egg

c. Whole wheat bread

d. Curd

Ans. c

Human Nutrition and Dietetics mcqs

32. Deficiency of vitamin A causes:

a. scurvy

b. rickets

c. xerophthalmia

d. xerophthalmia and nyctalopia

Ans. d

33. The enzymes responsible for the digestion of starch in the food of man are present in:

a. saliva and gastric juice

b. saliva and pancreatic juice

c. gastric and pancreatic juice

d. gastric and duodenal juice

Ans. b

34. A vitamin which is excreted in urine usually is:

a. C

b. K

c. B1

d. E

Ans. a

35. Vitamin B2 is related with:


b. NAD


d. ATP

Ans. a

36. The substrate for gastic enzymes renin is:

a. pepsin

b. casein of milk

c. starch

d. lipids of milk

Ans. b

37. Which of the following in an important essential fatty acid?

a. Thiamine

b. Linoleic acid

c. All of the above

d. None

Ans. b

38. Pepsin is an enzyme which acts in:

a. alkaline medium iin stomach

b. alkaline medium in duodenum

c. acidic medium in stomach

d. acidic medium in duodenum

Ans. c

39. Milk protein is acted upon by an enzyme:

a. rennin

b. cassein

c. caesinogen

d. pepsin

Ans. a

Multiple Choice Questions on Food labelling

40. Digestion of carbohydrates is enhanced by:

a. repsin

b. pepsin

c. amylopsin

d. trypsin

Ans. c

41. Pepsin acts only in acidic medium within certain pH limits which is:

a. 1.2-1.8

b. 1.5-2.6

c. 2-2.3

d. 1.00-1.50

Ans. d

42. A doctor advises a person to have more meat, butter, milk and eggs in his duet. The person is suffering from:

a. scurvy

b. nightblindness

c. rickets

d. kwashiorkor

Ans. d

43. The pancreatic juice contains the enzymes:

a. trypsin, amylase, lipase

b. lipase, renin, ptyalin

c. amylase, lipase, lactase

d. pepsin, trypsin, amylase

Ans. a

44. Gastric gland of an in stomach produces an enzyme:

a. insulin

b. gastrin

c. pepsin

d. trypsin

Ans. c

45. Beri-Beri is caused due to deficiency of:

a. Vitamin B1

b. Proteins

c. Enzymes

d. Vitamin B2

Ans. a

food science objective questions and answers pdf

46. Chemically speaking, the enzymes are:

a. proteins

b. lipids

c. vitamins

d. None of these

Ans. a

47. A vitamin needed for production of collagen fibres is:

a. thiamine

b. ascorbic acid

c. retinol

d. tocopherol

Ans. b

48. The total iron content of the adult body is normally:

a. 1 to 3 grams

b. 5 to 6 grams

c. 3.5 to 4 grams

d. 6 to 8 grams

Ans. c

49. Balanced diet should have approximately:

a. 1/5 proteins, 1/4 fats and 1/4 carbohydrates

b. 1/2 proteins, 3/5 fats and 1/4 carbohydrates

c. 1/5 proteins, 1/4 fats and 1/5 carbohydrates

d. 1/5 proteins, 1/5 fats and 3/5carbohydrates

Ans. d

50. Fish liver oil is a rich source of:

a. Vitamin D and A

b. Vitamin B6 and C

c. Vitamin K and E

d. Vitamin B1 and B2

Ans. a

51. The sunshine vitamin prevents the deficiency disease of:

a. scurvy

b. pellagra

c. rickets

d. beri-beri

Ans. c

52. Xerophthalmia, nyctalopia and hyper keratosis are major symptoms of the deficiency of:

a. calciferol

b. carotene

c. tocopherol

d. naphthoquinone

Ans. b

multiple choice questions on indian food

53. Which on of the following vitamins has some physiological effects similar to those of parathormone?

a. Vitamin A

b. Vitamin K

c. Vitamin E

d. Vitamin D

Ans. d

54. The vitamin which is not excreted in urine in higher vertebrates is:

a. Vitamin C

b. Vitamin B2

c. Vitamin A

d. Vitamin B1

Ans. d

55. Curdling of milk is caused by:

a. a large variet of useful bacteria

b. the action of rennin

c. the action of pepsin

d. the high acid content in stomach

Ans. b

56. A person decides to live exclusively on a diet of milk, eggs and bread. He would suffer from:

a. scurvy

b. rickets

c. beri-beri

d. nightblindness

Ans. a

multiple choice questions on food groups

57. Cracks in the corners of mouth, purplish color to tongue, inflammation of eyes and loss of hair are the symptoms of the deficiency of:

a. thiamine

b. riboflavin

c. niacin

d. pyridoxin

Ans. b

58. An organ that assists in the mobilisation of energy reserves for use during periods of starvation is:

a. pancreas

b. liver

c. adipose tissue

d. lungs

Ans. b

59. Vitamins which are needed to be taken orally by food are:

a. fat soluble vitamins

b. water soluble vitamins

c. water soluble vitamins which can be stored in liver

d. fat soluble vitamins which can be stored in liver

Ans. d

60. Peyer’s patches in the wall of alimentary canal are:

a. group of nerve endings

b. group of lymph nodes

c. group of veins

d. group of arteries

Ans. b

61. The major minerals for the formation of body protein are:

a. calcium

b. sodium

c. magnesium

d. All the above

Ans. d

62. Anaemia is caused due to deficiency of:

a. biotin

b. folic acid

c. niacin

d. ascorbic acid

Ans. b

63. The lacteals are central lymph vessels which are found in:

a. liver

b. pancreas

c. villi

d. spleen

Ans. c

food multiple choice questions

64. Pseudorumination is:

a. chewing of food

b. swallowing of food

c. eating own faeces

d. eating the skin

Ans. b

65. The wisdom tooth to man appear at the age of 17-25 years. It is:

a. first premolar

b. first molar

c. last premolar

d. last molar

Ans. d

66. When a man starves, he first of all consumes stored:

a. fats

b. proteins

c. glycogen

d. carbohydrates

Ans. c

67. If a child bleeds, he is prescribed by the doctor:

a. Vitamin C

b. Vitamin K

c. Heparin

d. Vitamin D

Ans. b

68. Following is the example of vitamin A deficiency disorder:

a. Xerosis

b. Fever

c. Deficiency of Vitamin A

c. None of the above

Ans. a

69. The prolonged use of large doses of vitamin A is:

a. Hyper vitaminosis

b. Hyper vitaminosis

c. Hypo vitaminosis

d. All the above

Ans. a

70. Skiagrams of long bones of the limbs may be seen in:

a. Hyper vitaminosis

b. Hypo vitaminosis

c. Both a and b

d. None

Ans. a

71. The macronutrients are called as:

a. Primary principles

b. Proximate principles

c. Both of the above

d. None

Ans. b

72. The example for the macronutrients are:

a. Proteins

b. Fats

c. Carbohydrates

d. All the above

Ans. d

73. Examples for the micronutrients are:

a. Calcium

b. CHO

b. Fats

d. Nutrients

Ans. a

74. Proteins are made up of:

a. Micro nutrients

b. Protenexx

c. Amino acids

d. All the above

Ans. c

75. How many of the amino acids are needed by human body?

a. 24

b. 20

c. 18

d. 30

Ans. a

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